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Jun 21, 2004
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Hi everyone!! I am new here and I am soooooo glad I stumbled upon this -- what a great resource. So, I need some help. I graduated from Macalester College (small, private liberal arts school) in 2002 with a B.A. in Biology(neurobiology emphasis) and Psychology. I am unbelievably ready to go back to school and start the next phase of my life. The problem is, I really can't decide in what. :confused:

I have a strong background in neuroscience research, but I know that I don't want to pursue this as a career. I love working with people, and I need to be challenged (or else I get restless, bored, and unmotivated).

I have pondered Med School, PhD in Clinical or Counseling Pscyhology, PsyD, MPH, Law School, just moving to an island and never deciding (kidding!!!). I know that this is a decision that I need to make on my own, but I feel like I have so many interests and options, I don't know how to make this choice.
I also know I am young, and have "lots of time" but I really can't work aimlessly any longer!!!! :mad: I really want to go to school in 2005.

Thanks for reading, and I appreciate any advice/responses/etc. :D :D

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Well, you seem to have looked at a plethora of professions. First a couple of questions. How long do you want to spend in school? What kind of things are important to you in choosing a profession (i.e. lifestyle, prestige, ability to be intellectually challenged, a good salary)? Would you definitely want to do something neuroscience related or are you going in a different direction? Once you can answer these questions hopefully you will have narrowed your choices, then you may want contact professionals in these fields and learn more about them by shadowing them or getting other relevant experience into the field(s).
Hey Sanman, thanks for your quick reply! :D
A PhD seems a little long to me, I'm not really looking to spend 6-8 more years in "school", but if thats what it takes to do something I love, then so be it. Important in choosing my profession -- my happiness/interest/passion in the profession are extremely important, I also want to have a family someday -- so lifestyle is important too. Salary -- I don't need to make a ton, enough to live comfortably with a family. At the same time, I need to make enough to pay off all the debt I will acquire going back to school. Neuroscience is not a must to keep in my career.

I have talked to many people in the professions I have thought of, I guess more extensive research is always good. Can you shadow even if you are not a student? I would LOVE to get work experience in any of those fields, but (and yes, the economy is shaping up) cuz of the job market, the only jobs that are open to me are research. Sooooooo, I dunno.....