Medical How do you transfer medical schools?

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Oct 27, 2013
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Hi! I am trying to figure out how realistic transferring medical schools would be for me. I am a M2 who has finished didactics and is currently studying to complete Step 1. While I was in school, I was in an abusive marriage and had to take a year off to realize this and flee. Since I have returned, I have lucked out because the pandemic has made it so my work is virtual for the most part and I can remain at my home institution at this time without living in the area (where my ex-spouse currently resides) but I am afraid to move back for clinicals. Am I able to transfer to a location I feel safer in? How receptive would schools be to helping me? My grades my first two years are not as good as I would want since I was actively dealing with abuse during those years, but my undergrad GPA is strong (4.0) and I think I got a 513 on my MCAT?
I transferred medical schools and knew a few others who did personally as well. Transferring can be tricky, and it is very situation dependent. Is there a school near your hometown or where you would have some sort of support?

You need to start looking yesterday. Some schools accept transfers, some don't. Websites will typically state this - either under a transfer tab or under the FAQs. If it's not under either, call them and talk to admissions.

Basically it is possible in general, but it will depend on the schools around where you'd have support and a reason for transferring. You'd need to be open and up front about the issue as that will be the reason for them taking the chance on you with a transfer. I'd look at the websites ASAP and start emailing/calling ASAP to see if they have the ability to take on a transfer student so that you can order your previous transcripts and what not.

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For the schools that do accept transfers, a few things have to happen:

1) They have to have space. Meaning someone needs to have dropped out or failed, and someone from a previous class could not have filled that gap for the graduation year you'd be looking to join.

2) Do the curriculums line up? This matters less with you going into 3rd year as didactics are done, but not every M1 and M2 year line up evenly leaving potential gaps if transferring between M1 and M2.

3) Do you meet the schools requirements as if you were a new applicant? GPA and MCAT basically.

4) Do you meet their Step 1 requirement? While passing matters the most, when it comes to transfers, schools often want to see that you have AT LEAST average for their school. **** Keep in mind that when transferring for 3rd year, well.... they need your school. This translates to you needing to take Step 1 early. I.e. in May as to have your score back in time to send over to be evaluated in the context of the rest of your app. So I dont know if you're planning on taking it in July or June, but I'd attempt for May or at latest early June

** 4.2 You also have to be mindful of not only your current school schedule, but also the potential school schedule. If your current school doesn't started 3rd year until July, but the school you want to transfer to starts in June, well that pushes up your timeframe for getting materials submitted and taking step as mentioned.

5) Schools want to know why that school based on your situation. While I can't say for every case ever of course, I can state for my own case and for every case I know via the individuals I know personally who transferred, everyone transferred to a school that was close to home (usually the closest).

6) Does your current school know the situation and are they supportive? I mention this because some accepting schools want a letter from the dean of good standing or as a letter of rec. Some don't have this requirement. If you don't have a supportive school, or they are vindictive like the school I initially attended, then this could be difficult. Regardless, if a letter of sorts is needed, this could also take time, and time is of the essence as it is just about May.
I'm so sorry you had to face this.

@MusicDOc124 has done an outstanding job outlining the various considerations above. It's doable, but very school- and situation-dependent. There is no way to figure this out short of cold-contacting your target schools.
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