90 day wait period for OAT retake


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10+ Year Member
Jun 24, 2010
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hi all, i took the OAT on aug 30th and didn't get such phenomenal scores as i'd hoped to, so now i must retake it :|

correct me if i'm wrong, but i think i saw a post on these forums *somewhere* about how if you take the OAT at the end of the month then you don't have to wait the whole 90 days? can someone clarify that for me?

thank you in advance!

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yes, you have to wait 90 days regardless of what time of the month you wrote the test. this is to ensure you don't write the same test twice. however, i believe you can apply to write the OAT again through asco before 90 days has passed, this way you can write the OAT as soon as that time has passed.
I once read on this forum that if say, you signed up for your OAT during middle of the month or so, the earliest you can take it next time would be 90 days from the beginning of the month you took it (not from the actual date you took it).

However don't quote me on this, I'm just stating something I once read which might or might not be correct. I personally have no idea and I'm curious as to this myself. I hope someone who is more sure will post what they know!