Avatar/Handle names

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TurnBackHelly is my AIM screen name. Helly is the nickname that my high school friends gave me over 10 years ago. About 5 or 6 years back I played the Mary Magdelene role in Godspell, and since she sings "Turn Back, O Man" those same friends thought it would be hilarious to start calling me "Turn Back, Hel-ly" (to the tune of the song). I never really thought it was funny (and don't expect any of you to be amused by it, haha) but it definitely stuck.

My avatar WAS a sepia tone shot of my horse and I walking down the barn aisle, but I just changed it to a picture of the puppy I recently adopted from inner city Philly, Cairo.

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Hmm. I think mine is obvious. :idea:

I've done some work/been exposed to zoo/large/exotics/dogs, etc.. but cats are it for me.
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lalzi was my nickname in highschool since my name is Ali, and 22 since I like even double numbers.

My avatar is a cavalier since I have owned five and I loooove them. This one looks like my current dog, Sophie.
Mine is my pretty orange kitty's name plus the day I was born. Boring. :(

My avatar is Streaky the Super Cat: an orange cat with superpowers! So silly, I love him!
I am a Colorado resident, but I earned a M.S. and am now finishing my PhD at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

The picture is my favorite one in a series sent to me of a polar bear and dog interaction.

I attached another great one in the series :D


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Quantization has to do with signal processing, and I'm a dork who likes to play with circuits and stuff (my MSME was in mechatronics, so basically embedded electro-mechanical systems) so I use this name a lot for different things.

Avatar is cat vs fan belt. We took the leg off and then put it on the xray because we were all curious as to where everything had ended up, and got a gnarly, badass xray out of it.
My name is just my two cats' names together, Bear and Derby. My little picture is of Derby when he was still a kitten...before he started trying to tear my face off. Those were the days. I guess it's good though that Bear is the problem child because there's no way I could pill Derb. I wish I had a picture of both of the kitties together but Derby doesn't like Bear very much. Oh well.
My name is my old screen name, but it reflects my absolute obsession with 70s music/classic rock in general. I kinda got the idea instead of "that 70s show" its "that 70s fan". 11 is my favorite number.

and my avatar is my darling pup I adopted last year, Ringo (once again, obsessed with old music :)). He graduated from his first pet training class at Petsmart and we all stood around like proud parents taking pictures of them in their mini graduation hats.
Mine's the Italian word for variegated/spotted (y'know, like how animals can be colored). I speak Italian and found variegata as a suitable word to (very vaguely) express my biracial-ness.

The cats in the picture are two cats that have been living in the med room at the shelter where I volunteer for the past few months. The big one is Princess, who had some really gnarly leg injuries, had metal plates for awhile, now has them removed but still walks funny. The tortie is "The Pea," a kitten that also was in for an injury (I'm not sure what, actually) and we experimented with putting them together--now we're trying to adopt them out as a bonded pair. Princess gets worried when her Pea isn't there!
The Unraveler is a monster from the game Diablo 2 Act 2

My avatar is a cat because I like cats and dogs and small animals in general. Hopefully I will get my vet degree and go into small animal medicine.
Willow I chose for the analgesic properties of the bark, and to represent my respect for nature and the outdoors. So Willowhand is an expression of my desire to use the work of my hands to take away pain (but no, I'm not toxic to cats as far as I'm aware ;)).

My current avatar is a small hawk that visited for a few days.
Mine is just a combination of my first name (Caitlin), last name (Hill) and my favorite number (18). The 18 is doubled because when I was picking an AIM SN way back in the day, Chill18 was already taken. The pic is of my pit mix Cookie that I adopted in '07 from a no-kill dog shelter I managed. And the itty bitty kitty in front of her was a little munchkin found in a trash can and brought to my work sometime last year. We all took turns taking it home and bottle feeding it through the night.
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Ummm... "Harumph" is kind of the general attitude I have towards life.

My avatar is a picture of the Yeti that eats you at the end of the old Windows game "Skifree." We have a tumultuous relationship.
my username's a combination of my kitties tinkerbelle and minnie. i would have a pic of them sitting next to each other for my avatar, but i just know it would make people get sooo jealous and want to kidnap them. so instead i have a little baby 'possum looking like she's a bit high off of possum formula. i love how they just grasp you and you don't even need to hold on!
It's the screenname I've used for everything since 8th grade...

At the time I was dancing professionally for a modern ballet company... The plan was to move to NYC after 11th grade! But I got injured and threw myself into my studies.

Anyways... I was happy= smiley
wanted to be a star
lucky number = 5

Smileystar5 :)
My name is the original word my husband's nickname for me came from. He calls me Pommy or Pom or Pommy Pea. I always liked pomegranates, but ever since he started calling me that I've become obsessed with them.

My picture is of my beautiful dog, Mandy, doing what she does best, sleeping. I call her my lazy lion dog. I think she might have chow in her but she has no black on her tongue so not really sure.
Groominator... I'm a groomer :p I've been grooming on the side since I was 17.

Its also different from my screen names because in theory i don't want adcoms tracing any stupid thing i may say here to, well, me. I know they could if they really wanted to and I've said a lot of identifying things about myself in general. But yeah.

The avatar is Eddie, one of my favorite fish ever. He was an Australian Checkered Rainbowfish. I had him for three years and lost him to swim bladder problems a while back.
Mine's boring...

I llike horses, and western people have much cooler accessories than hunter/jumper people, so "cowgirl" and "a" is my first intitial.

The picture is a photo that I love...it's my background on my computer, and I've got a huge print of it up above the couch. it's called "fierce grace"
Also the screen name I've used since middle school. I wanted to come up with something that wouldn't require a number at the end of it.

My pic (only added it a couple days ago, but it's staying now!) is a picture of my kitty, Pickles, she's asleep in her favorite spot on my lap right now :) I was looking to adopt a kitten with my boyfriend... so I fostered her and her 3 siblings a couple months ago, and kept her. First time fostering kittens and my goodness, such a handful! It distracted me from school work a little too much, but it was quite a great experience. I'd love to do it again during my year off (or two, depending when I'm accepted) between my undergrad and vet school starting this summer.
My screen name is actually a misspell, it was supposed to be highlands3 because at the time I owned 3 highland cattle ( actually I'm back down to 3 now). In the last 8 or so years I've never been told someone else had it, so it I've stuck with it! The avatar is a pic of my 2 border collies when they were a few months old.
Willow I chose for the analgesic properties of the bark, and to represent my respect for nature and the outdoors. So Willowhand is an expression of my desire to use the work of my hands to take away pain (but no, I'm not toxic to cats as far as I'm aware ;)).

My current avatar is a small hawk that visited for a few days.

Very cool!

Mine is pretty boring, I love zebras and have zebra print everything..and 4 is my lucky number. I also have an obsession with Welsh Corgis, and I can't wait to get one!..someday
Mine is pretty boring. Avatar is a picture of my pet chicken, and her name is...Marsala. Let's hear it for creativity!
My avatar WAS a sepia tone shot of my horse and I walking down the barn aisle, but I just changed it to a picture of the puppy I recently adopted from inner city Philly, Cairo.

Not to be a giant creep job but you may have adopted that dog from the shelter where I'm an adoptions counselor! Was his name Dawson originally by any chance?

Anyway mine is pretty self-explanatory. I like bunnies and the Steelers although the latter were very disappointing last night.
Like many of you, my screenname has been continually recycled since middle school. I had a guidance counsellor in junior high that told me I had a "caustic personality." I'm sure it was meant as a dig, but I thought it sounded cool so I turned it into a screen name.

Avatar is an ode to my Boston Terrier, Dueker. :love: The picture isn't him, just a generic Boston that I thought was particularly cute.
love xkcd :D one of my 3 daily comics along with cyanide and happiness and amazing super powers

1. Haha, after I read XKCD I totally tried that. Several times. Hit a tree and died anyways. Honestly, I've been playing the game for years and I'm still awful at it.

2. Amazingsuperpowers is baller.
The Steelers are totally being crap-tastic. I was at work yesterday and missed the game. Lots of people came in wearing Steelers stuff and I was going to ask if we won. But then I thought better of it because OF COURSE the Steelers beat the Raiders. I got out of work.. checked my phone.. yuck.

Basically we're now seeing that the only reason the Steelers' secondary doesn't allow 10 touchdowns per game every week is because Troy Polamalu covers their butts after they blow the coverage on every single play.

Come back, Troy! Damn you, EA and John Madden!!! :mad:
It seems there is a law that we can either have a remotely useful offensive line or a good defense in any given year.
I love all the handle/avatar stories! So many of you have such cool stories.

My handle is kind of for the barn names of the four horses I've had in my life: PeArl, RItzy, TEra and AL. Plus the parietal lobe has always been my favorite. :D

The avatar is Pearl and I at a training-level event. I look much more confident than I felt, but she's way better than I am and takes care of me on cross-country. :love:
My name pouches rock expresses how much I like animals who have developed a pouch as a reproductive strategy. I have always been fascinated by marsupials and I personally own a few.

My avatar is another organism, the seahorse, who has a pouch and with an extra twist; it is usually the male that has the pouch.

And in a case of supreme serendipity my research project involves a crustacean who has a brood pouch called a marsupium :)