Medical Does my past criminal history hurt my chances?

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Jun 11, 2010
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I have three red flags in my past and I'm wondering how likely it is that they'll destroy any chance of schools accepting me?

1. IA when I was 18 for drinking in the dorms and breaking a billboard. I was required to complete an alcohol safety course and talk with the hall director.

2. A private property trespassing misdemeanor that was alcohol related (not charged with underage drinking though) at age 20 that was expunged. I went through 100 hours of an alcohol support group.

3. A speeding ticket at age 20.

Would 6+ years of separation from these incidents and the fact that I've proved that I'm not a harm to patients (4+ years as an RN) be enough, or am I SOL? Thank you in advance.
You should be OK.

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