Medical Do I need more volunteering for medical school?

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the evil queen of numbers
15+ Year Member
Mar 7, 2005
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I decided fairly late into college (fall of my senior year) that medicine was really what I wanted to do instead of pursuing a doctorate in science. As a result, I have little volunteer experience. I have around 30-35 hours from my freshman year tutoring chem in my dorm (not any official university program, just something a couple of us did) which led me to be a paid tutor through my school. I am currently an ER volunteer and will have accumulated ~130 hrs by application time. I've also just signed on as an ESL tutor in my community which I should be able to get at least 40 hours out of by the time I apply. I plan on continuing both of these after application.

Other things going for me:
-sGPA=3.83, cGPA=3.81
-1700 hrs as a scribe, currently chief scribe for my site
-over 2350 hrs of research including a DOE internship, three national conference presentations as first author, one award for best undergrad poster at a national conference, one travel award, multiple smaller presentations, one middle author paper before application, 1-2 first author papers after application
-Goldwater scholarship honorable mention (not a win but still national recognition)
-I've checked the shadowing box

Assuming I don't bomb my mcat next month will my lower volunteering numbers hold me back? Obviously, I won't be applying at T20 schools or those with a heavy volunteer focus.

Thanks for any help!
You are likely to be okay if your personal statement is frank about your relatively late decision to pursue medicine rather than a doctorate in science. Your experiences back up that narrative and you did care enough about people to be a volunteer when you were planning to be a scientist (when you tutored) so that is a positive.

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