interview tips?

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May 4, 2007
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I have an interview lined up and i am a little nervous because I don't know what to expect. Can anyone help me out and let me know what kind of questions they might ask?

thank you tons!


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Copied from DPT Thread

For interviews:
Try to say something creative when they ask you a question.

Questions can range from simple straight answer like tell me about yourself to more what would you do in this situation. Just be straight up and dont bullshi* them b.c most of them interview a lot of candidates. Be Humble....

Have a creative way of telling them WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE A PT. Many people say oh b.c I love anatomy and physiology and PT's apply it, or you got injured and had physical therapy, or you had a family member with a disorder.

If they ask you a question like what type of animal are you then be creative. They want you to think fast. Do have a straight up answer and tell them why you are that animal (Dont say b.c I like being a Dog~Say something like Dogs are Alert animals and good companions--- PT'S are good companions to patients during their time of need.) I said giraff on my answer due to darwins evolution and survival of the fittest. (Since they had long necks, most of the short neck giraffs died out since also Physical Therapy school is surviving)

If you do not get in then tell them you will work as a PT tech or try again. They love hearing that.

Why should we take you or what makes you special or what can you bring to the program???

How do you plan on giving back to the field??--Just remember 4 years down when you are working as a PT and someone interested in the field came in and wants to become YOU

What do you see yourself doing in 5 years.

What makes physical therapy stand out over nursing, medicine, etc??

What can you offer in Physical Therapy??

Do you have teaching experiance?

Why did you choose this school or the state???

What qualities should a physical therapist possess

What makes a professional.

How do you handle stress?

My favorite question--A person on your team isnt pulling his or her weight on a project what do you do? How do you deal with this situation?

At the end of the interview also tell them some flaws like how you did bad your first year of college and that you tried hard to raise up your grades. Give them a good logical explanation and DONT BLAIM ANYONE. Most of them see patterns in grades per semester and year..Dont say cause the teacher was a bit** and flunked me or it was anyones fault. Trust me I know. I had an F my first year in college and had to work my a** off pulling my GPA up. Its hard. Tree's dont grow fast enough but they fall down fast when they are cut down. They want a survivor type student.. Some people who had A's pre physical therapy school wind up having B's. It is the way it is.. Deal with it and survive. Dont complain. You want to be a Physical Therapist-right?

Mingle with other people. Try to sell yourself as a people person. During my interviews, I saw some really snotty dipshi*s thinking they are all that and a bag of chips.

Most important, stay positive and dont show any form of anger or depression or thinking you God's gift to humanity. Dont say I think I blew my interview or didnt think I said the best answer or sorry blah blah to anyone (candidate/professor) or I think I am better qualified than most of these people due to my resume, grades, etc at the interview place or to the candidates(This is a HUGE NO NO). Save that when you go away from the building to your car or hotel room.. If they accept you then they will see the "real" you once you in the program.....

No answer is the best or more correct answer. The interviewers just want to feel you out. See what type of person you are.. Thats all~so just act yourself and if you are an a$$hole, keep that to yourself. Trust me, if you make it to the program then the real battle begins with your classmates. Better make friends (Classmates are no competition to see who gets the better grade or jobs at the end~PLENTY of FN JOBS). Expecially with students in the second or third year. They may help with advice, motivation, study skills, and tests. Its gonna get SCARY!!~BUT YOU ARE NOT ALONE~Plenty of people came before you.

Interviews vary from each school. It can be:
Professor ---Candidate or 2-3 candidates
2 Professors- Candidate
2 Professors 1 student- 2-3 Candidates
If 3 or 2 candidates for 1 or 2 professors, the professor will ask 1 question and candidate A responds first then B then C. The second question, candidate B responds then C then A. Third question C first then A then B. Come up with a unique answer. Dont say the same thing, but elaborate on the previous answer.

An essay may be involved. Typically you have 1 hour to write it.

A school tour will be given.. Yes, you will go to cadavier lab.. Yes some schools actually take you inside and see a cadavier. They even let you put on the gloves and feel the orgrans. The lungs are very very spongy~It was a weird but awsome experiance. One interview a girl was all WTF NO WAY BLAH BLAH BLAH, I did not know that we had to see a cadavier or touch one. I laughed and said you didnt know that part of the training was to cut open and explore a dead human? She was speechless and rdy to cry while I wanted tell her to pick another profession or deal with it. Research DAMNIT! That cadavier will be your best friend~deal with it and appreciate the fact that someone gave his/her body to science so you can have a better education. Also show a form of respect to the dead. Plus in school, there will be groups of 4 or 5 per cadavier so one guy/girl like me wouldn't mind cutting it open. You will get use to it --stated by many PT students..

At the end of the interview session, if the person asks you if you have any questions then ask a question or two. Sell yourself as being interested and determined about the program.
Please be yourself. If you are boring, don't pose and try to act the life of the party. If you are a cut-up, don't play it straight. It's easy to see through as an interviewer if you've done more than 2 interviews.

Also, if they ask you "Why you want to be a PT?", for the love of [insert your creator here] don't say "I like to help people". Think of something more genuine that let's them know who you are.

My 2 yen.
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Please be yourself. If you are boring, don't pose and try to act the life of the party. If you are a cut-up, don't play it straight. It's easy to see through as an interviewer if you've done more than 2 interviews.

Also, if they ask you "Why you want to be a PT?", for the love of [insert your creator here] don't say "I like to help people". Think of something more genuine that let's them know who you are.

My 2 yen.

do you think wearing a suit that day is a must or is black/grey pants and a button down shirt alright....if you're a female...

I've seen everything from suits to dresses - and I think they are both appropriate for women. One very odd young girl even wore a sweatsuit to her interview. It was a nice sweatsuit mind you but a sweatsuit nonetheless.

I think it is really up to you. Wear something nice that allows you to be comfortable and professional. Don't get cute with your clothing or try anything silly to stand out. It usually ticks folks off more than anything.

I promise your interactions with the interviewers will leave more of an impression than your clothes. Good luck. Smile and have fun.

I just went to an interview last Friday, and most of the girls had on either a pant/skirt suit or nice slacks with a button down shirt. Just make sure that you feel confident in what ever you decide to wear, if you are uncomfortable in a suit then don't wear one because they will notice that you are fidgeting and not comfortable.
