Hey Epic/ZpackSux.....

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imagine sisyphus happy
20+ Year Member
Jun 23, 2003
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Yeah, you want one....you know it....you could wear it the first time you mow your grass in your green and yellow lawnmower in a few weeks.

God damn, I'm from West Virginia. :cool:

It's actually part of my "trivia shark" getup that won me 115,000 tickets at Dave & Buster's. The more people that play, the more tickets can be won. People would think twice about playing a kid with a school of pharmacy shirt on. But if I wear this and a dirty WVU ball cap...maybe a pair of Wrangler jeans....speak in my natural Western Appalachian accent...I'm just a simple country boy...I don't know anything about history or science...I bet if you and your 5 friends from MIT played me, you'd be sure to whip me.....mmmhmmm...a few hours later, I win a Playstation 3. :smuggrin:

But that doesn't matter...I smile as I taste your sweet, sweet tears of jealousy.

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There looks to be only a handful of entries on it ;)

Nice hoodie... I have a matching hat...
And the color temperature of your picture is little hot...so I thought I would fix it for you...:smuggrin:

I just thought about something... we know where you live, we know your name, we know where you hang out, we know that you're a pharmacy nerd, and we know what you look like.

You better watch out at Dave and Buster's. One day, I'm gonna walk in there and play trivia, and you're gonna think, this brainy chick knows too many answers. Then after I beat you at your own game, I'm gonna get a pink sweatshirt with my D&B's credits, take a picture of me in it, and post the picture on SDN :laugh:. I'm gonna buy a girly video game too just for the kicks!
I just thought about something... we know where you live, we know your name, we know where you hang out, we know that you're a pharmacy nerd, and we know what you look like.

I'm not afraid of the interwebs, nor its inhabitants. Now if you losers told me your real names and send me pictures, we'd be even. I actually put my picture on here a few years ago, too. Those who pay attention knew what I looked like long ago. That thread was classic...like 4 different posters hit on me....I think one of which was gay....or I was accused of looking gay...something like that. I seriously don't look old enough to be a pharmacist, though. That picture seriously ages me by about 5 or 6 years....I'll look cool at age 30....

You better watch out at Dave and Buster's. One day, I'm gonna walk in there and play trivia, and you're gonna think, this brainy chick knows too many answers. Then after I beat you at your own game, I'm gonna get a pink sweatshirt with my D&B's credits, take a picture of me in it, and post the picture on SDN :laugh:. I'm gonna buy a girly video game too just for the kicks!

You'd actually have to beat me first off. I seriously have roughly 1 in 3 questions memorized out of a question bank I'm pretty sure is well into the thousands. It's probably cheating in some way....just like I like it....
I'm not afraid of the interwebs, nor its inhabitants. Now if you losers told me your real names and send me pictures, we'd be even. I actually put my picture on here a few years ago, too. Those who pay attention knew what I looked like long ago. That thread was classic...like 4 different posters hit on me....I think one of which was gay....or I was accused of looking gay...something like that. I seriously don't look old enough to be a pharmacist, though. That picture seriously ages me by about 5 or 6 years....I'll look cool at age 30....
Are you talking about that cereal box picture?

Yeah. It's the Clarinex cereal.