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Jul 19, 2004
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Ok, I am nervous. I have finally decided that maybe just maybe I should work retail. At the begining of my journey in pharmacy school, I had already imagined that I would be doing a residency. As graduation draws near and I go through rotations, I feel totally exhausted. I have lost that desire to be a clinical pharmacist, and also that I would like to take some time off. I do not want to continue in this competitive route anymore. Now this is serious and I want replies that I can use, nothing off the subject I present here. I know people that have already gotten offers in my class, and I have one in the mail and another coming. I am 26 will be 27 at graduation, I feel like I need to start living. I feel like if I continue on this route of constantly putting my career first I will be doing myself some injustice. Not forgetting that I am $150K in debt. What should I do? Also my parents are tired, they do not even want to hear the word residency.

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Ok, I am not a 4th year, I am a first year. BUT I can sympathise with your dilemma. I don't want to work retail and I want to do a residency when I am done, but I can foresee myself going the retail route just from pure exhaustion. I'm looking to clinical in the long term b/c I feel it will be a fulfilling career. Although I find myself questioning that since I will be almost 30 when I graduate and I'm sick of being in school and I just want to start my life. I think alot of people feel that way, especially when you've been putting your life on hold for years for the sake of school.
Is it possible to take a break for a couple of years and then go back and do a residency? If that's an option, maybe you should look into that.
Best of luck and keep us posted as to what you decide.
Ok, I am nervous. I have finally decided that maybe just maybe I should work retail. At the begining of my journey in pharmacy school, I had already imagined that I would be doing a residency. As graduation draws near and I go through rotations, I feel totally exhausted. I have lost that desire to be a clinical pharmacist, and also that I would like to take some time off. I do not want to continue in this competitive route anymore. Now this is serious and I want replies that I can use, nothing off the subject I present here. I know people that have already gotten offers in my class, and I have one in the mail and another coming. I am 26 will be 27 at graduation, I feel like I need to start living. I feel like if I continue on this route of constantly putting my career first I will be doing myself some injustice. Not forgetting that I am $150K in debt. What should I do? Also my parents are tired, they do not even want to hear the word residency.

Well seems to me like you already convinced yourself to go retail. But I tell you what. Yes in retail you start working immediately and you will make nice money. But trust me you earn it and it is stressful. Depending where you work, you may be very stressed out. For example, if you work at Rite Aid or Walgreens or CVS. I know many friends who don't have time to take a lunch. On the flip side, the money is real good. The bad thing as well is that you are the only pharmacist in there. The money will be nice in the beginning, but eventually what might happen is that you might burn out. Retail pharmacy is like ER. You just have to dispense the correct med to correct pt and troubleshoot problems with doctors and insurance companies. It can be stressful.

Yes residency is 1 year and really you should do a specialty as well. However, you will get to do cooler stuff. You will work on the floor doing clinical stuff. Which I think is cooler, and is more difficult. But I wouldn't just get rid of hospital out of your future. I mean you can be a staff/clinical pharmacist. A lot of hospital pharmacists are doing some clinical work and depending on the hospital you may do more or less, but there is definitely opportunity to do clinical work, rounding and all that jazz. You don't neccessarily have to do a residency to be just a clinical pharmacist and you will have shift work hours. Yea money is somewhat smaller than in retail, but its less stressful. Also you have ability to consult with others, b/c you are never alone, so if you don't know, chances are someone else does.

Also if you really want to be a clinical specialist, which is what I think you are talking about with a residency, you do need to do a residency. Although residency is tough, there are places that are less tougher than others.

Another thing that you can do, is to work as a hospital pharmacist for a couple of years and then do a residency, once you already know the people and the system and its easier to do it.

Final advice if you are feeling burned out right now, I would take a year or two off and just work, even though you work you will feel more at ease and relaxed. This way u will make friends and it will be somewhat easier for u to do a residency at a place you work at.

Good luck...
tupac_don said:
Although residency is tough, there are places that are less tougher than others.

You mean Residency is hard to get or it is hard to learn stuff you do in Residency.