Does the topic of research in a post bac RA position influence topic of the PhD research significantly?

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2+ Year Member
Jul 7, 2020
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Hi All,

I'm coming up on I found a research coordinator position that I'm interested in. It deals with a population that I find interesting, but maybe would not want to make a career out of: people with eating disorders, specifically bulimia. It's in a great area, deals with some techniques I find interesting (neuroimaging), and is in an AMC.

It's a position that I think, possibly naively, may actually be in the cards for me being that my undergrad research has been in psychobiology and so is this lab, I also have a couple of the 'preferred' skills listed. Though I'm hesitant to apply if it would mean that it would significantly influence the research labs I would be accepted into for my PhD. Or if ED research would look weird? I don't know why but I've always had a gut feeling that, that topic raises eyebrows.

Questions: If you took a research year(s), did the topic of the RA position limit you in your search for PhD programs? Or influence at all? Just not sure I'm ready to steer this ship all the way.

Thank you tons.

Edit: Apologies for the wording in the title. Lol.

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