How depressed are you supposed to get on MS3 surgery?

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Wow, you're a scumbag.

No, if I was a scumbag I would've linked to his post and otherwise been an ass. It's information he himself provided. As I was reading over his last set of nonsense with me, someone called him out for his shenanigans after which he claimed that no one could even figure out what his initials were, therefore he had no reason not to be an ass. It was partially a response to that hilarious bit of irony and partially a reminder that his actions aren't as anonymous as he would have hoped. Considering he is about to be or currently is a MD I thought it might be worth thinking about leaving teenage behavior behind, but clearly I was wrong.

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How about that psych rotation. not only do ugly people have kids. but you have these people barely 30yo already on social security, effectively retired. and they sometimes bring their kids from different baby daddies to the shrink. what are you talking?? why would i have to cook if my woman cooks?? I see all too often how guys settle for ugly useless women. When I want to feel good about myself I go to mcdonalds and observe how a nonfat guy is there with a fat woman who not only does not cook (or why else would they eat at mcdonalds?) but is also fat. You need that for "free" sex? You know taking step2 in 2weeks i realize how useless i am as a person. successful people my age go to wall street and shake hands with other successful people. I am studying for some stupid test that requires very little intelligence. And most likely I'll never own a bentley:(
People your age on Wall Street are sitting in front of Microsoft Excel for 90 hours a week.
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Wow, you really think clinical Psychiatry is this way? Sorry you had that as your experience. Besides maybe the Surgery-type, most people after Psych had some level of compassion for those afflicted by mental illness:

Something tells me you're of the Asian persuasion.

I can't even breach the chasm of boredom being opened up by his/her empty soul to even bother with anything approaching a response to a particular item of mention.

But other than that let's all chill.

We should strive to dig and be dug. Unless you're a boring douche. I have no quarrel with any of you.
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I can't even breach the chasm of boredom being opened up by his/her empty soul to even bother with anything approaching a response to a particular item of mention.

But other than that let's all chill.

We should strive to dig and be dug. Unless you're a boring douche. I have no quarrel with any of you.

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You're a scumbag because someone pisses you off during an argument on the internet, so you not so subtly threaten them with real life repercussions. You seem more suited to being a prison guard than a physician.

"a reminder that his actions aren't as anonymous as he would have hoped. Considering he is about to be or currently is a MD"

-Were you malevolently cracking your knuckles as you typed that?

Did Nick hurt your fee fees in another thread or something? You're taking this way too seriously.

Thanks for the random wikipedia article though.
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I was the subject of the post and I couldn't care less. Don't know why he's so upset.
Eh I don't really like NickNaylor either. I've never in my life seen anyone say so much without actually saying anything. Classic kissass med student.
Did Nick hurt your fee fees in another thread or something? You're taking this way too seriously.

Thanks for the random wikipedia article though.
He's a premed, hence his clutching of pearls response.
Eh I don't really like NickNaylor either. I've never in my life seen anyone say so much without actually saying anything. Classic kissass med student.
Pot meet kettle. Please tell us how he's a kiss***. This should be interesting.
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Sooo ... MS3, surgery, depression, yeah. Hope I enjoy it. I just need to find some good shoes. Crocs? Danskos or whatever they are now?

Your feet are going to hate you no matter what. I have both a pair of Danskos (wore during surgery) and a pair of Crocs (wore during IR procedures) and I have to say that I like the Crocs better. It's up to you, though. Just make sure you get something that is thick enough that sharps won't go through and is easy to clean.
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It is really not that demanding physically. You're not even as physically engaged as the operator. Residents can kick u out and u don't even spend 10 hrs operating. Surgeons are 50yo and don't have foot or back pain. So if u do u are just a *****. And I have no interest in surgery.
To be more on topic:

In med school, surgery was the only time period where I felt like I was close to having depressive s/s. It was horrid, mainly because after a month, I was done with it, but I had to continue with the rotation, waking up at god awful hours(and people who know me know I GODDAMN HATE waking up super early), being in operating room cases I don't care about, wanting to go home and have a life, and residents getting surprised that I wasn't interested in a surgical career. Even on days off, I didn't want to do any hobbies, didn't care about eating much, or had a hard time sleeping. Working so many hours on something that you have 0 interest for and hatred towards is very draining. Just remember, that all things come to an end, get through it, remember you are just a student, and thus can be shielded from certain things, and before you know it, you'll move onwards to better things.
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It is really not that demanding physically. You're not even as physically engaged as the operator. Residents can kick u out and u don't even spend 10 hrs operating. Surgeons are 50yo and don't have foot or back pain. So if u do u are just a *****. And I have no interest in surgery.

Gonna go ahead and guess it has more to do with your feet and back adapting to the stresses of repeated long surgeries, but yeah the being a little ***** theory is good too.
Union nurses, particularly the ones in New York, have a reputation for doing exactly what is required of them according to their contract, and not one iota more...

And sometimes they simply don't do things, and make up policies of what they don't do without providing one iota of proof (e.g. IV push).
Eh I don't really like NickNaylor either. I've never in my life seen anyone say so much without actually saying anything. Classic kissass med student.


Ha, I had to be there before 4AM sometimes during internship.

Not once on my gen surg clerkship was the intern or resident there before me. Maybe that just goes to show how incredibly slow I am, but the residents would regularly roll in around 6:15 each morning. Not a bad gig all things considered, though perhaps this was unusual for the rotation.
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Surgeons are 50yo and don't have foot or back pain. So if u do u are just a *****.

Yes they do.

Repetitive stress injuries and minor aches and pains are extremely common among surgeons.

It's just that usually they've been waking up with back pain every day for a decade at that point, so you don't hear them complaining about it as often.
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data entry on excel? You could do research if that is your thing.

Unless you are doing shift work, entering at 4am is ridiculous. Yes surgery attendings are ridiculous.

Were you involved in IB or do you have some buddies that are? I've known a few people that have gone into finance, and you describe their experience in the first few years to the T. It's not as glamorous as college students seem to think it is - at least until you "pay your dues" (and are lucky enough to make it through - most people say roughly 50% of people wash out before moving out of entry level positions).

That said, there are definitely some positions available. One of my classmates' fiance studied physics and is currently working at a small trading firm. She does quant work and 3 years out of college is making bank (i.e., enough to pay for both of them to have a fantastic trip to Italy for a couple of weeks): easily six figures, and if she stays at the firm and continues to do well will almost certainly be pulling 7 figures by the time she's 30. An exception to the rule? Probably. But these your-life-is-set opportunities definitely exist.
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Eh I don't really like NickNaylor either. I've never in my life seen anyone say so much without actually saying anything. Classic kissass med student.

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Or how about this cringe factory?

But I digress. Back on topic -- surgery sucks but it's alright guys, you'll make it through.
Seriously guys, stop this. You are being ridiculous. Also that is hardly cringeworthy - it's geared towards helping premeds, you jerk.
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Were you involved in IB or do you have some buddies that are? I've known a few people that have gone into finance, and you describe their experience in the first few years to the T. It's not as glamorous as college students seem to think it is - at least until you "pay your dues" (and are lucky enough to make it through - most people say roughly 50% of people wash out before moving out of entry level positions).

That said, there are definitely some positions available. One of my classmates' fiance studied physics and is currently working at a small trading firm. She does quant work and 3 years out of college is making bank (i.e., enough to pay for both of them to have a fantastic trip to Italy for a couple of weeks): easily six figures, and if she stays at the firm and continues to do well will almost certainly be pulling 7 figures by the time she's 30. An exception to the rule? Probably. But these your-life-is-set opportunities definitely exist.
No to both questions, but I was interested in it. Investment banking is dumb kids with pedigree. Quant trading is smart kids who probably have pedigree.
Or how about this cringe factory?

But I digress. Back on topic -- surgery sucks but it's alright guys, you'll make it through.

Easy to **** on people from the depths of anonymity, hard to stick your neck out there in an attempt to be helpful. Whatever makes you feel better about yourself, bud.
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Easy to **** on people from the depths of anonymity, hard to stick your neck out there in an attempt to be helpful. Whatever makes you feel better about yourself, bud.
You forget this is SDN. Apparently all answers to premed admissions decisions are supposed to be inherently known. @Kaputt, what you just did is totally cringeworthy.
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No to both questions, but I was interested in it. Investment banking is dumb kids with pedigree. Quant trading is smart kids who probably have pedigree.

Yeah, definitely seems to be a pedigree issue (she did, of course, come from a top 5 undergrad which I'm sure opens the doors to opportunities like this). Coming from my lackluster college I didn't even realize career pathways like this existed.
Guys post that video of models and bottles. Can't get it off my phone. But it is realinspirational
Yeah, definitely seems to be a pedigree issue (she did, of course, come from a top 5 undergrad which I'm sure opens the doors to opportunities like this). Coming from my lackluster college I didn't even realize career pathways like this existed.
Yeah the difference is night and day. U either hang out with those elite grads or u ask those sickly aids patients in er if there is anything u can do to make their Guardia lamblia feel better
Yeah the difference is night and day. U either hang out with those elite grads or u ask those sickly aids patients in er if there is anything u can do to make their Guardia lamblia feel better

There's no point in dwelling on it. Unless you went to an Ivy, MIT, Stanford, or maybe a few other schools, it's unlikely that you ever had a shot at investment banking.
There's no point in dwelling on it. Unless you went to an Ivy, MIT, Stanford, or maybe a few other schools, it's unlikely that you ever had a shot at investment banking.
Yeah i didn't have what it takes:[((((
Yeah, sorry it was a bit out of line to post that and I apologize. I just remember seeing that video a while ago and thinking it was a bit pretentious. Sometimes I feel the premed advising here gets a bit self-important, as if people think they're minor celebrities here. Whatevs, it was out of line. Overall you're a good dude, Nick.

I'll remove my post
My understanding was people from SDN sent questions about the med school experience to them and they answered them. Watching it now, it's a great resource for school selection cutting through the med school propaganda brochures.
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Yeah, definitely seems to be a pedigree issue (she did, of course, come from a top 5 undergrad which I'm sure opens the doors to opportunities like this). Coming from my lackluster college I didn't even realize career pathways like this existed.

Same, I met a buddy of mine several years after I finished UG. He majored in applied mathematics (or something like this) at Harvard, worked on wall street as an analyst for Merrill, went on to HBS, now trades commodities for a living. I didn't know this world even existed much less how to enter it.
Same, I met a buddy of mine several years after I finished UG. He majored in applied mathematics (or something like this) at Harvard, worked on wall street as an analyst for Merrill, went on to HBS, now trades commodities for a living. I didn't know this world even existed much less how to enter it.
Yeah u can tell how some 40 yo drs are frustrated that they're not part of that world. Some of them wish their wife would've left them for an I banker. But get real. Their wife could never be hot enough to pique a bankers interest
Yeah u can tell how some 40 yo drs are frustrated that they're not part of that world. Some of them wish their wife would've left them for an I banker. But get real. Their wife could never be hot enough to pique a bankers interest
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Surgery training with a baby must be ridiculous. Those people need some kind of medal.
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Surgery training with a baby must be ridiculous. Those people need some kind of medal.
I agree. The toll a surgery residency can take on a marriage is unbelievable. I'm surprised honestly, that the group doesn't have more miscarriages.
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