Drexel Housing

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10+ Year Member
May 6, 2009
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Hi all,

I am looking to find a place to live as I go to Drexel college of medicine. I am fine with living close to either the queen lane campus or the center city campus. I am looking for a studio apartment for about $700 a month with utilities, etc. I was wondering if you guys can give me some good areas to look at that are safe, furnished, and close to school since I will not be having a car and am moving from california. Thanks for any help.

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Hello Fellow Dragons. Check out Park Heights, Carlton Park, Aldon Park-- Those are the cheapest options that are still kind of nice. If you want to have that price, with no car, furnished, you'll have a very hard time, if not an impossible time, finding something close to the campus. Your absolute cheapest option would be Queen Lane Mannor, runs in the 700s$ for a one bedroom/studio. but it's not furnished at all. You can check out craigslist, I saw an ad for someone renting a fully furnished room w/ utilities near campus for $600 but its with 4 other roomates. But sadly there is nothing that fits your criteria for that price. Not even close. But let me know if I can answer any more questions!