A Personal Tragedy for Pharm Mod All4MyDaughter

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10+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
Feb 4, 2006
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Hello everyone,

I just wanted to draw attention to extremely tragic news that can be found over on the pharmacy forums here:


A moderator in that forum, Sarah Lawrence (aka All4MyDaughter) lost her only child 4-year old daughter to a hit-and-run driver. It can be found in the news here:


I crossed paths with All4MyDaughter about a year ago when I was contributing to a thread in that forum. It was evident she was a very responsible mod who took her job seriously. I was extremely impressed by her sense of ethics despite the limited interaction I had with her.

To read about something in the news like this and to know I crossed paths with this individual, makes me extremely heartbroken to hear this news. I can't even begin to imagine what pain this has caused her and her family.

I draw attention to the thread above so that if anyone here in this forum has crossed paths with All4MyDaughter, that you may go and convey your best wishes.

My sincere condolences to Sarah Lawrence and her family.

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I was reading this in the mod forum, earlier. Though I didn't know Sarah personally, she's an extremely knowledgable and helpful person. For ANYONE to go through the loss of a child is horrible, but the circumstances here make it all the much harder.

There's a link in the lounge to the guest book for the funeral home if you are so inclined to leave her a note of condolence.
Also, Lee and the Admins just posted a new announcement above. ALL money going to SDN subscriptions or donations given over the next month will go DIRECTLY to the funeral fund for Riley. So, if you feel moved to do so, please click on the link at the top of the screen under "Announcements: In Memory of Riley and Claudia"
That is an absolute tragedy......I wish the best for her family.....