Is it too late to apply right now on optomcas?

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Oct 20, 2015
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I was a pre-med student and only recently switched to optometry. I graduated this past may and am currently taking Anatomy and Physiology at a community college. I have been in leadership roles in clubs from undergrad, have shadowed optometrists in California and Tennessee but only have about 20 hours. I have more than 75 hours of volunteer work and am currently volunteering as well.
I recently took my OAT in September of this year and had not worked on my applications until then. I did ok on them, (350 AA and TS score). However, my GPA is on the lower end (3.19). I'm really nervous about if it is too late to apply by the end of this week and if i have a decent chance of getting in. Please let me know!!

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Hey lilindiangrl, I think you should definitely still apply. See if you can get some extra shadowing opportunities set up before you submit your app (even if its something confirmed for a future date and add that into your app with the expected date) that will definitely help you. I think your OATs are strong and though your GPA is on the lower end it will help the committee understand that you are still competitive with your science classes. Just be sure to apply wide, esp schools like MCPHS, UIWSO, Western etc. It will give you a higher chance of getting in somewhere. Good luck!
^Agreed, it's definitely not too late!
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It's definitely not too late. I would call the schools that you are interested in to verify but most schools are still looking at applications and sending out interviews. Good luck with everything!