Give up or try again?

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What will you do if you don't get in this year?

  • Reapply next year

    Votes: 43 72.9%
  • Give up and move on to something else

    Votes: 9 15.3%
  • Too soon to tell

    Votes: 7 11.9%

  • Total voters

Amy B

I miss my son so much
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Just wondering the percentage of applicants who are going to try again if they don't make it this year?

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I would have definitely tried again. Maybe not necessarily in the upcoming year, but I wouldn't cancel out the idea of reapplying.

You can always postpone applying but just don't give up...
Originally posted by BushBaby
I would have definitely tried again. Maybe not necessarily in the upcoming year, but I wouldn't cancel out the idea of reapplying.

You can always postpone applying but just don't give up...

I totally agree. It is amazing what a difference a year or two can make. That was the reason behind me starting this thread. TO give people hope that being rejected one year, doesn't mean the same thing will happen the next time they apply.
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I would reapply. I have been rejected twice before. I finally got in on my third try..... but had made plans to reapply next year if I would not have been accepted. NEVER GIVE UP!, especially if it is your dream.
I am also in a masters program applying this year, although I got off to a very late start. I didnt even bother applying the first time around: I got a 29O, with a 9 in Bio. Tried again this year, and got a 29 AGAIN, but improved to an 11 on BIO, and a Q on the writing sample.

Will I get rejected this year? Who knows, most probably unless something miraculous happens: I found out that one of my LOR writers didnt send out the letters. But will I try again? Most definitely! I dont know how to quit, plus I have a lot of cool experience (volunteering abroad, interning with the UN), and if I get caught with the interview on the right day, I am one of those people that can transmit the right amount of fervor.

Long winded, but the answer is definitely yes.

BTW, I'm also a Nigerian on the East Coast. Bush Baby, we should IM each other!
I really don't know what I'll do if I don't get in this year. This reapplying and reapplying is getting really old. I have some other options that I'd rather not take but may well chose to do so if I don't get in.
3rd times the charm. (hopefully it will be second time, but if not then 3rd!)

it sucks to even think about applying again, its already breaking my heart, and i have only received one rejection so far. so this re-applying business is a bit premature, even though i have already decided on my new strategy for next year.

keep the hope alive, but prepare for the worst!
Chrisobean and Megalofyia,

I feel for both of you. It took me four times to finally get in. I know that you both will get in. The best advice that I can give while you are waiting is to not give up and keep having faith that you WILL get in. Please dont be discouraged. This is much easier said than done. After my second and third rejection I got really, really depressed and nearly gave up. I am SOOOO glad that I gave it another try. Sometimes things happen when we least expect it.

I would be more than happy to chat or email with you guys. If you would like any advice or would just like to vent, I would be happy to hear you out.

Please, dont give up. That is one quality that makes a great physician. Good luck.

Aaron Earles, out of curiosity, would you have applied a 5th time? This IS my 4th time applying. Granted I don't REALLY count my first time because I should have known better than to apply then.

Yes, I would have reapplied again. In matter of fact, I did not expect to get in this time. When I was accepted, I had already made plans to retake the mcat and continue working in my current field.

I withdrew my application the second time I applied because I become discouraged and listened to everyone else. People tried to get me to give up and move on to other things. Some were not to kind about it either. Some people say that you should give up after two or three times, but I disagree with that. If you want something, you have to work hard and keep trying.

I know it sounds easy for me to say not to give up, but I was in that boat as well. It is still early in the decision process. Two years ago I was placed on the alternate list at WVSOM, but failed to get in. When I applied this year, I thought that I would get in, but I was waitlisted. My point is you never know who will give you shot.

Good luck with the remainder of your interviews. I know you will get in sometime soon.

I applaud those of you who keep trying beyond 2 times. It takes a lot of determination and self-sacrifice to not give up. Personally, I would apply again next year, but I probably wouldn't after that.

Besides allo and osteo schools, have people considered other healthcare options like nursing, physician's assistant, pharmacy, dentistry, etc if they don't get accepted after a few times?