Countdown to June 13th!

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Jun 29, 2006
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alright may 11th mcaters, the time is close!!! 12 more days!! what's everyone doing to pass the time?? i'm a nervous

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I think there is somthing seriously wrong with the may 11th exam. Do you guys remember some question/s in the PS seemed to have no right answer? I remember other posters also talking about trying to calculate and never getting the answer.

Then the curve should account for that
I think there is somthing seriously wrong with the may 11th exam. Do you guys remember some question/s in the PS seemed to have no right answer? I remember other posters also talking about trying to calculate and never getting the answer.

I'm sorry to dash your hopes, but I got an answer for every PS calculation problem. The only question I could not answer with fair certainty was the one with boyles vs charles law (in which I guessed a 50/50 and got it wrong, lol). Although, now having said this, watch my PS score be a 9 hahaha
I just want to remind everyone of the following:

This is the official score release thread for the May 2007 MCAT dates. Feel free to post serious information and announcements about the impending score release. You can post your scores in here when the time comes as well.

Good luck, everyone! :luck:
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I got an answer for every calculation problem too - though I feel like I fell into some traps and didn't have the knowledge to dig myself out.

I got the Gas law question right though, which I find funny because when I was tutoring a Gen Chem kid she had to learn those, and I remember telling her that I think it's useless to memorize the individual Gas laws when you know PV = nRT.

Stupid Inuranic, stupid.

And Swiperfox, I think out of all the May 11th peeps who posted their practice scores, you were dominating us, correct? I for one am not going to use you as my paradigm *shudders*.
WAIT a minute!

We're supposed to know the "NAMES" of the individual gas laws????
Please tell me you're joking lol

I thought as long as you can do the calculations, you're good.
I got an answer for every calculation problem too - though I feel like I fell into some traps and didn't have the knowledge to dig myself out.

I got the Gas law question right though, which I find funny because when I was tutoring a Gen Chem kid she had to learn those, and I remember telling her that I think it's useless to memorize the individual Gas laws when you know PV = nRT.

Stupid Inuranic, stupid.

And Swiperfox, I think out of all the May 11th peeps who posted their practice scores, you were dominating us, correct? I for one am not going to use you as my paradigm *shudders*.

Yea hehehe, I felt like kicking myself after that question. I always confused which name went with which law, and after all those practice exams I was completely taken aback that they would ask something like that. MCAT practice questions for physics were way more application based, or if they asked the name of a law there was always a completely obvious answer (and three unambiguously wrong ones).
WAIT a minute!

We're supposed to know the "NAMES" of the individual gas laws????
Please tell me you're joking lol

I thought as long as you can do the calculations, you're good.

No joke, you actually had to know the names of each gas law (at least the important ones, they left out Avogadro I think)
by now i was supposed to have had my score and I was set to either retake or celebrate..oh my mom always says.."everything in life always happens for a reason..."
just hope that reason is a BIG curve..LoL:)
WAIT a minute!

We're supposed to know the "NAMES" of the individual gas laws????
Please tell me you're joking lol

I thought as long as you can do the calculations, you're good.

No. We had to specifically know the names (the relationships were not enough). I too got it wrong with a 50:50 guess. I am dreading to see my scores. AAMC feeds everyone a bunch of B.S. by claiming this test involves thinking and not memorization, since they always ask the most random, useless facts like the title of a gas law.
It was definitely on mine. I remember having to take the 50:50 guess too...
i am ready for scores, however 11:13 on July 14 still no scores? I think I'll just get in my car and drive home. Has anyone called?
how come april people got their scores almost exactly 30 days later, but they are playing around w/ the May scores ??? :eek:

I hope there is no manipulation or anything, and it's just a technical problem, but are we going to be certain about that ? :confused:
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wow. mcat has really been the bane of my existence....I can't believe it continues. I just now hope I get the scores before work tonight. I wonder what's going on....:luck:
I'm really curious as to what releasing the scores entails...

I mean, isn't it just uploading the scores and changing a few settings? Is it an all-day affair so that they have to release them late in the day or do they just not get around to it until they're about to leave, forcing them to postpone it a full day if something goes wrong?

The whole waiting game we're in seems so pointless...
I remember that question, and i also guessed 50/50 on that and i definitely got it wrong. i really hope that was an experimental question because it tested nothing besides if you happen to know a fact that stupid and pointless. they really need to release scores about now, because this is ridiculous.
^ I was also pretty surprised about that question and I still don't know what the answer is so I dunno if I got it right or wrong. But seriously, dumb question.

I'd call AAMC but I'm in canada and I don't feel like incurring the long distance charges only to be on hold and have some brief ambiguous 30 second response once I actually get a person on the other end.

I feel bad for those who wrote this, and after feeling like crap about it (like most of us!) registered for the June 15th exam. How could they even do any day-before studying with this hanging over their head!?

Ahh, good luck all.
there are experimental questions?

that's what i've heard, but i could be wrong. i mean, how else do they come up with new questions? i think it's kind of like the SAT, where they look at the experimentals to make sure that the questions are getting the right percentage of right versus wrong answers.

but it could just be wishful thinking.
Alright scores are in!!!!

I am stressing out, I'd say someone else should handle the MCATs. The ACT,SAT,DAT, etc. never seem to have problems arrrhhh.. Its all a conspiracy, a secret elite group that controls the profession is probably adjusting each person's score to influence everyone's chances of acceptance. I'd like to believe the May 11th exam takers were chosen to do well :rolleyes:.
Alright scores are in!!!!

I am stressing out, I'd say someone else should handle the MCATs. The ACT,SAT,DAT, etc. never seem to have problems arrrhhh.. Its all a conspiracy, a secret elite group that controls the profession is probably adjusting each person's score to influence everyone's chances of acceptance. I'd like to believe the May 11th exam takers were chosen to do well :rolleyes:.

that is a cruel cruel joke. I suppose even if they were in, I am not opening them up until 10pm tonight so I don't have to do this alone. LOL
I'm the opposite. I want to do this alone.

I would probably punch anyone who immediately tries to comfort me if I get a bad score.
I'm the opposite. I want to do this alone.

I would probably punch anyone who immediately tries to comfort me if I get a bad score.

haha i'm exactly like that. if i get a 25 and ppl are like oooh im soo sorry you'll do better next time, i'll be tempted to kick them in the face cause i'll be so mad even though they're just trying to be nice. so better to do this alone right? :laugh:
I'm the opposite. I want to do this alone.

I would probably punch anyone who immediately tries to comfort me if I get a bad score.


I am my own worst critic though, I could turn a 44 into something horrible and the end of the world. I've actually beaten myself up over getting 100 on an exam, because I missed an easy bonus question. Being a perfectionist sucks at times (and I wish I could tone it down sometimes). Other people help keep me grounded.

I am my own worst critic though, I could turn a 44 into something horrible and the end of the world. I've actually beaten myself up over getting 100 on an exam, because I missed an easy bonus question. Being a perfectionist sucks at times (and I wish I could tone it down sometimes). Other people help keep me grounded.

Bwahaha...I do that too!

"I got a 100? WTF?!?!?! There was a bonus question! I got something wrong...I'm so ******ed..."
I don't remember exactly which one, but I felt like one question really had no answer on the PS. Maybe it was the gas law one? I don't even remember the gas law being on the exam. I only remember some crap about F=ma stuff and kinematics.
i remember a lot of kinematics, solubility, and a buckey ball psg. but nothing on gas law stuff?
Careful, guys and girls. Some of you are getting a little too specific with posting info from your test. It's fine to discuss general topics (ex. there was a gas law question and a buckyball passage), but please don't post the actual questions and answers, or I'll have to post hold you. Thanks, and hang in there. Scores will be coming soon. :luck:
that is a cruel cruel joke. I suppose even if they were in, I am not opening them up until 10pm tonight so I don't have to do this alone. LOL

No kidding--I had yesterday all planned out so that I would be able to check my score in private... but now I'm starting to get pretty anxious. I'm at work and every 10 or so minutes I hit the refresh button... I was hesitant to find out in front of my coworkers, but at this point, I'm dying to know so bad that I don't care who's around... JUST RELEASE THE F@#$!@# SCORES ALREADY!

::ahem.:: sorry for that outburst. i feel a little better now.
I knew this line of topic would bring Q in.

How do you do it? Are you magical? Are you postponing some sort of thesis work?

You're the man regardless. I swear to be good.
I do remember there was a really wierd question about a rolling ball which I thought was unanswerable with the information given, and so sent in a complaint about it at the end of the exam.
I'm the opposite. I want to do this alone.

I would probably punch anyone who immediately tries to comfort me if I get a bad score.
Good, I'll make sure to call you a ******* and tell you that you deserve it.:hardy:
I knew this line of topic would bring Q in.

How do you do it? Are you magical? Are you postponing some sort of thesis work?

You're the man regardless. I swear to be good.
:laugh: I have my ways of knowing which threads tend to lead to trouble....and sometimes, some of your compatriots report posts. ;)
:laugh: I have my ways of knowing which threads tend to lead to trouble....and sometimes, some of your compatriots report posts. ;)


j/k, I appreciate your work.

Now I'm going to continue shaking because I got the score I wanted.
27T (Don't laugh - that's an improvement) We'll see how it goes. Good luck to everyone else.

j/k, I appreciate your work.

Now I'm going to continue shaking because I got the score I wanted.
Congrats. :hardy: :thumbup:

I've just finished cleaning up the score report sticky; anyone who wants to, feel free to post your scores. Also, if those of you who scored 30+ would be willing to share your study tips, please add them to the 30+ Study Tips thread. (You can find the link in the sticky at the top of the forum.)
Just checked mine.... I was happily surprised

Section Score Percentile_____
Verbal Reasoning 12 94.2 - 97.9
Physical Sciences 12 89.1 - 94.4
Writing Sample Q 70.2 - 88.3
Biological Sciences 12 88 - 94.5
Total Score 36Q 95.2 - 96.7
31m, eh M? haha, oh well, it works. VR was 11, so maybe that will look okay?

yeah I'm worried that something went wrong with my writing sample. I thought my essays were relatively good (at least they deserved a better grade than the one I got)
I got a 31 overall and a VR= 11 too.
10PS, 11VR, 10BS

i got exactly the score i didn't want. it was exactly at the cutoff where i wasn't sure whether or not i'd retake. and only three points higher than i began with with my diagnostic. what to do, what to do?
29O!....Very glad. Now I can breath in and out. Might not be so high but from my experience during the D-Day, I can PRAISE GOD!!!

yikes! an M?? Not sure if I should retake or not... (not just for the writing, but also because my verbal was nowhere near what I was getting on practice tests. )