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7+ Year Member
Mar 23, 2015
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I'm filling the work/activities section of the AMCAS and I need to make a decision about my third "most meaningful" experience. I was hoping to get your opinion on that, since it seems like it is not always a good idea to make these choices solely based on what one feels.

I'm going to choose between my work as a pharmacy tech and my experience studying to become an EMT as the third most meaningful experience. I feel that my time studying in the EMT course was very meaningful and it taught me much more than what I learned in the pharmacy. However, there is a sentiment among memebers of this forum that unless you use your certification to work in the field, it is meaningless. I know the certification is a meaningless piece of paper and I know I'm not special for passing an EMT-B course, but it was more meaningful and useful to me as an experience. My problem is exacerbated by the fact that I don't have a ton of extracurriculars.

If it is some sort of political red line, I can choose the pharmacy experience and write about that. If they both sound bad, I'll choose something else, such as volunteering or shadowing. Do you think it is that big of a deal?

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Actually my opinion is neither seems to be most meaningful. Trying to make an adcom see how an EMT class as most meaningful would take some doing and I wouldnt advise it. You dont have to have to have 3MM
Thanks for the reply. Would I be hurting myself if I only choose 2 MMs?