Avatar/Handle names

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He's in profile - Bone's a stuffed red thing in the lower L. corner...and then it's the left side of Sirius' face. Mouth slightly open.

Jaysus - does everyone see an x-ray?

I actually feel kinda inferior 'cause I can't see the xray. It always just looked like a dog biting a ball to me.

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He's in profile - Bone's a stuffed red thing in the lower L. corner...and then it's the left side of Sirius' face. Mouth slightly open.

Jaysus - does everyone see an x-ray?
Hahaha I totally see it now
He's in profile - Bone's a stuffed red thing in the lower L. corner...and then it's the left side of Sirius' face. Mouth slightly open.

Jaysus - does everyone see an x-ray?

To be honest, I always thought it was a panther or something like that. /facepalm

As for my handle, I'm short (4'11" woo!) and I want to go into large animal practice, hence "SmallAndLA". And I'm addicted to faceyourmanga.com so that's why my pic is what it is. *shrug*
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As for my handle, I'm short (4'11" woo!)

I'm 4'11" too! :laugh: My coworkers/friends/family joke that I would be eaten by a cow or stepped on by a horse... so it's good that I'm not going into large animal practice! I really do love small animals so I think my size doesn't matter (except today when trying to wrestle an overweight lab on the x-ray table to take TPLO rads...).

For my handle... I've always liked fire (campfires, candles, etc) so incendium is latin for fire. 04 is my favorite number. The avatar (that I just loaded! ;)) is a photo of my two cats, Sage and Orpheus. A physiology classmate found them on the side of the freeway at 5 weeks of age and I couldn't say no. Orpheus, the long haired tuxedo, even taught me my first lesson in parasitology -- she had a cattle grub in her throat! :eek: Can you tell I actually prefer dogs to cats? :p Never thought I'd love those buggers so.
What a cool thread. I often look at screen names and wonder about the names. I love all of the pics.

Mine is very unoriginal. sed = my initials. 2bncsudvm because I want to 2b a NCSU DVM. I decided in October when I hit submit on the VMCAS application that I would only think positively--so if you envision it it will happen. (I guess I believe in the power of positive thought.)

My pic is of my baby 10 year old beagle, Michelle, who weighs 12 lbs. My tabby is taller and they are best buds. She is always looking at me like that which just tugs at my heart strings. My hubby actually stumbled across the SDN forum and asked me if I was on it because he recognized her picture.
'Athane' - a modiefied version of my black lab's name "athena"

What is the 960 . . .to be honest, I have no idea wher that came from. I am constantly having to change my password at work for some programs and I have to have a certain amount of numbers I think this was one of the combos I was using at the time so I put it in . . . . yeah unoriginal!

The avatar . . I love black labs!!!

Hey KAYAKMAN . . it is great to see someone else into the sport. I am trying to decide whether or not to haul my kayak up to Iowa or sell it . . . I really don't want to part with it, but I am not sure what use it is going to get up there . . ..
I always like to tell people I was born 8 days after 8/8/88! :p I'm a nerd!

Hah, cdk816, you love finding patterns to everything like me!! I was so amused with myself when I figured out that I was 1 year, 1 month, 1 week, and 1 day older than my boyfriend! :laugh:

Jaysus - does everyone see an x-ray?

hehe..I have to admit, for the longest time I had no clue what your avatar was...all I could make out was the word "chomp!"...my mother was in here a little bit ago and she could see the doggie biting the toy...heh, she was pointing out the parts: "here's the eye, and here's the nose, the ear is up here, and his mouth is open, biting the red toy..."... I was getting mad bc I couldn't see it...then all of a sudden, my brain just got it and **BUH-BAM**, it's a picture of a dog biting a toy! Now, all I can see is the dog biting the toy, I have a hard time picturing what it was I was seeing before (kinda cool)...Don't change it DVMorBust! Most of us can see what the avatar is, and I get a little giggle out of seeing it, knowing that I had trouble seeing the obvious before! :p
Jaysus - does everyone see an x-ray?

I remember finally figuring out maybe a few weeks ago what your avatar pic was of. Prior to that I always thought (okay don't laugh) that it was maybe an insect's head as seen through a microscope. Yes, I do know how ridiculous that sounds. And then suddenly one day I figured out it was a dog, and now I can't go back to seeing it the other way, at all!

Don't change it, it's cool that people can see it so many odd ways!
DVMorBust, I always knew your avatar was a black dog chomping on a toy :) However, tpad's was a little more confusing... I thought it was a black cat smooshed in somebody's blanket.
Well now I can never change it, with all this fuss! The avatar stays.
Yeah, I was wrong on tpad's too... I also saw the little black cat (guess I'm not very LA oriented)...Another confusing avatar (for me) was a bunch of ferrets all huddled together...It took me forever to figure out what it was. I am pretty sure now that it was ferrets, but who knows. I can't remember the username * (it was rugbychick16)*. (I could see DVMorBUST's dog though, yay for me!)
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For the record, I could see the dog, DVMorBust, and had to spend a minute or two trying to see how people would see a horse x-ray. I can kinda get it...kinda.

Also (and I am too lazy to go back and quote from the previous page..), I too get really confused when people change their avatars. I usually don't look at the screennames when I read replies, just glance at the avatars. Bad habit, I guess.

Anyway, my screenname is from a nickname I got in high school band. I had to switch from playing clarinet to playing the marimba, and was really practicing a lot to get it right, and my band director at the time complimented me on my "skillz" and said he was going to call me Skillet from then on. It kinda caught on within a small group of my friends, and I made it my AIM screenname...and pretty much everything else after that. The 9886 is my birthday...9/8/86.

My avatar is a picture I randomly found online a few years ago. In case you can't read it, it's a stop sign that someone vandalized so it says "Don't Stop Believing." Keeping with the theme of consistency (that's a bit redundant..) it's also my AIM icon or avatar or whatever. I think it's particularly relevant for this board, since, you know, keeping hope alive during vet school apps. Also, I know I said this in another thread here, but I am a huge Journey fan. You can't tell me you don't bust out singing every time you hear "Don't Stop Believing." Just a small town girl, livin' in a lonely world....
Bill was my first dog's name. The numbers are random -- on another board it was the first number I came up with they would accept, after about 50 tries. Must be a lot of Bills out there.
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My screen name is boring....it's just my name. and the picture is of my little girl, Sprite, a on thanksgiving 2006. we went to dog beach in huntington and had soo much fun! she didnt really like the ocean...and it was sorta cold. but just spending time with the people i love the most (my furbaby and fur-neice, fur-nephew, and sister) really made it special. :)
My screenname comes from my nickname, Slef (Sara+Lefman) combined with the movie Lucky Number Slevin. So Lucky Number Slefman. I thought it was a cool movie and I couldn't resist the play on words.

And the avatar...I just love the funny faces alpacas make. I worked with them a lot in undergrad and they grew on me even though the industry as a whole baffles me.
SumStorm is just the shortened version/nickname that came out of my actual name. I also have answered to 'sumsum' and 'stormy.' The pic is Kinka, a kinkajou that I hand reared for educational programing as curator at a zoo. She is in a pink bucket whereshe was taking a nap...I had to wake her up for a school program, and she looks a little bewildered and bored.

The saddest thing to me about leaving my job was the number of animals I had reared and trained and had to leave behind. I really miss the sloth, armadillo, and skunk. I also miss the daily challenges of close animal observation and detective work to fix things.
DVMorbust, I recognized it immediatly....but that is probably because I had a great dane that looked just like that playing with her favorite toys!
sumstorm: I had an experience with a kinkajou once, but it wasn't too pleasant. The poor thing had wrapped a string around its foot so bad, that the circulation was being cut-off. That thing squealed the highest pitch I had ever heard!! He also got me through the towel. Sharp teeth!:rolleyes:
sumstorm: I had an experience with a kinkajou once, but it wasn't too pleasant. The poor thing had wrapped a string around its foot so bad, that the circulation was being cut-off. That thing squealed the highest pitch I had ever heard!! He also got me through the towel. Sharp teeth!:rolleyes:

LOL! Considering they are primarily nectar feeders....

This one was a darling....but that was because of the extensive R+ training she had from birth on. When they scream....it really is a scream. She use to fall asleep in the hood of my work coat.
This thread is so much fun to read! Since we all seem to be polling on it, I recognized what your avatar was after a few seconds DVMorBust ;)

My username sounds like it might have significance but it really doesn't. I've been using it as my internet screen name for various things for years now, and I think it originated simply because I liked the word "splash" and "splash" was very often taken as a username, so I added the "ie" and it's usually free. *shrug*

My avatar is of my two rats Sardines (black) and Tundra (white). Tundra recently had to be put down due to respiratory complications, but Sardines is going strong :)
Love this thread! Lyndaelyzoo includes my name, school where I teach (Blanche Ely High School) and my degree (zoology). It is also the domain name for my class website and the students think that it is in reference to the interpretation that the high school is like a zoo. Well, maybe that is partially true :rolleyes:. As for the picture, it is a combination of my two majors:zoology and forensic science. I took the picture of the zebra at Metrozoo and combined it with a vector picture of an enlarged fingerprint. I wonder if the same genes that are responsible for our fingerprints are also in control of the zebras' stripes? Even though our fingerprints are only partially due to genetics due to the fact that even identical twins have different sets of prints. I have always been fascinated by the patterns in nature!

BR549: I also share my life with an African Grey: A 13 year old male Congo named Brutus who is smarter than I am! He is the best companion EVER!!! Says everything from "What kind of bird are you?" to "Hey Baby", barks like a dog, sounds like a can of soda opening, microwave beeping, car alarm, phone ringing, s$#%^ when drops a seed ( I swear), and on and on and on. These parrots can reveal a lot about their owners lifestyles, sometimes to an embarrasing extent (when the most common noises your parrot makes are the microwave beeping and the soda cans opening, people get to wonder about your diet! ). African Greys make the best companions EVER. How old is your Grey?
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I raised her, she works with a blind woman in New Jersey now. :)

Ah. I wondered about that. I was thinking it would be awfully tough to be a visually impaired vet student, but maybe she's going into research? :confused:

Now it makes more sense! :thumbup:
Hahaha yes it is my four fuzzbabies curled up together-two white ones and two sable ones, each with one of the other color, so its like two ying-yangs of ferrets. Its not the most clear picture, but its one of the only ones I have of all four of them together.

Pretty easy to read me-I play rugby, and I have four ferrets (all rescued)...and thats pretty much my life!
Haha, I was hesitant about changing it for that very reason!

I just realized I know everyone on here more by their photo than their screen name. Switching the pictures confuses me!
Holy crap! I didn't catch that at first either. Animal was my favorite muppet of all time. Think I'd have to say my second favorite was Beaker, who is being used on this forum by Guppy if I'm not mistaken.

Correctamundo! Here I am!

Guppy is a childhood nickname--my Dad started calling me "Puppy" & Mom hated that, so he switched it to Guppy. '73 is the year I was born.

As for Beaker: I'm just a coffee-chugging spaz. :p
The short version of my username: It's Aztec for what was believed to be a distinct species of wild cat in Mesoamerica... the current consensus is that it's either a subspecies or morph of the puma. I chose it way back in the day (it's been my username for something like nine years now) because I like big cats, I like cryptozoology, and "cuitlamiztli" looked infinitely cooler to teen-me than, say, Panthera atrox.

My avatar is an abbreviated version of this, which is just something silly I thought of when I took parasitology.
But I do get horribly confused when people change their avatars. Sometimes I think it's someone new for like, a week. I always secretly hope that I don't confuse anyone since it's always the same oddball dog in mine. :)

It helped me! My roommate was on here last year for a brief period of time (don't remember her screen name), but I do remember seeing you because of your avatar! Your plan succeeded! :thumbup:
Pretty easy to read me-I play rugby
That's awesome:thumbup:...I played rugby in High school. I was tight head Lock. Ahhh High School, that was forever ago. I was going to play for my college team but then Surprise I was with child. Rugby + Fetus = Bad Mom.
But Right On. Who do you play for and what position?
DVMorBust, I say we should officially quiz the newbies.

"Now, [new forum member], what do YOU see in the icon? Hmm?"

It's like a Rorschach test. :D

Bill - I know lots of Bills/Williams. But you're the coolest one. ;)

Lyndaelyzoo, I think that's a really neat/profound icon! I didn't notice that the background was a fingerprint.

As a side note, I never even realized (or thought about) the fact that people raise seeing eye dogs in homes! Even if it's just preliminary training, like getting them very used to people and other dogs, etc. I had no idea until I joined here, and now I kinda feel like I missed out on something! It's certainly something that I have a lot of respect for. :)
DVMorBust, I say we should officially quiz the newbies.

"Now, [new forum member], what do YOU see in the icon? Hmm?"

It's like a Rorschach test. :D

Only if one of us then runs around eating beans and screaming 'WHERE IS MY FACE?'
My husband is watching Watchmen for the second time with one of his guy friends right now. I asked him what the movie was like, and he said it was graphic, and two dogs die, so I wouldn't like it. I was like, wait, do they die like the dog in I am Legend, or do they die like the cat in The Boondock Saints? I can handle the latter - the former would be an embarrassment in a movie theater... I'm a sobber. Haha.

He also said there is lots of "blue wang" (his words)... apparently Dr. Manhattan is anatomically correct and glowing through his clothes.

I would probably like it, really - Sin City was great, and that's all I can manage to compare it to so far - but I let him have his boy's night out. I can see it on video.

Oh, and Google told me what you were talking about, thankfully - I was real confused. ;)
He also said there is lots of "blue wang" (his words)... apparently Dr. Manhattan is anatomically correct and glowing through his clothes.

I would probably like it, really - Sin City was great, and that's all I can manage to compare it to so far - but I let him have his boy's night out. I can see it on video.

Oh, and Google told me what you were talking about, thankfully - I was real confused. ;)

He's not actually wearing clothes :) But yes. Very glowy, very anatomically correct, and better hung than in the comics.

As far as the dogs - it's not like there's an emotional attachment through one of the characters...if you liked Sin City, don't let that stop you from watching Watchmen. It is very graphic - but I loved it.

I totally thought you were making a reference to it...Rorschach's awesome. Disturbing, but awesome.
DVMorBust - I am not sure how to explain this but all of this time I thought your avatar was an xray of a horse while biting an apple (or a photoshop-created xray). I am clearly insane.

That's not an XRAY????? I thought the SAME thing :laugh: and would have never known differently if i hadnt' read this!!
Will someone PLEASE explain how in the world you can see a horse x-ray in DVMorBust's avatar? What should I focus on? I've been staring at it, but all I can see and all I've ever seen is a dog chomping on a ball. I feel like I'm looking at those stupid "Magic Eye" pictures all over again. I could never see the hidden picture, much to my frustration! :p
Will someone PLEASE explain how in the world you can see a horse x-ray in DVMorBust's avatar? What should I focus on? I've been staring at it, but all I can see and all I've ever seen is a dog chomping on a ball. I feel like I'm looking at those stupid "Magic Eye" pictures all over again. I could never see the hidden picture, much to my frustration! :p

You want to get really close to the screen, cross your eyes and SLOWLY move away. At some point, the image will pop and you will clearly see it. If that doesn't work, look "through" the image and move closer/farther away as needed...

I'm right there with you - I've only seen a dog chomping on a ball. I think the word "Chomp" helps identify it as a non x-ray image! haha
Will someone PLEASE explain how in the world you can see a horse x-ray in DVMorBust's avatar? What should I focus on? I've been staring at it, but all I can see and all I've ever seen is a dog chomping on a ball. I feel like I'm looking at those stupid "Magic Eye" pictures all over again. I could never see the hidden picture, much to my frustration! :p

I *think* people are seeing sort of a 3/4 angle...with the right eye socket as the shadow beneath Sirius' eye and the left eye socket as part of the shadowing on his neck ruff...and then the nasal region is formed through the odd flass effects?
All I can see is the dog!

I guess the picture is from a strange perspective, since those are his legs in the lower right hand corner... but still. Weird!

I could NEVER see those damn Magic Eye things. They were always inverted. I hated 'em. Gave myself headaches crossing my eyes, and only saw one the right way once...
I *think* people are seeing sort of a 3/4 angle...with the right eye socket as the shadow beneath Sirius' eye and the left eye socket as part of the shadowing on his neck ruff...and then the nasal region is formed through the odd flass effects?

i'm great at those magic eye things, but i cannot see the dog! can i have a bigger/ uncropped version of the picture? i see kind of a stylized horse, like a thestral from harry potter or something. also cuz it looks like an evil horse biting a person/ animal (i thought the 'chomp' meant it was a horse that likes to bite). hehe. its eye is at the midpoint of the top. i think the horse occurred to me/us because your last avatar had a horse in it, so i was kind of expecting that.
alright i'll share my geeky side with y'all

"Starlene" is the name of Renee Zellweger's character in my all-time favorite movie, Love & a .45 hence, also, the 45 in my username. it is also the username that i use for everything, because i am crap at remembering usernames and passwords, and get confused easily and then irritated when i can't log into things. if anyone on here has actually SEEN love & a .45, and knows the character i am talking about... you are my new best friend... haha... it's a little on the oddball-obscure-90's-indie-movie side... but it's great! i highly reccommend it.

as for the avatar, well, i'm a ridiculous border collie nut! they're the best dogs ever! and yes, i like how they are crazy and obsessive and hyper, it makes them so hilariously amusing to work with! if you've ever met me, you'll probably understand why i like them so much, i'm a bit hyper and wacky myself :D:cool:

That's all for now! Back to freaking out about UC Davis!
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^^^ I was wondering if that's where it was from but didn't want to ask.

I posted in the last one of these. uhhh nyan~~

one thing - I don't like it when my forum name is capitalized. It's probably a weird thing to care about but I think it looks way better in lowercase. :rolleyes:

But my avatar is different now. It's a Pegasus Knight from Fire Emblem. I love Fire Emblem. :D

I also thought it was an Xray, btw.


I'm gonna post a random picture from my directory since this is an off-topic thread anyway...

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It took me a long time to figure out what DVMorBust's avatar was, but I never saw the horse x-ray. I kind of thought it was some strange exotic creature biting something, but I was never sure what it was. :cool: Anyhow, I eventually figured it out. Mine is pretty self explanatory: cute baby puppy picture.
Mine is pretty self-explanatory I'd say :D. My avatar is my Oriental Shorthair cat, Neko - a breeder reject for not being brown enough.
i'm great at those magic eye things, but i cannot see the dog! can i have a bigger/ uncropped version of the picture? i see kind of a stylized horse, like a thestral from harry potter or something. also cuz it looks like an evil horse biting a person/ animal (i thought the 'chomp' meant it was a horse that likes to bite). hehe. its eye is at the midpoint of the top. i think the horse occurred to me/us because your last avatar had a horse in it, so i was kind of expecting that.

I don't have a bigger picture...it was from a computer ago. But maybe this helps?


  • Picture 3.jpg
    Picture 3.jpg
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My name means "whistle" in Irish, because I've been playing tin whistle for a few years and hope to start uilleann pipes when I have that kind of time. My SO always reads it as "flea dog" though!

The avatar is a picture I took at the Giraffe Centre in Nairobi.
nyanko are you trying to tell me you've seen L&A.45?!
if so-- the reason i love starlene is b/c she totally saves the day about four times during the course of the movie...despite being possibly the most un-macho (and very nearly the only female!) character in the film--she kicks all the boy's butts!!!! what a rockstar!
:laugh: I was reading anoter thread and saw your new avatar and thought..."hm, I've never seen this person post before but that looks like the dog in twelvetigers avatar" and then I looked up for the name and found it is you!!

Cute pic (and dog!), btw.
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It's tricky business, these avatars.

Chloe would be proud to know she's so recognizable. Of course, the eye helps.

I'm happy to have the larger size, but it just looks weird to me... I guess I'll get used to it? Not why I donated, but if it's a perk I guess I should use it, right?
^^^^^ that's a huge corgipic!!

nyanko are you trying to tell me you've seen L&A.45?!
if so-- the reason i love starlene is b/c she totally saves the day about four times during the course of the movie...despite being possibly the most un-macho (and very nearly the only female!) character in the film--she kicks all the boy's butts!!!! what a rockstar!

I love that film, with music by Rev Horton Heat even! Honestly, the soundtrack was what made me rent it, but I'm glad it did, it was a pretty good flick. :laugh: