Is "Medical Education" research taken seriously?

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Apr 13, 2016
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Pretty much the title. I have a good amount of experience in education from my past life, and there are a couple of simulation or med-ed-type research projects going on at my school. I haven't started M1 yet, so this is a bit premature, but I know that not all research is given the same weight for residency apps, so I figured I'd ask your thoughts on where medical education research fits. Should I only take on these kinds of projects if I'm definitely going to pursue a future in academics?


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Pretty much the title. I have a good amount of experience in education from my past life, and there are a couple of simulation or med-ed-type research projects going on at my school. I haven't started M1 yet, so this is a bit premature, but I know that not all research is given the same weight for residency apps, so I figured I'd ask your thoughts on where medical education research fits. Should I only take on these kinds of projects if I'm definitely going to pursue a future in academics?


Absolutely should be as long as you have an IRB, appropriate methods, and good research practices.
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Yes, very much so. There are national and international meetings on medical education. The host cities are really nice, too. Last one I was at was in San Diego.

There are at least eight good medical education journals as well.

Pretty much the title. I have a good amount of experience in education from my past life, and there are a couple of simulation or med-ed-type research projects going on at my school. I haven't started M1 yet, so this is a bit premature, but I know that not all research is given the same weight for residency apps, so I figured I'd ask your thoughts on where medical education research fits. Should I only take on these kinds of projects if I'm definitely going to pursue a future in academics?

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IT is taken seriousy. Truthfully any research that is done well will do well. Thing is like 95% of research is crap. I know people dont agree with trump cutting $$ for medical research but to be honest we all know in the back of our minds that alot of it is total and utter crap allowing untalented people to pretend like theyre doing something important.
IT is taken seriousy. Truthfully any research that is done well will do well. Thing is like 95% of research is crap. I know people dont agree with trump cutting $$ for medical research but to be honest we all know in the back of our minds that alot of it is total and utter crap allowing untalented people to pretend like theyre doing something important.

Shots fired :laugh:. I know I'm being redundant, but research is exactly that... Research. If people were just pulling genius ideas out of their magical hats every Sunday it would be really nice... but unfortunately 95% of the time you try, test, and fail. The 5% is the result of all of the trying, testing and failing.
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If you are asking from a residency application perspective, it depends, much like for any type of research. Remember research is the icing on the cake and the cake should be fresh. A stale cake with great frosting is still a stale cake. Alternatively there are lots of great cakes with no icing. Ie:

High Step 1 + Research = high cultivated individual with intellect and curiosity who will become a leader in the field
Low Step 1 (i.e. under 235) + Research = paper pusher, not that smart and you don't have to be smart to publish, just happened to get lucky, jokes on them
High step + no Research = Extremely smart individual, high on match list, any smart person can write a paper
IT is taken seriousy. Truthfully any research that is done well will do well. Thing is like 95% of research is crap. I know people dont agree with trump cutting $$ for medical research but to be honest we all know in the back of our minds that alot of it is total and utter crap allowing untalented people to pretend like theyre doing something important.

I work with a cadre of scientists who will be the reason that several cancers are eradicated in our lifetime. Their research is funded by the NIH. The NIH's total budget is only $40 bn. You never know where the next breakthrough will come from. Next time something so supremely devoid of sense enters your frontal cortex, please do the rest of us a favor and let it stay there. Thank you.
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IT is taken seriousy. Truthfully any research that is done well will do well. Thing is like 95% of research is crap. I know people dont agree with trump cutting $$ for medical research but to be honest we all know in the back of our minds that alot of it is total and utter crap allowing untalented people to pretend like theyre doing something important.

Bold statement. It just so happens that a significant proportion of the so-called "95% of research" that is "crap" serve as important bridges to the landmark findings. You know nothing.
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I work with a cadre of scientists who will be the reason that several cancers are eradicated in our lifetime. Their research is funded by the NIH. The NIH's total budget is only $40 bn. You never know where the next breakthrough will come from. Next time something so supremely devoid of sense enters your frontal cortex, please do the rest of us a favor and let it stay there. Thank you.

You guys are sipping the koolaide. Lots of it. The breakthrough is not coming through those labs. Your inflated egos can't handle the fact that your research is not particularly useful.
You guys are sipping the koolaide. Lots of it. The breakthrough is not coming through those labs. Your inflated egos can't handle the fact that your research is not particularly useful.

Are you basing this off of any experience in research, or are these generalized observations?
You guys are sipping the koolaide. Lots of it. The breakthrough is not coming through those labs. Your inflated egos can't handle the fact that your research is not particularly useful.

Read my username. Do your research. Melanoma.
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Tropical punch koolaid is pretty good :soexcited:
Read my username. Do your research. Melanoma.

haha, you don't know the first thing about melanoma or cancer. heard of avastin? know how many people with cancer avastin has cured? Zero. Zero. Zero. Now go look up the budget of avastin. Ruined our medical system. Anti-PD1 huh, know how much that costs? know how many people have been cured? Zero. Medical personal, we're all cogs in a corporate wheel to make others $$. Get off your righteous high horses or you'll harm your patients with terrible advice breeded from a corporate medical system. Support a single payer system before its too late.
haha, you don't know the first thing about melanoma or cancer. heard of avastin? know how many people with cancer avastin has cured? Zero. Zero. Zero. Now go look up the budget of avastin. Ruined our medical system. Anti-PD1 huh, know how much that costs? know how many people have been cured? Zero. Medical personal, we're all cogs in a corporate wheel to make others $$. Get off your righteous high horses or you'll harm your patients with terrible advice breeded from a corporate medical system. Support a single payer system before its too late.
