Anes - CCM Program Questions

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Jun 9, 2011
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Hey guys,

I'm having a little trouble figuring out which Anes-CCM programs to apply to. The Anes-CCM presence at my home institution isn't huge just yet (they are working hard to strengthen), so I'm having depend more than I like on word of mouth from some of our cardiac guys.

I was wondering if some of you more experienced folk could tell us a little about what you have heard about some of the following Anes-CCM programs. My main questions are just what you have heard about their reputation, what they are good at (which ones are known for great cardiac training vs transplant training, which are known for being research heavy, etc).

I already know my top choice programs (Stanford, UCSF, UW, UPMC), looking to round out my list. The main things I am looking for is good, balanced training and an educational environment. I like MICU patients and def want to get 1-2 months of MICU experience, or experience seeing MICU patients in a med-surg ICU. I don't think pedi training would add much, looking to avoid that. Also, would love to know what names carry in the CCM circle, as I may end up going abroad and a good name matters for a lot out there.

- UPenn
- Emory
- UMich

Thanks in advance for your help! Feel free to PM if you prefer.

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If I were you, I wouldn't commit for a combined residency unless it's in one of the top places. You will be exposed to their ICU philosophy during residency, so you would benefit more from going for fellowship to a different place.

Great idea with focusing on the combined med-surg places. MICU patients are usually much sicker; you'll need at least 2 months of that towards the end (not as an intern).
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Sorry, meant I am a current CA-2 resident, applying for a CCM fellowship. Trying to figure out which fellowships to apply to. Having a hard time sussing out what different programs are like...
Sorry for the misunderstanding. :)

If I were applying now, this is what I'd be looking at:
- Number of elective months. You need at least 9 months in the ICU, but that doesn't mean you can't have a ton of electives, depending on your interests.
- 2+ months of MICU exposure, preferably not as an elective.
- Variety of ICU exposures. Doing 3-6 months in a NeuroICU (especially nowadays when you can't even get certified as a neurointensivist without another fellowship) is not education. Same goes for a ton of cardiac ICU, unless you get to do a lot of TEEs. They are just a different pathology than your future bread-and-butter.
- In-house call, covering at least 40-50 patients with residents. Sorry, but this is how you'll learn best.
- Triage (and transfer call) experience. The on-call fellow should be "the king", as one of my attendings told me during my first month of fellowship.
- Ultrasound experience, at least TTE. TEE is a plus.
- Night shift. It's so nice to be overnight only once a week, instead of once every 3-4 nights. Plus it's a different level of energy and learning experience than when you are already after 12 hours of work.
- Minimal scutwork. Junior attending-level experience. The fellow should be a part of the fabric of the ICUs, not an observer.
- Nice people. It's such a pleasure to work in a good atmosphere. From that standpoint, a smaller, easier to get program, will be better.
- Preferably in (the neighborhood of) the state you'll want to practice in afterwards.
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Thanks a lot for the reply, very useful. I tried sending you a pm with some more questions, hopefully I did it right lol