I want everyone 2 know:


15+ Year Member
Oct 11, 2008
Reaction score
That yesterday was the end of the 3rd quarter for my school, I am so happy one more quarter and i'll be done with High school!

12th grade is rly pointless and i just want to move on with my life and go to college already. And im happy b/c my girlfriend got into her school of choice and she wants to do High school education (English):

"Hey Mike"
"Hey Beck whats ^?"
"I got accepted!!"
"Omg thats amazing im so happy for you!"
"I know I gonna go write a blog about it"
"Ok c u l8er love you bye"

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Well I'm glad for you and your girlfriend. I guess it's just the one last quarter, and it's going to be an interesting one to say the least.

Good luck in college and let the rest of life go well.
Well I'm glad for you and your girlfriend. I guess it's just the one last quarter, and it's going to be an interesting one to say the least.

Good luck in college and let the rest of life go well.

Yeah I will miss my friends but 4 of my rly rly close friends will be going to extremely nearby other colleges too. Congrats to you for any possible/obtained admissions to ur favorite schools!
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Sounds great ! :thumbup:
Haha, you know it's funny, I'm in a very similar situation and feeling. I've gotten accepted to dental school and My last quarter of my Undergrad just started this week. I just want to get done and into dental school already! Haha, and my name is also Mike. =p
man... i am honestly tired of waiting for this year to end. the days feel long, yet the time passes quickly. does that make any sense?

well anyway, congrats for both your gf and yourself!

graduation is going to feel good :)

YES! I am right there with you lol, I cannot wait to finish this year, I am just so bored in high school it really is pointless, half of my classes are practically blowoffs but they are required like tech and speech...
Haha, you know it's funny, I'm in a very similar situation and feeling. I've gotten accepted to dental school and My last quarter of my Undergrad just started this week. I just want to get done and into dental school already! Haha, and my name is also Mike. =p

Wow thats rly cool, I want to do dentistry also, I managed to get into a bs/dds accelerated, and I read somewhere that dentists who have mike as a first name are so much cooler then the rest XD