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Lux Aeterna

the eternal light
15+ Year Member
20+ Year Member
Jul 17, 2003
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I was looking up something for a med school, and I came across this site that mentioned the med school. I didnt know what this site was, but then I perused the pages, and it seems like a bunch of people are using this service. I'm just curious--are these kind of sites worth the $$$? What kinds of special info is she privy to(or would i have to pay to find out ;) ) , or is she just a premed advisor that can sit down w/ you one on one? Is it stuff that doesn't make its way to SDN? I mean I'd be lost w/o SDN, I've learned a ton about the whole freaking application process that I never knew. But it's nice that all this is free :D

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There are a lot of private counsellors out there, and I think she's one of them. The one that I consulted with was Judy Levine (
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Hrm, what can they tell us that the general internet can't?
if you're on top of things, you're probably fine doing things yourself. if you need a little bit of a kick-start, i guess it might be worth the investment. (but let me reiterate, you can definitely do it yourself... and sdn is probably a better resource than they are either way)
Originally posted by Pinkertinkle
Hrm, what can they tell us that the general internet can't?

Absolutely nothing. They are capitalizing on the fears and anxieties of premed students, kind of like Kaplan and Princeton Review but on a smaller scale.
if you don't have a premed advisory committee, it might help to ask professionals like judy colwell - i found her very accessible and informative