
  1. avi670

    What to put Research Presentations under?

    Hi, I know that research presentations should be put under Acheivements, but should I list it as an award or honor? I've looked around SDN and can't find a concrete answer.
  2. F

    Good Rad Onc papers/topics for med student presentation

    I thought I would ask around and see if anyone knew of some literature that might serve as appropriate fodder for a 30 minute presentation I have to give in Radiation Oncology in a few weeks. I am currently reading through a few Radiation Oncology journals looking for a paper that seems...
  3. Y

    How to add a research project to my CV

    Hi! New to this website. So I am an MS1 trying to prepare a good CV early on (I am interested in orthopedics). I am currently working with a pediatric orthopedic surgeon on a research project. The final work (abstract and, when published, the article) have me as a co-author. The project will be...
  4. M

    MS-4 on Rad-Onc, need help with selecting presentation topic.

    Hi! I'm a MS-4 going into anesthesiology. I took Rad-onc because I wanted a laid back rotation but also wanted exposure to something different. I have to do a 15 minute "low key" powerpoint presentation on a topic of my choice (very open ended). I know very little about radiation oncology and...
  5. B

    Non-conference presentations on CV?

    All, I've seen a few postings on this general topic, but none that specifically mentioned this scenario. I'm not always available to present my research, but I know that it's perfectly acceptable to list it on one's CV: Vader D, Skywalker L, and Hut JT. "In a galaxy far, far away." JAMA, 1:1...
  6. 7

    Should I list presentations that I did not present?

    I'm second author on a poster that has been presented multiple times by its first author. Should I list it on my CV and application? Or is it poor taste? I'm not familiar with the intricacies of research authorships, presentations and such, so if anyone has experience in this area, I would...
  7. M

    Managed Care Interview Presentation

    I got an onsite interview from one of the residencies I applied to but they want me to give a 15 minute presentation on a managed care related topic. I have no idea what to pick. Any suggestions/experiences?