Medical How does a poor GPA impact MD/PhD chances?

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I'm not holding my breath for an acceptance but want to try at an MD/PhD. From what I understand, MSTPs won't look at a low GPA and my best (long) shot are at non-MSTPs, correct?
Without actual numbers as well as an MCAT score, it's hard to say what your chances are. Some programs may overlook a sub-par GPA if MCAT score and research experience can compensate for it, while some programs, indeed, will screen out applicants based on statistics. Your specific application may be looked over or it may not.

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MSTP is super-competitive and the peer group that applies for these positions will have super-high GPA's and definitely MCAT scores. Often times connections among researchers can help but usually won't override for an applicant with a lower GPA for MSTP. That said, you should look anyway at whether any schools you are applying to have strong research programs. There are lots of opportunities to do research regardless of where you go to medical school, and that diversity of institution among those research programs could play in your favor provided you are doing well in medical school.
Please check out the “What are My Chances?” Sticky on the Physician Scientists board for more in depth info about what makes a competitive MD/PhD app. Link below.

What are my chances? Read before asking. [Updated 2019]

The MSTP designation signals that the NIH is supporting the program with a T32 training grant. While this designation is definitely a stamp of approval for the program, it does not necessarily mean that all MSTPs are just as competitive as eachother. For example, the MD/PhD program at Iowa Carver is an MSTP and the average GpA and McAT for applicants who were made offers of admission are about 3.8/515. Higher than the MD only side, yes, but this is still significantly lower than many other MSTPs.

Link to Iowa stats below.
Frequently Asked Questions | MSTP

There are some newer MSTPs who will not be as competitive for some years but are still fantastic programs worth applying to. UTHSCSA /Long and UTH/McGovern to give two examples.

More important than GPA and McAT are the quality of your research experiences and LoRs from research mentors. On the MD only side an impressive research resume won’t necessarily encourage adcoms to forgive flaws in your academic metrics, but on the MD/PhD side it certainly can. That doesn’t mean all flaws can be forgiven however. When I was at an MD/PhD fair an adcom told me quite candidly after I told them my GPA and MCAT that a 520 would “dispel any doubts they had about my ability to handle medical school” and I have a 516! At the end of the day that 516 didn’t stop me from getting 19 IIs and several offers so I’m certain the rest of my app pulled me through.

We would need more information to give more specific advice.
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