Feeling really down!!!

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Well full time tuition is a flat rate and I had a 3/4 scholarship, plus Florida Bright Futures full state scholarship courtesy of the lotto, so I didn't have to pay out of pocket... BUT the one time I took a summer class it cost $4,050 and my parents were thirty eight hot because I told them my scholarship would cover it (what an idiot) and come to find out it was only good for 8 semesters so it was either that, or pay for the full Spring semester before I graduated. :eek:

Well I can see how it worked out then. Still that is crazy money. At the university I am looking into, there tuition is really cheap. My cousin goes to the same school and she takes about 13-14 credit hours and is paying about a total of $4000 per semester.

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So that is what it really is then. Congrats. My great grandmothers died back in the 80s and 90s. She is drinking at that age?

Well I once asked her how she got so old and she told me 'everything in moderation'. lol
Well I can see how it worked out then. Still that is crazy money. At the university I am looking into, there tuition is really cheap. My cousin goes to the same school and she takes about 13-14 credit hours and is paying about a total of $4000 per semester.

That's not bad. I'm just taking a lab next semester at my local college and it's a little more than 100 dollars. That's less than most probably spent today on their PS3 or whatever it is those "friday after thanksgiving" people buy. lol
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That's not bad. I'm just taking a lab next semester at my local college and it's a little more than 100 dollars. That's less than most probably spent today on their PS3 or whatever it is those "friday after thanksgiving" people buy. lol


Man I am missing out. I need to get me one of those PS3s. Did not feel like standing outside Best Buy at 3:00 this morning.
I did somewhat OK on the PCAT. The composite score was 71 so I will have to retake this maybe in August to improve on the areas that I pretty much bombed. :(

To make matters worse, I now found out that my Biology I and II credit hrs will not meet pre-pharm requirements (had this hovering over my head for a while now when I learned there was a possibility that it would not transfer) for Fall '10. I won't be able to fit this into my school schedule for the Spring and Summer so I am at a lost right now.

I decided that it would be best to just make this my last semester at my CC and transfer to a University and take the courses I need there along with some upper level courses. So now I am gonna be set back a whole year because of this and it was not even like I took the wrong class at that time, I was following the school's catalog for their pre-pharmacy program. Well I am only 21 so I am not trying to feel so down about it since I am still pretty young compared to the average age of the P1s at most pharmacy schools.
heyy d... SO sorry to hear bout the bad news. though, i HOPE things work out for the better next year :(:(:(
Sweet. I learn something new everyday. They have a lot of stuff on that website. Wish I had known this before.

They have great daily deals and the best customer service you can find. Actually I think they have the 2nd or 3rd best customer service in the nation.

And if you ever have a problem with anything, they are extremely good at replacing it. Been using them regularly for five years and never have had a problem.

Once you go Newegg, you never go back lol
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Hey sorry to hear you may have to delay Pharmacy School for one year. I think your idea of completing the pre-reqs at a 4 university is sound. Plus I recall you mentioned in another forum that you had taken the PCAT without organic chem? A 71 is a pretty decent composite score if that's the case. Also, UT Austin just has strict requirements for the pre-req courses to transfer. I'm still trying to figure out which micro class I can take that they'll accept.

I agree you're still young right now...enjoy the time you have. Some of the best years of my life was when I was doing my undergrad at UT Austin. I managed to keep a high GPA while maintaining an excellent social life. Going back to school later in life is never the same. If you do have to delay Pharm School for a year, maybe we'll end up in the same school one day as I'm applying to TX schools for the entering class of Fall 2011.
Hey sorry to hear you may have to delay Pharmacy School for one year. I think your idea of completing the pre-reqs at a 4 university is sound. Plus I recall you mentioned in another forum that you had taken the PCAT without organic chem? A 71 is a pretty decent composite score if that's the case. Also, UT Austin just has strict requirements for the pre-req courses to transfer. I'm still trying to figure out which micro class I can take that they'll accept.

I agree you're still young right now...enjoy the time you have. Some of the best years of my life was when I was doing my undergrad at UT Austin. I managed to keep a high GPA while maintaining an excellent social life. Going back to school later in life is never the same. If you do have to delay Pharm School for a year, maybe we'll end up in the same school one day as I'm applying to TX schools for the entering class of Fall 2011.

Thanks. I guess we might be meeting up for Fall 2011. I do try to enjoy myself though. So I think my social life is pretty good.
Ill apply 2011 cycle to Tx schools too
need to work harder for my pcat
Hello everyone I am new here but as I was reading this post i decided i wanted to comment that i agree with delano....ps3 is AWSOME...and yes im a girl and i play MW2....:-/
Hello everyone I am new here but as I was reading this post i decided i wanted to comment that i agree with delano....ps3 is AWSOME...and yes im a girl and i play MW2....:-/

That sounds so cool. I've never met a girl who plays video games :(

I know some who do, but they're my friends from when I was growing up.
That sounds so cool. I've never met a girl who plays video games :(

I know some who do, but they're my friends from when I was growing up.
yya...lol i feel like a nerd but its funnn
Just wanted to echo what passion was saying except in OR and WA. CC are high calaber. Most of my prof at my CC's taught at large Uni too or had in the past.
Almost two years ago I met with the associate dean of admissions for the only Pharmacy School I was interested in. He established that I still had some pre-reqs needing met and then inquired where I was going to take them. I told him that quitting my full time teaching job was not possible so evening classes were my only option. I then asked him if I could take them on campus (4 year University) and he said they do not offer the evening classes but he did recommend a specific CC. I don't know if it would be considered a "top program" but it does accept CC classes.

I would have to agree with Passion about the teaching quality at the CC level compared to KSU where I got my BS.. I did not go to an Ivy League school but I can tell you that far more teaching was done at the CC level than at KSU for the same classes. I got my BS in 98 so I had to repeat classes due to the 7 yr rule.
I would have to agree with Passion about the teaching quality at the CC level compared to KSU where I got my BS.. I did not go to an Ivy League school but I can tell you that far more teaching was done at the CC level than at KSU for the same classes. I got my BS in 98 so I had to repeat classes due to the 7 yr rule.

That is true, but at least at the community colleges in Texas, the "teaching" done at CC level is more like spoon feeding knowledge; whereas at the university level there is some spoon feeding early on, but more is required for you to learn the material yourself.
That is true, but at least at the community colleges in Texas, the "teaching" done at CC level is more like spoon feeding knowledge; whereas at the university level there is some spoon feeding early on, but more is required for you to learn the material yourself.

I'm sure you're familiar with the tourism commercials that say "Texas: It's like a whole other country..."

That's a pretty general statement you've just applied to a lot of community colleges in a large state, and I don't think it's true for all Texas CC's. I can think of one university here that's "cute," but basically just a glorified CC. I choose to go to the closer CC so I don't have to pay as much tuition.
I'm sure you're familiar with the tourism commercials that say "Texas: It's like a whole other country..."

That's a pretty general statement you've just applied to a lot of community colleges in a large state, and I don't think it's true for all Texas CC's. I can think of one university here that's "cute," but basically just a glorified CC. I choose to go to the closer CC so I don't have to pay as much tuition.

I agree with Pharm B.

I also chose a CC because I didn't want to pay so much money on tuition. However, one of the local Univ where I live has tuition rates that are REALLY cheap compared to other state Universities. So, I think I am making a good decision. Thanks again everybody for your kind and not so kind words (that goes to the dude who was being an ass).

Oh, and PS3 rules. :laugh:
Ps3 :/ I'm not so much a fan for console games. I like computer games :)

I suckered my gf into playing them with me and she's hooked too. Now I wont get b****ed at for playing them :thumbup:
Ps3 :/ I'm not so much a fan for console games. I like computer games :)

I suckered my gf into playing them with me and she's hooked too. Now I wont get b****ed at for playing them :thumbup:

How did you talk your girlfriend into playing them? :laugh:
I did the same thing with my wife. She's hooked on The Sims 3, Dirt2, the Ratchet and Clank games and God of War

The last one kinda scares me :scared:

Isn't that game awesome though? You should play it with her.
my bf got me into playin the ps3! maybe thats why he did it so i would stop fussin at him for playing! :wow::wow:u have opened my eyes :p