Does M1 and M2 serve a real purpose?

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Which could be why you didn't know that a torn hymen bleeds. Perhaps you should close the review books and learn the basics first. Just a thought.



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Which could be why you didn't know that a torn hymen bleeds. Perhaps you should close the review books and learn the basics first. Just a thought.

But they never taught us that in class either.
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Which could be why you didn't know that a torn hymen bleeds. Perhaps you should close the review books and learn the basics first. Just a thought.
You're assuming that it was actually taught in basic science.
If nothing else, you kinda just learn by . . . doing.

Some cultures aren't sexually adventurous early on (not necessarily due to lack of desire, but do to cultural norms and mores)
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Which could be why you didn't know that a torn hymen bleeds. Perhaps you should close the review books and learn the basics first. Just a thought.
What would you consider the basics? Lecture slides? Textbooks? Why should we trust that these contain everything needed to be a competent physician?
I think all this stuff has layers, with BRS being the most superficial. It probably varies by student in how deeply one learns and understands the material presented. That said, it is possible to pass (but not excel) in the preclinical years by just learning the most superficial aspects of each topic, or at least it is in my school.
What would you consider the basics? Lecture slides? Textbooks? Why should we trust that these contain everything needed to be a competent physician?
I think all this stuff has layers, with BRS being the most superficial. It probably varies by student in how deeply one learns and understands the material presented. That said, it is possible to pass (but not excel) in the preclinical years by just learning the most superficial aspects of each topic, or at least it is in my school.

How can you trust that they contain everything you need to be a competent physician???? Trust me when I tell you that BRS isn't preparing you to be a competent physician. You have no idea what it takes to be a competent physician until third year and by then you've wasted two years of pre-clinical knowledge because you didn't trust that it contained anything to tell you how to be a competent physician. It's not your job as a 1st or 2nd year to filter out material you don't think you need to know. It's your job to master the information you're given. That doesn't mean you have to learn every piece of minutiae, but to suggest review books is all you need is a gross underestimation of the knowledge base you need for third year, regardless of what you get on Step 1.
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How can you trust that they contain everything you need to be a competent physician???? Trust me when I tell you that BRS isn't preparing you to be a competent physician. You have no idea what it takes to be a competent physician until third year and by then you've wasted two years of pre-clinical knowledge because you didn't trust that it contained anything to tell you how to be a competent physician. It's not your job as a 1st or 2nd year to filter out material you don't think you need to know. It's your job to master the information you're given. That doesn't mean you have to learn every piece of minutiae, but to suggest review books is all you need is a gross underestimation of the knowledge base you need for third year, regardless of what you get on Step 1.

Can you give an example?

I am not in my clinical years so I can't really say whether what I've learnt has prepared me well or not, but I can't see Goljan leaving me with subpar knowledge. I don't doubt that 3rd year material is above and beyond what I will learn from Goljan or Pathoma but I do doubt that I would be any better prepared by going through class materials.

BRS physiology is really hit or miss imo. Physiology in itself imo is a relatively easy subject because a lot of it can be logically understood versus something like microbiology. There have only been 1 or 2 times I needed to review physiology outside of BRS and that was during my cardiac unit and the beginning of my respiratory unit.

Would I have a stronger base if I read through Guyton instead? Probably. Do I feel that Guyton is necessary? At least not at the moment.
Can you give an example?

I am not in my clinical years so I can't really say whether what I've learnt has prepared me well or not, but I can't see Goljan leaving me with subpar knowledge. I don't doubt that 3rd year material is above and beyond what I will learn from Goljan or Pathoma but I do doubt that I would be any better prepared by going through class materials.

BRS physiology is really hit or miss imo. Physiology in itself imo is a relatively easy subject because a lot of it can be logically understood versus something like microbiology. There have only been 1 or 2 times I needed to review physiology outside of BRS and that was during my cardiac unit and the beginning of my respiratory unit.

Would I have a stronger base if I read through Guyton instead? Probably. Do I feel that Guyton is necessary? At least not at the moment.

No one is telling you to read through Guyton. What I'm saying is that your med school lectures ARE helpful. Not every single thing in them, but you're not at a stage in your education where you can differentiate. I can try to think of an example, but I'm so far removed from 1st year classroom stuff versus Goljan that I don't know if I can. I can tell you that Pathoma touches on maybe 20% of the neuro you need to know. If all you rely on is Pathoma to get through a neurology clerkship, expect to be doing a lot of studying during that rotation and saying a lot of "I don't know".
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No one is telling you to read through Guyton. What I'm saying is that your med school lectures ARE helpful. Not every single thing in them, but you're not at a stage in your education where you can differentiate. I can try to think of an example, but I'm so far removed from 1st year classroom stuff versus Goljan that I don't know if I can. I can tell you that Pathoma touches on maybe 20% of the neuro you need to know. If all you rely on is Pathoma to get through a neurology clerkship, expect to be doing a lot of studying during that rotation and saying a lot of "I don't know".

You are correct that Pathoma doesn't touch on everything and neither does Goljan. However there are a lot of other books out there that are specific to those things that don't get touched. I haven't done my neuro block yet so I can't say what book is useful yet but even then I'm sure there is some neuro specific review book that would suffice.

I personally don't find med school lectures useful. I'm sure thats more professor specific than anything though. I don't claim to know what is important but there are books out there who help cut out the excess and if they have good support behind them I use them.

I admit a lot of stuff we learn in MS1 and MS2 years are important, I just think there is also a lot of unnecessary details that professors think are important. There are also teachers who frankly are not great at putting together notes and its easier for me to learn by reading the information in the context of a well written book versus ppt slides filled with professor specific bullet points

My philosophy is that if it can be related clinically I will learn it.
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Can you give an example?

BRS physiology is really hit or miss imo. Physiology in itself imo is a relatively easy subject because a lot of it can be logically understood versus something like microbiology. There have only been 1 or 2 times I needed to review physiology outside of BRS and that was during my cardiac unit and the beginning of my respiratory unit.

Would I have a stronger base if I read through Guyton instead? Probably. Do I feel that Guyton is necessary? At least not at the moment.
I've read Guyton front to back (twice if you count reviewing). Honestly, less is more (to a degree). After you've read the mechanisms for every little detail, it's so hard to recall and your memory is congested with all the details often without the big picture!! Don't most people just use slides from lectures? I don't think BRS would really give you much as a lot of it seems bullet point oriented?

The real treat about Guyton is reading all the freaky ways we torture animals to learn stuff.
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In my opinion, the point of small details isn't necessarily to have you memorize them long term. The point is so that you have a very broad education and even though you may not remember some detail down the road, it will at least be familiar to you and you won't be completely clueless if it happens to come up. I will admit it does suck when you're trying to memorize a bunch of tiny details for a test, especially if they don't seem relevant.
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How can you trust that they contain everything you need to be a competent physician???? Trust me when I tell you that BRS isn't preparing you to be a competent physician. You have no idea what it takes to be a competent physician until third year and by then you've wasted two years of pre-clinical knowledge because you didn't trust that it contained anything to tell you how to be a competent physician. It's not your job as a 1st or 2nd year to filter out material you don't think you need to know. It's your job to master the information you're given. That doesn't mean you have to learn every piece of minutiae, but to suggest review books is all you need is a gross underestimation of the knowledge base you need for third year, regardless of what you get on Step 1.
So what is preventing students from graduating school and going into residency with limited preclinical knowledge, if not for Step 1 and a 65+ in every class? Or are there doctors out there that don't know this stuff, and therefore harm their patients? I'm not trying to be argumentative, I just want your opinion.
Nope. 1 and 2 is just a right of passage. Learning discipline, weeding people out, proving you belong,etc.
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How can you trust that they contain everything you need to be a competent physician???? Trust me when I tell you that BRS isn't preparing you to be a competent physician. You have no idea what it takes to be a competent physician until third year and by then you've wasted two years of pre-clinical knowledge because you didn't trust that it contained anything to tell you how to be a competent physician. It's not your job as a 1st or 2nd year to filter out material you don't think you need to know. It's your job to master the information you're given. That doesn't mean you have to learn every piece of minutiae, but to suggest review books is all you need is a gross underestimation of the knowledge base you need for third year, regardless of what you get on Step 1.

The problem is that medical students are FLOODED with minutiae and tested on that minutiae by PhD professors who: 1) don't care to take the time to write well-written USMLE type test questions which have gone further away from testing minutiae and buzzwords (in the 1980s) towards testing conceptual application, 2) and don't care how you do on your boards, bc it's not like they get paid more if you do well.

Students who were great detail rote-memorizers absolutely excelled during MS-1/MS-2 professor made exams (notable exception: Physiology)
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As much as I like to complain, of course it serves a purpose in its entirety.

Some things however that I wouldn't mind not doing:

TBL…no student should have the power to have a 1-1 Q&A with the prof while 150+ of us just sit there and send snapchats to each other. lol team learning.

Drawn out PBLs….I actually don't mind PBLs, except when they go up to the time limit…seriously, I assume most of us just want to get out of there, lets move on.

Motivational Interviewing/any other interviewing….lets sit in a circle and then talk about what Billy did right! Any comments for Billy anyone?
What would you consider the basics? Lecture slides? Textbooks? Why should we trust that these contain everything needed to be a competent physician?
I think all this stuff has layers, with BRS being the most superficial. It probably varies by student in how deeply one learns and understands the material presented. That said, it is possible to pass (but not excel) in the preclinical years by just learning the most superficial aspects of each topic, or at least it is in my school.

But isn't medicine, at least in the way that medical school presents it, all about memorizing superficial information and one-step word associations? I always felt like med school PUNISHED me for trying to be interested in and learn more about the material, because it meant I would fall behind.
But isn't medicine, at least in the way that medical school presents it, all about memorizing superficial information and one-step word associations? I always felt like med school PUNISHED me for trying to be interested in and learn more about the material, because it meant I would fall behind.

Medical school in the first 2 years maybe, medicine is not.
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But isn't medicine, at least in the way that medical school presents it, all about memorizing superficial information and one-step word associations? I always felt like med school PUNISHED me for trying to be interested in and learn more about the material, because it meant I would fall behind.
What are you talking about? Superficial information? One step word associations? Could you possibly give some examples of these questions you're failing at on tests??

Medical school is about TONS of memorization (both superficial and DEEP) and TONS of conceptualization and TONS of integration. If you suck at any of those, you'll pay a price. Don't blame it on medical school. It's you.
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What are you talking about? Superficial information? One step word associations? Could you possibly give some examples of these questions you're failing at on tests??

Medical school is about TONS of memorization (both superficial and DEEP) and TONS of conceptualization and TONS of integration. If you suck at any of those, you'll pay a price. Don't blame it on medical school. It's you.

Oh, I'm well aware that I suck at this stuff. That said, there's really nothing "deep" about our exams, whatever that means. Basically, the questions test which minutiae you memorized (or didn't). Perhaps this is different from year to year or school to school.

I wish I could provide you with examples of exam questions, but the school is very strict about forbidding students from recording or distributing any exam information in any way, so I don't have anything to show.
Oh, I'm well aware that I suck at this stuff. That said, there's really nothing "deep" about our exams, whatever that means. Basically, the questions test which minutiae you memorized (or didn't). Perhaps this is different from year to year or school to school.

I wish I could provide you with examples of exam questions, but the school is very strict about forbidding students from recording or distributing any exam information in any way, so I don't have anything to show.
You can give us one or two questions which make your point. Change the wording, if you're able to conceptualize what the questions are asking enough to handle paraphrasing.

Let me see if I can find some first year stuff in my box and I'll try to offer something akin to "deeper" questions.
You can give us one or two questions which make your point. Change the wording, if you're able to conceptualize what the questions are asking enough to handle paraphrasing.

Let me see if I can find some first year stuff in my box and I'll try to offer something akin to "deeper" questions.

EDIT: That was from a practice test, not the real test, but it might identify me.

I'll try to find some BRS things similar to what they test on.

Which of the following responses is mediated by parasympathetic muscarinic receptors?

a) Dilation of bronchiolar smooth muscle
b) Erection
c) Ejaculation
d) Constriction of the GI Sphincter
e) Increased Cardiac Contractility

You can eliminate A, D, and E, but you would never reliably get that right unless you remembered the "Point and Shoot" mnemonic.

Which of the following is NOT a step in rod photoreception?

a) Light converts trans rhodopsin to 11-cis rhodopsin
b) Metarhodopsin II activates transducin
c) cGMP levels decrease
d) Rods hyperpolarize

The question tests "which of these things doesn't look familiar."
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What are you talking about? Superficial information? One step word associations? Could you possibly give some examples of these questions you're failing at on tests??

Medical school is about TONS of memorization (both superficial and DEEP) and TONS of conceptualization and TONS of integration. If you suck at any of those, you'll pay a price. Don't blame it on medical school. It's you.

:poke:. You are missing the point entirely.:smack:
EDIT: That was from a practice test, not the real test, but it might identify me.

I'll try to find some BRS things similar to what they test on.

Which of the following responses is mediated by parasympathetic muscarinic receptors?

a) Dilation of bronchiolar smooth muscle
b) Erection
c) Ejaculation
d) Constriction of the GI Sphincter
e) Increased Cardiac Contractility

You can eliminate A, D, and E, but you would never reliably get that right unless you remembered the "Point and Shoot" mnemonic.

Which of the following is NOT a step in rod photoreception?

a) Light converts trans rhodopsin to 11-cis rhodopsin
b) Metarhodopsin II activates transducin
c) cGMP levels decrease
d) Rods hyperpolarize

The question tests "which of these things doesn't look familiar."

BRS questions tend to be more rote-memory type questions, which depending on the subject may or may not be helpful.
:poke:. You are missing the point entirely.:smack:

Furthermore, I have no doubt that many questions do test "integration" and "conceptualization." It's just that we don't remember them cause they're the easy ones that everyone gets right.


The inability to perform rapidly alternating movements (dysdiadochokinesia) is associated with lesions of the _____.

Is a pretty conceptual question. But a third grader can say "hurrrr, the cerebellum does balance and coordination ****." So as you expect, everyone gets this question right, and nobody complains about it.
Furthermore, I have no doubt that many questions do test "integration" and "conceptualization." It's just that we don't remember them cause they're the easy ones that everyone gets right.

If you're getting the integration and conceptual questions are easy for you, that's great! The rote memorization questions just require brute force and repetition. You're on the right track.
ulnar nerve

Choose 2 of the following options.
A. arises from lateral cord of the brachial plexus
B. supplies flexor carpi ulnaris muscle
C. supplies abductor pollicis brevis
D. supplies the 2nd lumbrical muscle
E. a lesion at the wrist joint causes more deformity than a lesion at elbow joint

Lymph capillaries are:
A. blind ended tubes
B. are very little in the dermis
C do not form a network like blood capillaries
D. have smaller caliber than blood capillaries
E. are called lacteals in the large intestine

the aforementioned aren't deep, but they are certainly important. And these are pretty typical of things I saw.

Two liters of 0.9% of NaCl is administered to 14 yo with moderate isotonic dehydration; What is the expected change in ICF volume after administration?

Quantitatively the most important enzyme in the digestion of fat is...?

Okay, most of the physio stuff was even a little more rote than I am looking for. Honestly, I can't see many questions that I would call irrelevant to second year material. The one-steps and rote details are probably some of the easiest. If you read your stuff ALERTLY, those things will just pop out at you. Lucky it's all MCQs, I say.

Try studying as if you're going to be answering open-ended questions...then you'll see.
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ulnar nerve

Choose 2 of the following options.
A. arises from lateral cord of the brachial plexus
B. supplies flexor carpi ulnaris muscle
C. supplies abductor pollicis brevis
D. supplies the 2nd lumbrical muscle
E. a lesion at the wrist joint causes more deformity than a lesion at elbow joint

Lymph capillaries are:
A. blind ended tubes
B. are very little in the dermis
C do not form a network like blood capillaries
D. have smaller caliber than blood capillaries
E. are called lacteals in the large intestine

the aforementioned aren't deep, but they are certainly important. And these are pretty typical of things I saw.

Two liters of 0.9% of NaCl is administered to 14 yo with moderate isotonic dehydration; What is the expected change in ICF volume after administration?

Quantitatively the most important enzyme in the digestion of fat is...?

Okay, most of the physio stuff was even a little more rote than I am looking for. Honestly, I can't see many questions that I would call irrelevant to second year material.

The 2 questions with MC answers are rote-memorization questions.
Two liters of 0.9% of NaCl is administered to 14 yo with moderate isotonic dehydration; What is the expected change in ICF volume after administration?

Quantitatively the most important enzyme in the digestion of fat is...?

Okay, most of the physio stuff was even a little more rote than I am looking for. Honestly, I can't see many questions that I would call irrelevant to second year material. The one-steps and rote details are probably some of the easiest. If you read your stuff ALERTLY, those things will just pop out at you. Lucky it's all MCQs, I say.

And these are also rote-memorization. I distinctly remember pounding that stupid hypotonic/isotonic/hypertonic X ECF/ICF/Concentrations **** table into my head during Physio and forgetting it 3 beers after the exam (I got the relevant questions right, incidentally). The enzyme question I don't remember, but I have no doubt our Biochem professor mentioned it once and it was a fact we should have committed to memory.

Perhaps this stuff is easy to you or easy where you study, but it certainly isn't easy at our school, or to me and the people I talk to at least.

Also, perhaps your instructors are better than ours (given that over 80% of students don't attend class at our school and incessantly bitch about professors that aren't even that bad IMO, I would say that we have little faith in our professors), and thus construct exams and teach better.
Furthermore, I have no doubt that many questions do test "integration" and "conceptualization." It's just that we don't remember them cause they're the easy ones that everyone gets right.


The inability to perform rapidly alternating movements (dysdiadochokinesia) is associated with lesions of the _____.

Is a pretty conceptual question. But a third grader can say "hurrrr, the cerebellum does balance and coordination ****." So as you expect, everyone gets this question right, and nobody complains about it.

Or that could be a rote memory question if you buzzwork associate dysdiadochokinesia = cerebellum.
A more application question is if they were to give you a clinical vignette of someone who has symptoms of being unable to alternately flip his hand on his other hand, and then I ask where is the lesion.

1) You have to know that the person has dysdiadochokinesia and 2) you have to know that dysdiadochokinesia is due to a lesion in the cerebellum.
It's a 2 step question, in which the first step isn't enough to get the answer.
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And these are also rote-memorization. I distinctly remember pounding that stupid hypotonic/isotonic/hypertonic X ECF/ICF/Concentrations **** table into my head during Physio and forgetting it 3 beers after the exam (I got the relevant questions right, incidentally). The enzyme question I don't remember, but I have no doubt our Biochem professor mentioned it once and it was a fact we should have committed to memory.

Perhaps this stuff is easy to you or easy where you study, but it certainly isn't easy at our school, or to me and the people I talk to at least.

Also, perhaps your instructors are better than ours (given that over 80% of students don't attend class at our school and incessantly bitch about professors that aren't even that bad IMO, I would say that we have little faith in our professors), and thus construct exams and teach better.

But at least tell me you can see how those questions I posted are DEFINITELY going to be relevant to your medical knowledge. When you have to give fluids or decide treatment, you really should fully understand why and how cells react to solutions. That's kindgergarten level chemistry/physics, no? You need to know what's going on in the stomach and intestines to understand exactly how H. Pylori ends up invading the tissue to cause ulcers or how cholera progresses - and which enzymes are functioning where and why damage to those areas causes the debilitation of your patient, no? Surely you can see that?

Just today my elbows were pressing on a table and felt my hand twitch and immediately realized the paresthesia was from my elbow and the ulnar nerve compression. Don't you find such things exciting and encouraging?
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And these are also rote-memorization. I distinctly remember pounding that stupid hypotonic/isotonic/hypertonic X ECF/ICF/Concentrations **** table into my head during Physio and forgetting it 3 beers after the exam (I got the relevant questions right, incidentally). The enzyme question I don't remember, but I have no doubt our Biochem professor mentioned it once and it was a fact we should have committed to memory.

Perhaps this stuff is easy to you or easy where you study, but it certainly isn't easy at our school, or to me and the people I talk to at least.

Also, perhaps your instructors are better than ours (given that over 80% of students don't attend class at our school and incessantly bitch about professors that aren't even that bad IMO, I would say that we have little faith in our professors), and thus construct exams and teach better.

The ICF/ECF/Concentrations with hypotonic/isotonic/hypertonic saline are understanding questions. If you're brute memorizing that like you're memorizing a phone book- you're doing it wrong, and you won't remember it.

Going to class is not what's important, if you have recorded/videotaped lectures. They're doing the brunt work, just not in a classroom.
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But at least tell me you can see how those questions I posted are DEFINITELY going to be relevant to your medical knowledge. When you have to give fluids or decide treatment, you really should fully understand why and how cells react to solutions. That's kindgergarten level chemistry/physics, no? You need to know what's going on in the stomach and intestines to understand exactly how H. Pylori ends up invading the tissue to cause ulcers or how cholera progresses - and which enzymes are functioning where and why damage to those areas causes the debilitation of your patient, no? Surely you can see that?

No it's not "kindergarten level chemistry/physics".:rolleyes: He also hasn't had Path yet.
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Some cultures aren't sexually adventurous early on (not necessarily due to lack of desire, but do to cultural norms and mores)

Speaking of which, my parents still haven't told me what "sex" is, and of course I surfed my iPhone and slept instead of listening to that sex ed **** in school. I was hoping they would discuss it in medical school, but they didn't. Thus, my entire sexual education came from pornography.

The ICF/ECF/Concentrations with hypotonic/isotonic/hypertonic saline are understanding questions. If you're brute memorizing that like you're memorizing a phone book- you're doing it wrong, and you won't remember it.

Going to class is not what's important, if you have recorded/videotaped lectures. They're doing the brunt work, just not in a classroom.

Well, I will remember that when it comes time to review that for STEP1. But how would you go about understanding that? It seems like something you just have to memorize.
Well, I will remember that when it comes time to review that for STEP1. But how would you go about understanding that? It seems like something you just have to memorize.

Part of the reason you can't really "apply" just yet is bc you don't have MS-2. That being said, for Physiology, outside of lectures, Youtube sometimes help: i.e. Dr. Najeeb's lectures or Kaplan USMLE Step 1 videos, etc. The point is not the specific source, per say. But use what helps you understand it. Physiology is not a memorization type of subject. If it's tested that way on professor exams, you're getting a real disservice.

For that Physiology question, I thought Costanzo (the bigger Physiology text, not BRS) is better when you're learning for the first time.
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No it's not "kindergarten level chemistry/physics".:rolleyes: He also hasn't had Path yet.

Diffusion, osmolarity, etc are not new for med students. We've learned these concepts even in HS.

The fact that he hasn't taken Path is exactly why I'm trying to point out the connection between these things he finds "unimportant" and "unreasonably detailed" and real life medicine. So he can wake up and get on it.
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Part of the reason you can't really "apply" just yet is bc you don't have MS-2. That being said, for Physiology, outside of lectures, Youtube sometimes help: i.e. Dr. Najeeb's lectures or Kaplan USMLE Step 1 videos, etc. The point is not the specific source, per say. But use what helps you understand it. Physiology is not a memorization type of subject. If it's tested that way on professor exams, you're getting a real disservice.

For that Physiology question, I thought Costanzo (the bigger Physiology text, not BRS) is better when you're learning for the first time.

Not only tested that way, the professor showed us the slide for 10 seconds and specifically told us to "memorize this table" without explaining anything about it. I tried to make some sense of it, but I eventually just decided to rote memorize it without understanding any of it.
And Arkangeloid, most of us didn't have the "sex talk" with our parents. Get over it. Read Are You There God, It's Me Margaret; then proceed to Basic Instinct.
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Diffusion, osmolarity, etc are not new for med students. We've learned these concepts even in HS.

The fact that he hasn't taken Path is exactly why I'm trying to point out the connection between these things he finds "unimportant" and "unreasonably detailed" and real life medicine. So he can wake up and get on it.

High school yes. Not kindergarten.
Not only tested that way, the professor showed us the slide for 10 seconds and specifically told us to "memorize this table" without explaining anything about it. I tried to make some sense of it, but I eventually just decided to rote memorize it without understanding any of it.

Was he running out of time and speeding thru? Or is he usually that way?
Diffusion, osmolarity, etc are not new for med students. We've learned these concepts even in HS.

The fact that he hasn't taken Path is exactly why I'm trying to point out the connection between these things he finds "unimportant" and "unreasonably detailed" and real life medicine. So he can wake up and get on it.

And Arkangeloid, most of us didn't have the "sex talk" with our parents. Get over it. Read Are You There God, It's Me Margaret; then proceed to Basic Instinct.

Why are you being so rude to me lol.

Regardless, it's not uncommon for our professors to show slides for 10 seconds and say "I don't have time to cover this, memorize it on your own" (this was said in lecture just this week). That kind of teaching approach breeds a lot of resentment and annoyance, I think.
Was he running out of time and speeding thru? Or is he usually that way?

The professors are usually that way, the better ones (usually the younger ones) are more open about saying "memorize this high yield stuff." The annoying ones are the ones who ramble on about stuff and make it difficult to identity what is high yield and what isn't. I tend to struggle with those lectures, both in terms of losing exam points and not learning much. For example, I still know nothing about Neuropathology.
I always felt like med school PUNISHED me for trying to be interested in and learn more about the material, because it meant I would fall behind.

Oh, and before I call it a night - you're totally wrong about this. In first year while studying I'd have an extra sheet for all the "extra weird stuff" I wanted to look up because I'd heard about it before or they didn't go into any details or I was curious. After finishing what I needed to do, I'd spend my little 20 minutes looking up two or three things and you can't imagine how much it paid off later. You won't ever be punished for learning more and even extraneous stuff. But get your chores taken care of first.
Was he running out of time and speeding thru? Or is he usually that way?
Seriously? Like his professor did something wrong? God bless the professor that doesn't waste your time and lets you go and memorize a table your own way. I'm sure Arkie had access to the slides and table.
Why are you being so rude to me lol.
I'm not. You're misreading my tone. I think the reason you resent others for doing well is you don't take responsibility for own your shortcomings. Work.

The professors are usually that way, the better ones (usually the younger ones) are more open about saying "memorize this high yield stuff." The annoying ones are the ones who ramble on about stuff and make it difficult to identity what is high yield and what isn't. I tend to struggle with those lectures, both in terms of losing exam points and not learning much.
My instructor for embryo would tell us "this is super high yield and will definitely be on your exam" and never was. Imagine how annoying that is.