Booted out due to politics (anyone else experienced this?)

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I was at a sandwich shop this evening in the unlikely event that any other people in my knitting club would show up; most of them have other things going on this week. Anyway, I looked up, and there at the counter was the person I believe was primarily responsible for all this. :eek:

I gathered up all my stuff and walked out the door without her having seen me.

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You belong to a knitting club?
You belong to a knitting club?

Yes, I do! Another local knitter, who was an assistant manager of Steak & Shake at the time, said to me, "How do you know so much about fast food? I thought you were a pharmacist." I replied, "I am, but I haven't always been, and the jobs are not as different as you might think."


Another knitter is a physician who knits his own sweaters and socks; his wife is more into dish cloths.
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:whistle: not bashing knitting, just don't get the high-five....

I wonder if Kolaches are worth going off a diet for....never had one before and would be pissed if they tasted like crap and I wasted a perfectly good diet cheat on them....:confused:

The high five is about the non-differences between retail pharmacy and working fast food.

As for "am I old", how do you define old?
i tend to think knitting is for grandma types.
does what?

Knits and crochets!

Do you watch "Pawn Stars"? Someone tried to sell a spinning wheel; Rick wouldn't buy it, and suggested he advertise at a senior center. :laugh: Spinning seems to be the territory of younger (wo)men! I couldn't imagine an elderly (wo)man doing that anyway, because of the loss of hand/eye coordination and arthritis.
looks like a show only a grandma would watch
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aight...I watched's actually pretty good... those Pawn boyz look sleazy but smart.
aight...I watched's actually pretty good... those Pawn boyz look sleazy but smart.

That show is awesome. All of the times they make Chumlee try to operate random crap is worth watching alone. And the satisfying look of disappointment on peoples' faces when they find out their priceless item is really a forgery worth $10, too. Great comedy.
Has anyone else here seen the magnificent documentary "Rush: Beyond The Lighted Stage"? It aired on VH-1 a few weeks ago. Anyway, their drummer, Neil Peart, knows how to knit. I don't know how good he is at it but he wanted his mother to teach him how, so she did.


I attend a rather large church, and was told that my attorney goes there too. There are two services, and I'm guessing he usually attends the that I don't. Anyway, I saw him there this morning, and when the pastor said we should tell those around us that they are gifts from God, I considered going over to him and saying that but decided that might be kind of uncomfortable.
Has anyone else here seen the magnificent documentary "Rush: Beyond The Lighted Stage"? It aired on VH-1 a few weeks ago. Anyway, their drummer, Neil Peart, knows how to knit. I don't know how good he is at it but he wanted his mother to teach him how, so she did.


I grew up idolizing him...though I wasn't a drummer. I used to be able to play the entire 2112 album on my guitar. Only real contribution to humanity by Canada was giving us Rush.

I attend a rather large church, and was told that my attorney goes there too. There are two services, and I'm guessing he usually attends the that I don't. Anyway, I saw him there this morning, and when the pastor said we should tell those around us that they are gifts from God, I considered going over to him and saying that but decided that might be kind of uncomfortable.



I told one of my friends that he was going to represent me, and she said, "He goes here! And he's one of my Facebook friends. You should send him a friend request!" I replied that this would be rather unethical.
I grew up idolizing him...though I wasn't a drummer. I used to be able to play the entire 2112 album on my guitar. Only real contribution to humanity by Canada was giving us Rush.

C'mawn! What about Pamela Anderson? Celine Dion?? Or Alana Miles, singer of that "Black Velvet" song? Without her, the lyrics, "The sun is settin' like molasses in the sky" would never have been famous.
C'mawn! What about Pamela Anderson? Celine Dion?? Or Alana Miles, singer of that "Black Velvet" song? Without her, the lyrics, "The sun is settin' like molasses in the sky" would never have been famous.

i give you sarah mclachlin (sp?) just because shes cute and was just on tv commercial about abused pets..but thats it!!
That is just wrong. Here's one of my fav Rush song.... good lawd I was in middle school when this came out.. doesn't get much better than R&R song about a little red Ferrari. One day I'm going to be that uncle.. :D

That is just wrong. Here's one of my fav Rush song.... good lawd I was in middle school when this came out.. doesn't get much better than R&R song about a little red Ferrari. One day I'm going to be that uncle.. :D


You and I... we are on the same page buddy... 2112 was some kind of apex in musical history (referring to your previous post)... although I dare anyone to name a Rush album that sucks, even when Geddy got mixed up and thought he was Jan Hammer in the 80s.

"Live for yourself...there's no one else more worth living for... begging hands and bleeding hearts will only cry out for more"
Neil Peart is the F'ing man... don't make me try to type the live YYZ solo!
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"Hold Your Fire" had two good songs and the rest was filler, and "Counterparts" was so bad, they didn't even play any of the songs from it on that tour! I should know; I saw two shows from it.
A lot of these stories have a few commonalities.

In both stories so far there was an element of nepotism. Because this is not considered illegal, it corrupts the environment. Leading to workers losing their jobs over favoritism.

The existing power hierarchy is also something we need to soberly address. If they dont like you, they will find any excuse to get rid of you. Human beings are emotional and do things for stupid reasons. I have been called out working at a pharmacy for not taking my breaks. Theyll find anything to criticize you on and then even fire you to make way for their friend or distant cousin.
I have decided that on my next interview, I will tell the truth about this, especially if it's not in my immediate area. I'm guessing that the recruiter will either end the interview right then, or offer me a job on the spot.

A lot of these stories have a few commonalities.

In both stories so far there was an element of nepotism. Because this is not considered illegal, it corrupts the environment. Leading to workers losing their jobs over favoritism.

The existing power hierarchy is also something we need to soberly address. If they dont like you, they will find any excuse to get rid of you. Human beings are emotional and do things for stupid reasons. I have been called out working at a pharmacy for not taking my breaks. Theyll find anything to criticize you on and then even fire you to make way for their friend or distant cousin.

Okay, and what per se does this have to do with Neil Peart or Alex Lifeson? Anything? If you want to post about power hierarchy's and what not try to do it on a thread dedicated to that and not Rush. Thanks.
"Hold Your Fire" had two good songs and the rest was filler, and "Counterparts" was so bad, they didn't even play any of the songs from it on that tour! I should know; I saw two shows from it.

They didn't play "Stick It Out"? Really?!!?? Although Hold Your Fire did kind of sound like Rush on estrogen trying to play something better fitted for Winger, it was still good compared to a lot of their contemporaries from that time period (late 80s).
They didn't play "Stick It Out"? Really?!!?? Although Hold Your Fire did kind of sound like Rush on estrogen trying to play something better fitted for Winger, it was still good compared to a lot of their contemporaries from that time period (late 80s).

When "Counterparts" came out, I wrote for a music zine and referred to it as "Rush Lite."

I also reviewed the two concerts I attended within a week (long story as to how that happened) and titled it "Rush/Primus: A Two Part Trilogy". :laugh:
Okay, and what per se does this have to do with Neil Peart or Alex Lifeson? Anything? If you want to post about power hierarchy's and what not try to do it on a thread dedicated to that and not Rush. Thanks.

The thread veered way way way OT. :whoa:

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

I filled out an online application today. It's in the city where I used to work, although not at the same place. I actually lived in a city 40 miles away. I sure don't want to move again, however.
Yesterday afternoon, the chief pharmacist from the hospital 4 hours away called me for a preliminary phone interview, and I decided to tell him upfront why I left my last job, with the understanding that this could be a deal breaker. He told me it wasn't, and will get back with me today or tomorrow to set up a formal interview. I plan to be in this region the weekend after next for another event, and we will try to schedule this around that. :thumbup:

The saga continues.

I just got a phone call from the agency asking if I could work overnights for a few months at my previous employer! :scared: #1 I cannot work overnights (I found this out when I was about 20 years old and waitressing) and #2. Think about it. Obviously, one of the overnighters gave notice and I have a pretty good idea who it is.
I found out that the overnighter, who had worked there for about 5 years, was fired. Got a security escort out of the building and everything. :eek: I have a pretty good idea why, too. Sorry to hear that, because I liked her and she has 3 kids.

Anyway, I had that interview on Monday and thought it went well. I also told them the truth about why I left that last job, and they didn't seem too shocked or outraged. They'll probably let me know next week what the verdict is.
I found out that the overnighter, who had worked there for about 5 years, was fired. Got a security escort out of the building and everything. :eek: I have a pretty good idea why, too. Sorry to hear that, because I liked her and she has 3 kids.

Anyway, I had that interview on Monday and thought it went well. I also told them the truth about why I left that last job, and they didn't seem too shocked or outraged. They'll probably let me know next week what the verdict is.

That overnighter called me later yesterday afternoon, and we had a nice conversation. The reason she gave me was not what I thought it was, either. Some other things she told me made me very grateful that I no longer work there.
3664, glad to hear ur doing well. Like I say, and from your more recent posts, your last place seemed radioactive, unethical, and heavy-handed. From the 'waitressing comment, I now realize you are female- thought you were a guy- but not like my opinion would change all that much- except that overnight would be a great gig. Your first place sounds so bipolar, for all you know, they'd hire you back for it. lol I wish I knew what site this is so I could steer anyone I know away from it. A pharmacy, very much, is like a chicken-coop and it's good to keep your head down and work hard, but some places I could see could be just total annoyances with extraneous personalities.
Fruitfly, more than once, I heard "Six Sigma" referred to as "Six Sigmoid".


Because I don't have a job right now, if the weather's good, I might be able to attend a Rush concert in my region later this month, and not have to worry about taking time off for it. I won't buy a ticket in advance because I live in the Midwest and we've had oppressive heat and frequent thunderstorms.

BTW, my colleague was hesitant about applying for unemployment because she just didn't want to go through any more ordeal (I said, "Do it for your kids!") and also told me that being called to work at our previous employer wouldn't surprise her, considering some of the calls she herself had gotten from recruiters.
Still haven't heard from the place where I interviewed 2 weeks ago, but I did have a phone interview a few days ago from a place considerably closer to home. It's per diem but better than nothing, if I get hired.
Still haven't heard from the place where I interviewed 2 weeks ago, but I did have a phone interview a few days ago from a place considerably closer to home. It's per diem but better than nothing, if I get hired.

I called that hospital today, and I suspect that the personnel director diplomatically told me that I wasn't hired. :( I strongly suspect that I will never work as a pharmacist again.
I just got a "You Suck" letter from a place where I had a phone interview last week. But it wasn't sent via U.S. Mail. It was a generic form e-mail with no actual names on it.

I went to a job fair today in a nearby town, and there were two hospitals in the region who had representatives there. I did leave my resume with both, and one of those hospitals was at a fair I attended a few months ago. When I mentioned that I used to work with that hospital's pharmacy director, the man at the table suddenly changed his demeanor and he looked really crabby. :confused:

On the way home, I applied for a job, and am pretty sure I got it. But it's not in pharmacy. It's taking phone orders for a Christmas catalog. :scared: Hey, I do get a 3% commission on sales!
I just got a "You Suck" letter from a place where I had a phone interview last week. But it wasn't sent via U.S. Mail. It was a generic form e-mail with no actual names on it.


I get four of those a week. I was thinking about printing them all out and doing some sort of hokey modern art **** with it...then put it on eBay...
I got a letter from my last employer informing me that starting on the first of the month after my 65th birthday, I am entitled to a pension of $274 a month. Who knows how much money that will be in 19 years, but you better believe I'm hanging onto that letter. I'm going to take it to my safety deposit box on Monday. After what I've been through this past 6 months, I feel I deserve it.
I had an appointment with my attorney today, for an issue tangential to this, and he said that he's averaging 3 clients a week from this hospital, and they're telling stories similar to mine.


Last weekend, I was at the mall and saw a woman who worked in the department next to mine, and in addition to wondering why she hadn't seen me (she thought I went to 3rd shift) told me that this hospital got new insurance that is so bad, a lot of employees are looking into buying private insurance. :scared:
HR is NOT there to help YOU. HR is to protect the company only. be careful about what you go to HR about. it can come back to bite you in the ass HARD.

i dont know how much the journal will help you to be honest because they can say "you never made us aware of these problems but now you do after termination?"
I agree with this 100%!!!!!!!!