Are Romanians URMs?

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I am 50% Romanian. Are Romanians considered URMs to US medical school?

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Dragosta din tei.
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Caesars0331 said:
I am 50% Romanian. Are Romanians considered URMs to US medical school?

Are you a romanian of mexican descent?
Caesars0331 said:
I am 50% Romanian. Are Romanians considered URMs to US medical school?

Romanians are not URMs, but they are either hot or good at gymnastics.
leechy said:
Romanians are not URMs, but they are either hot or good at gymnastics.

drnima said:
Dragosta din tei.

Sorry drnima, i dont speak or read Romanian.

I just remeber my dad saying "buna dimineata"

Dragos = great or lovely??
Not to add to the packs...I am half Israeli (Mom) and half Cuban (Dad), but my Mom's parents are Romanian they moved to Israel after the Holocaust they were liberated from a concentration camp by the Soviets. My dad has been in prison since I was 2. I am wondering does any of this mean much to Medical Schools. Does personal history count for much if anything?
I suppose so, but I doubt it'll help you.

I could be wrong, but i believe the point of trying to get minorities into medicine is to serve the large communities of black/hispanic citzens that are often neglected or receive substandard care.

So, yeah. there probably aren't a lot of romanian applicants...but there aren't large populations of underserved romanians floating around the US either, so I don't think it matters. It might be a unique characteristic that sets you apart, but I don't think it will give you any specific consideration.

but that's just my two cents.
SitraAchra said:
lol - if that's true, i'd hate to hear what the word is for ugly.

wasn't drago the name of the russian in Rocky IV??

I though it was Ivan Dragor?
ajnak182 said:
I though it was Ivan Dragor?

nah, it was Ivan Drago....death from above, the russian concussion!

"I must break you"
I am half Swiss, half Brittish, but my great-grandparents were born in the U.S. Do I get URM status?
nu stiu. Avem un roman in clasul meu. Poate daca esti din Romania. Asi crede ca nu daca esti american si n-ai nascut acolo.
Sint tare bucuroasa ca mai sint si alti romani pe situl asta. Mai e cineva student la UPENN?
coincidental said:
I could be wrong, but i believe the point of trying to get minorities into medicine is to serve the large communities of black/hispanic citzens that are often neglected or receive substandard care.
i think native-americans are included in this group, too.
Well, as much as I love all things Romanian, I'd have to guess that the answer is no. URM means under-represented minority, right? So first you have to be part of a group that is defined AS a minority IN the United States. I don't think the US considers Romanians as one of its minority groups. Plus, everyone is 50% something or other.

Being Romanian is certainly interesting though, so in that sense it could be advantageous.