Dumb pharmacy school question?

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Apr 2, 2011
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What is the class schedule like? Do you still schedule classes like in undergrad or is it just one big ole class/lab/whatever? Is there more math past calc 1 or just using calc1 and below?

For those already in it, how do you feel it compares to your undergrad experience? Is it ridiculously more difficult, just a bit more difficult, similar..?

I'm in the middle of a 17 credit semester of statistics, chem, bio1, precalc and a music elective and I'm ready to pull my freakin' hair out and run screaming away from civilization to go live in a swamp somewhere. I'm getting high A's, have perfect scores in 4 out of 5 classes, but, I feel like it is taking every single moment of every day to get that.

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I'm in the middle of a 17 credit semester of statistics, chem, bio1, precalc and a music elective and I'm ready to pull my freakin' hair out and run screaming away from civilization to go live in a swamp somewhere. I'm getting high A's, have perfect scores in 4 out of 5 classes, but, I feel like it is taking every single moment of every day to get that.

I can't speak to the rest, but a word of wisdom: An A is an A, whether it's 90% or 100%. Life / school (or life / work) balance is something you gotta figure out to stay happy. Make time for yourself, even if it means that you "only" get a 94%. ;)

Is this your first semester of undergrad?
I can't speak to the rest, but a word of wisdom: An A is an A, whether it's 90% or 100%. Life / school (or life / work) balance is something you gotta figure out to stay happy. Make time for yourself, even if it means that you "only" get a 94%. ;)

Is this your first semester of undergrad?

I originally attended college about 12 years ago with the idea of getting into a nursing program(I was 17, parents picked my major), took the local community college's nursing pre-req's and got in, hated it though and quit after the first nursing school semester.
Finally started back to school this summer, took 12 credits for summer and after the 17 this semester I'll have my AA. Still have plenty of pharmacy prereqs to go though. All the chems, calculus and physics still to go.

I'm just paranoid of bombing a test, so I figure it I keep perfect grades than I can handle bombing one test and have it not destroy my average. Probably the real time killer is my music elective as it was an accelerated course and the instructor is an opera singer, orchestra board member of some sort who is married to another music professor who is also a conductor or something. Overall, she's an obsessed diva who assigns 3 written papers a week and 5 hours of listening examples to analyze. She has a 40% fail rate and a 28% withdraw rate. Her class makes precalculus seem so easy a small child could do it.
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I'm just paranoid of bombing a test, so I figure it I keep perfect grades than I can handle bombing one test and have it not destroy my average.

Ohh, I think I understand now. I know several people who've had the same "perfection syndrome" when going back to school. Don't worry, you'll ease back into the life / school balance after the first semester when you get that fantastic report card. :thumbup: You can do it. :cool:

Probably the real time killer is my music elective as it was an accelerated course and the instructor is an opera singer, orchestra board member of some sort who is married to another music professor who is also a conductor or something. Overall, she's an obsessed diva who assigns 3 written papers a week and 5 hours of listening examples to analyze. She has a 40% fail rate and a 28% withdraw rate. Her class makes precalculus seem so easy a small child could do it.

WTH. What a self-absorbed person. That's ridiculous. Any reason not to be part of the 28%? You'll make it, but dang, that's horrific.
Block scheduling, meaning everyone in your year (your "class") takes the same classes, except for a small number of electives.

Undergrad is nothing compared to graduate school.

Anymore questions?
Block scheduling, meaning everyone in your year (your "class") takes the same classes, except for a small number of electives.

Undergrad is nothing compared to graduate school.

Anymore questions?


The actual schedule will vary by school, but I've only ever seen it as block scheduling. We still had to register for our classes through the web registration system, but they emailed everyone exactly which courses to register for and the time slots were pre-set. 1st year was 8-12 M-F with some additional courses mixed during certain points of the semester 1-4 T-R give or take for about 4 weeks during each semester). 2nd year was 1-5 with an IV rotation for 6 weeks rolled in somewhere. 3rd year was 9-3 M-F with an elective class added in somewhere.

As for difficulty. It was about the same as my PChem class, which was the hardest undergrad course I had. CC GPA was 3.9, BS GPA was 3.5, PharmD GPA was 3.3+/- (notice the downward trend):oops:
Ohh, I think I understand now. I know several people who've had the same "perfection syndrome" when going back to school. Don't worry, you'll ease back into the life / school balance after the first semester when you get that fantastic report card. :thumbup: You can do it. :cool:

WTH. What a self-absorbed person. That's ridiculous. Any reason not to be part of the 28%? You'll make it, but dang, that's horrific.

It's my last elective to get my AA and there weren't any others available that fit my schedule. I also have 15 years of classical piano training in my past that was definitely key to surviving the class. I feel horrible for everyone else taking it though. The class is a ridiculous amount of work even for me and I've had that information drilled into my head for years. I spend more time on that than I spend on all my other classes combined. Getting an A in it, but it's been hell. If I survive this with an A after the final next week then I'm going to celebrate with a bottle of Grey Goose and not get out of bed for the whole weekend..
Block scheduling, meaning everyone in your year (your "class") takes the same classes, except for a small number of electives.

Undergrad is nothing compared to graduate school.

Anymore questions?

No more questions, just mild nausea.. lol

Are the classes all related at that point? I mean, my bio class definitely helps me with my chem class. It feels like I'm taking one class with very broad scope rather than 2 classes which makes studying for them a lot easier. It just seems to really hurt my brain to switch from chem to music appreciation and then back to statistics.

The actual schedule will vary by school, but I've only ever seen it as block scheduling. We still had to register for our classes through the web registration system, but they emailed everyone exactly which courses to register for and the time slots were pre-set. 1st year was 8-12 M-F with some additional courses mixed during certain points of the semester 1-4 T-R give or take for about 4 weeks during each semester). 2nd year was 1-5 with an IV rotation for 6 weeks rolled in somewhere. 3rd year was 9-3 M-F with an elective class added in somewhere.

As for difficulty. It was about the same as my PChem class, which was the hardest undergrad course I had. CC GPA was 3.9, BS GPA was 3.5, PharmD GPA was 3.3+/- (notice the downward trend):oops:

Thank you for that GPA breakdown. Unfortunately I flaked out a bit back 10 years ago through my first stint in college and had a 3.26 GPA at the local community college. But, that was due to laziness, not showing up for class and working two jobs.I have it back up to a 3.45 now and should have it up to a 3.61 after this semester. I see no reason why I can't maintain 4.0's through the rest of the pre-reqs at the community college. Might start on a bachelor degree program, and I'm sure the upper level classes with bring it back down.
No more questions, just mild nausea.. lol

Are the classes all related at that point? I mean, my bio class definitely helps me with my chem class. It feels like I'm taking one class with very broad scope rather than 2 classes which makes studying for them a lot easier. It just seems to really hurt my brain to switch from chem to music appreciation and then back to statistics.

That is a mild pet peeve of mine. If you have more questions, say so.

Yes, they "integrate" the classes so that you will learn certain concepts simultaneously. It is nice in that it makes learning certain things more seamless, but it can also be annoying because professors do not always agree about every detail - expect to be frustrated when it become learning which class is teaching something a certain way. It can also feel like you are being bombarded on all sides. :laugh:

It is not completely integrated of course. It's a balance.

Don't feel nauseated. You will be fine. :thumbup:
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I would say every time someone does one of them, they are exercised. They get plenty of exercise, trust me.

Really? Looks like they get worked up alot, which is good.
I would say every time someone does one of them, they are exercised. They get plenty of exercise, trust me.

I am sure they do. Probably mostly running around beating people about the head and shoulders... :laugh:
I am sure they do. Probably mostly running around beating people about the head and shoulders... :laugh:

You seem to be implying that people do not enjoy having minor/irrelevant flaws outed out to them? If that is the case, I may not be as charming as I think.
You seem to be implying that people do not enjoy having minor/irrelevant flaws outed out to them? If that is the case, I may not be as charming as I think.

I am sure you a charming but I will have to leave that determination up to some of the ladies... I dont think I am qualified to answer that particular question... :D
I am sure you a charming but I will have to leave that determination up to some of the ladies... I dont think I am qualified to answer that particular question... :D

Oh, no worries on that front. If there is one thing I know about women, its that they love having having their flaws, no matter how minor, pointed out to them.
Oh, no worries on that front. If there is one thing I know about women, its that they love having having their flaws, no matter how minor, pointed out to them.

You're definitely a player owle.
Oh, no worries on that front. If there is one thing I know about women, its that they love having having their flaws, no matter how minor, pointed out to them.

Really? I must remember that for my next date. Maybe I can use that to jump into bed quicker...
You're definitely a player owle.


Really? I must remember that for my next date. Maybe I can use that to jump into bed quicker...

I would not have shared one of my secrets if I thought you would use it. On the other hand, I guess we guys have to stick together. Anyway, in this case, you have my blessing. Pay particular attention to logic or mathematical errors - woman eat that stuff up!

I would not have shared one of my secrets if I thought you would use it. On the other hand, I guess we guys have to stick together. Anyway, in this case, you have my blessing. Pay particular attention to logic or mathematical errors - woman eat that stuff up!

delano is right you are lame :lame: :smuggrin:
When did delano say that?!

You don't remember? omg did you accidentally fly into a bird's nest Owle?
He said it on the OT: iPharm thread when you guys were talking about drinking and partying and stuff.
You don't remember? omg did you accidentally fly into a bird's nest Owle?
He said it on the OT: iPharm thread when you guys were talking about drinking and partying and stuff.

Oh sure, when it comes to drinking and partying I am lame, compared to him.
Oh sure, when it comes to drinking and partying I am lame, compared to him.

Hey ladies man, how come you have a skype, aol, messenger, twitter, and that ICQ thing? I bet you don't even use all of those :rolleyes:
To talk to as many girls as you can?
Hey ladies man, how come you have a skype, aol, messenger, twitter, and that ICQ thing? I bet you don't even use all of those :rolleyes:

If you are insinuating that I only signed up for all those things just so I could have more swag under my user name, then I am forced to wonder if you are some kind of physic or something.

I have been trying the twitter thing more often now that someone told me I have followers, but...meh, so far it hasn't really caught on. I do use skype quite often - more often than I want to as a matter of fact. The rest...I like my flair, what can I say?
I am forced to wonder if you are some kind of physic or something.

Do you mean psychic, by chance? (Sorry, but considering your charming personality traits just discussed, I thought you would appreciate it.)
I can't speak to the rest, but a word of wisdom: An A is an A, whether it's 90% or 100%. Life / school (or life / work) balance is something you gotta figure out to stay happy. Make time for yourself, even if it means that you "only" get a 94%. ;)

Is this your first semester of undergrad?

Not always true. I agree an A is an A, but a 90% compared to 98% makes a big difference. You see, in your class ranking, it will make a difference. Our class is very competitive.

@OP: I think it's been ok so far. I mean it's not like I have to live in a cave studying all day every day. There's time to relax, hangout with friends, etc. Just have to know how to manage your time. If you try to cram for a test though, that's when you will be stressed out.
Not always true. I agree an A is an A, but a 90% compared to 98% makes a big difference. You see, in your class ranking, it will make a difference. Our class is very competitive.

@OP: I think it's been ok so far. I mean it's not like I have to live in a cave studying all day every day. There's time to relax, hangout with friends, etc. Just have to know how to manage your time. If you try to cram for a test though, that's when you will be stressed out.

I haven't seen a class ranking sense High School. I didn't even know colleges had such a thing. :confused:
I haven't seen a class ranking sense High School. I didn't even know colleges had such a thing. :confused:

Me either. I guess some of my teachers did put out anonymous "highest to lowest" score sheets, but it never even really mattered in that class. I suppose if you're competitive it might matter to you...?

I will correct myself though - IF you're at a school that hands out a higher GPA for A+ & lower for A-, THEN all "As" are not equal. Otherwise, outside your class setting, nobody cares bro - your GPAs are the same.
Me either. I guess some of my teachers did put out anonymous "highest to lowest" score sheets, but it never even really mattered in that class. I suppose if you're competitive it might matter to you...?

I will correct myself though - IF you're at a school that hands out a higher GPA for A+ & lower for A-, THEN all "As" are not equal. Otherwise, outside your class setting, nobody cares bro - your GPAs are the same.

Yeah, I am still fuzzy about class ranking. If two people get an A, how can one person be said to be above the other in class ranking? Makes no sense.
Yeah, I am still fuzzy about class ranking. If two people get an A, how can one person be said to be above the other in class ranking? Makes no sense.

At some high schools I hear they rank their graduating classes by total grade. :confused:

At college, it's about the latin honorifics though, I thought?
I haven't seen a class ranking sense High School. I didn't even know colleges had such a thing. :confused:

My biology professor ranks the class.. lol.. I'd never seen it before either. I'm a very annoyed second place holder.. I'd rather be in the middle of the class or first. Of course the first place spot is held by the smug fellow who sits 4 seats over from me, now my sworn enemy.. We tied with perfect scores on the first test, but, I was two points behind him on the second test. That kind of thing is my pet peeve..

Not that the class ranking will matter, but I think the first day he said that he only does letter of recommendations for the top 5 or something like that. But, he's a weirdo.
My biology professor ranks the class.. lol.. I'd never seen it before either. I'm a very annoyed second place holder.. I'd rather be in the middle of the class or first. Of course the first place spot is held by the smug fellow who sits 4 seats over from me, now my sworn enemy.. We tied with perfect scores on the first test, but, I was two points behind him on the second test. That kind of thing is my pet peeve..

Not that the class ranking will matter, but I think the first day he said that he only does letter of recommendations for the top 5 or something like that. But, he's a weirdo.

My PChem professor ranked the class, with the grades posted outside of his door. We had our special code so we knew where we stood. The Top 4 students earned an A, the next 2 earned an A- and so on and so forth. Therefore, an A would have been nice, but there wasn't a chance in the world that it was ever going to happen. LOL However, the 5 people who finished above me in the class were my nemesissies (snark, FYI) although I have no unearthly clue who they were.