Any previous dentists/physicians who switched careers willing to share their stories?

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10+ Year Member
Aug 27, 2013
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Hi all - I'm a recently graduated general dentist contemplating the possibility of a career change either through management consulting or MBA routes. Finding professionals for insight hasn't been impossible through LinkedIn, but I'd love to reach out to the SDN community to see if anyone is willing to share their perspectives or insight on their career change.

If anyone went from patient care to MC or through other industries through an MBA, I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to PM as well.

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Hi all - I'm a recently graduated general dentist contemplating the possibility of a career change either through management consulting or MBA routes. Finding professionals for insight hasn't been impossible through LinkedIn, but I'd love to reach out to the SDN community to see if anyone is willing to share their perspectives or insight on their career change.

If anyone went from patient care to MC or through other industries through an MBA, I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to PM as well.
Hi I seriously considered this route as a DDS after a disability. You can PM me if you're still looking for info.