Dating atmosphere in med school?

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Generally people don't creep on other people that they don't know in real life in any way shape or form. It's a pretty creepy thing to do. Like, on a scale of zero to ten, with zero being a polite hello and a 10 being showing up at someone that doesn't even know your name's doorstep with some flowers and a mix CD, it's a solid 8.

This might explain some of your social troubles.

???? Its Facebook. The cliques here are amazing.

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???? Its Facebook. The cliques here are amazing.
It's the fourth wall dude. You don't just go poking around at someone's fourth wall like that. It's creepy. If you posted some random comments on, say, a youtube video and some dude tracked your profile down and said he knew who you were, that wouldn't freak you out at all? That'd just be totally normal for a stranger that you don't even know and probably don't like to look you up and know who you are, where you go to school, who your love ones are, and what you look like? Not creepy at all? Not even the slightest bit of an invasion of privacy?
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???? Its Facebook. The cliques here are amazing.

As a general rule, just don't refer to any information about a person that hasn't been gathered through posting on SDN. Unless they freely volunteer it, it shouldn't be up here.

That includes commenting on someone's physical appearance, for example.
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It's the fourth wall dude. You don't just go poking around at someone's fourth wall like that. It's creepy. If you posted some random comments on, say, a youtube video and some dude tracked your profile down and said he knew who you were, that wouldn't freak you out at all? That'd just be totally normal for a stranger that you don't even know and probably don't like to look you up and know who you are, where you go to school, who your love ones are, and what you look like? Not creepy at all? Not even the slightest bit of an invasion of privacy?

She's a regular here and has posted lots of stuff publicly here about what school she goes too, so do a lot of people. Med schools research applicants all the time through facebook.
It's a certain etiquette that is kept up by forum users (hell, internet users).

Some people forget or aren't aware...fine...but it is NOT fun when it happens to you, so once you're aware, be a decent human being and follow it. It doesn't take much to get yourself banned by going down the personal information route, at all.
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She's a regular here and has posted lots of stuff publicly here about what school she goes too, so do a lot of people. Med schools research applicants all the time through facebook.
Except we didn't go searching and hunting for it like you apparently did. I have no idea who she is and what med school she goes to. I also don't care.
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???? Its Facebook. The cliques here are amazing.
Just bc we're denouncing your douchey move, doesn't make us a "clique". It's not the world against EMDO2018, like you're always convinced it is.
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Except we didn't go searching and hunting for it like you apparently did. I have no idea who she is and what med school she goes to. I also don't care.

I didn't go and hunt for anything, we went through the same application cycle, and she applied to some of the the same schools I did. I remember what school she got into because she was so excited. I just remembered. I also remembered she said she was "x" for the class FB page that she got accepted to. I didn't research crap, she posted it on SDN.
I didn't go and hunt for anything, we went through the same application cycle, and she applied to some of the the same schools I did. I remember what school she got into because she was so excited. I just remembered. I also remembered she said she was "x" for the class FB page that she got accepted to. I didn't research crap, she posted it on SDN.
And you went back and searched/hunted it thru SDN on another forum. Congrats. Much better.
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^^^^^^That makes no sense, neither does this overreaction.
All I did was post the link to our Facebook page over a year ago...
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Interesting night. Lost all respect for some people.
Better to learn these lessons here tho, than in the real world. Never trust certain types of people.
But what you have to understand is that even if this is normal for you and you honestly didn't do any "creeping" per se, the way you conveyed that you knew who someone else was seemed... well, creepy.
^^This. That's what started it.
To me it is less that he remembered the fb link or where she goes to school. It's how he wielded the information - to put her down.

It's also the second time he has insulted one of our female posters physical appearance as a means of intimidation.
He's a more malicious, URM version of Ark.
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He's a more malicious, URM version of Ark.

Seeing as how some of the mods around here are super warning-happy for way less, I'm surprised that his posts haven't gotten him in trouble. I'm sure he would post about how racist it was if he got a warning.
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To me it is less that he remembered the fb link or where she goes to school. It's how he wielded the information - to put her down.

It's also the second time he has insulted one of our female posters physical appearance as a means of intimidation.

You're right, I really missed the forest for the trees with that post. I'll delete it.
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You act like there's something wrong with that. And seriously for those of us who are more well endowed these things just happen

absolutely 0 wrong with it, just that the avg perception is that that wouldn't be the case, and yet it appears to be more often than not.
So much waste, so much, premium gas??? wtf you know there is no difference.

do you know what detonation is? it's essentially when you have too low of quality gas for a given compression ratio and the gas combusts too soon and you have the formation of hydroxyl radicals from gasoline and water vapor or oxygen and it causes severe damage to an engine. there is most definitely a difference. now this difference isn't felt if you have a lower compression car and try 87 vs 93, however if you have a car made for racing and it's high compression, there's going to be a huge difference between 110 and 93 octane, ie youll tear your **** up with 93

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do you know what detonation is? it's essentially when you have too low of quality gas for a given compression ratio and the gas combusts too soon and you have the formation of hydroxyl radicals from gasoline and water vapor and it causes severe damage to an engine. there is most definitely a difference. now this difference isn't felt if you have a lower compression car and try 87 vs 93, however if you have a car made for racing and it's high compression, there's going to be a huge difference between 110 and 93 octane, ie youll tear your **** up with 93

Doesn't even have to be a race car. Pretty much any turbocharged car will require premium, and if you run 87 the ECU will pull timing and it'll drive like ****.
Doesn't even have to be a race car. Pretty much any turbocharged car will require premium, and if you run 87 the ECU will pull timing and it'll drive like ****.

yeah just extended comparison. also the changing timing is important as people will be like " BUT MY CAR SAYS IT NEEDS 93 AND I PUT 87 IN AND NOTHING HAPPENS" Well yeah cuz your timing is auto-adjusting and bailing your ass out.
I would actually argue this incident argues strongly against an aspergers/ASD problem.

This was a use of emotional currency in a malicious fashion. In order to do that, it requires an implicit understanding of the emotions and implied power differential involved. Putting down another users looks (and again, this is the second time he has done this) the way he did is saying "I know who you are, I have seen you, and I judge you to be beneath me". It's kind of like when that person a while back alleged that they had discovered your name and pub-med searched you. They were trying to establish power over you by implying they had leverage.

Someone on the autism spectrum wouldn't understand the intricacies of that sort of social manipulation.

In other words...he doesn't have aspergers, he's just a garden variety d**k.
I think I may have concentrated too much on his inability to realize and distinguish what is socially acceptable and what isn't - some people have trouble with that as even when we told him that it wasn't, he just couldn't understand why this was the case. Maybe sociopath would better describe his behavior.

It's amazing to me how he's angry in every single aspect of his life long before he was a medical student.
Nah that was just good old fashioned internet backpeadalling. Combined with faux righteous indignation.
Really? I figured he thought it was perfectly acceptable bc the person had apparently posted their med school class Facebook group link and so figured it was fair game.
I mean I'm looking at this all in hindsight (since I was asleep while y'all were arguing). I think the first post was very clearly deliberate. Everything after that was just an attempt to justify/excuse/ignore why it was a totally d*** move.
Not to mention his initial comment starting the fire wasn't even in response to a comment directed at him.
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Not good enough, keep trying guys. You all are smarter than this:yawn:
I don't have Asperger's, I am very well aware of most things. I am very well aware of society and people. If I post something that makes it seem I'm aloof, its mostly just to study the responses people give.
I don't have Asperger's, I am very well aware of most things. I am very well aware of society and people. If I post something that makes it seem I'm aloof, its mostly just to study the responses people give.
So you're saying you just say stuff to see our reactions... Gotcha.
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You don't have Aspberger's. You're a robot.

A robot? that would be cool.

One thing that's interesting about human beings, is our creative imagination. Its what allowed us to build rocket ships that fly to the moon, it also allows to create things that aren't really there- like gods, demons, angels, etc. I said one line about how somebody wasn't well endowed and that sparked a 100 post crap storm, and all these analysis about what I might be. Its interesting, I ight go into psychiatry, I think I have a knack for it OR, maybe im just a psycho path?
I don't have Asperger's, I am very well aware of most things. I am very well aware of society and people. If I post something that makes it seem I'm aloof, its mostly just to study the responses people give.
You and samuelp have a lot in common.

People with Asperger's can be highly functioning. That's why it is along an Autism Spectrum Disorder.
So you're saying you just say stuff to see our reactions... Gotcha.

which wouldn't be necessary if one understood people and their behavior...
A robot? that would be cool.

One thing that's interesting about human beings, is our creative imagination. Its what allowed us to build rocket ships that fly to the moon, it also allows to create things that aren't really there- like gods, demons, angels, etc. I said one line about how somebody wasn't well endowed and that sparked a 100 post crap storm, and all these analysis about what I might be. Its interesting, I ight go into psychiatry, I think I have a knack for it OR, maybe im just a psycho path?

What does this even mean
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I thank the mods for being objective too, very professional.