EMG board certification marketing

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20+ Year Member
Apr 26, 2002
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I just passed the EMG boards and was wondering what others are doing marketing wise? Currently most of my EMGs are generated in house. Do you find that marketing the board certification is useful? Many docs in my area are not board certified and have farily substantial EMG practices -ie go to person for workers comp EMGs.


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Most of your referrers will probably not know the difference, but pointing out to them that you have it could only be to your benefit.

Better would be to go and meet them in their office, bring along a copy of a recent EMG to show how much better your are and let them draw their own conclusions. However, you also have to have the whole process be better for them - easy scheduling, timely reports, e.g. I fax a copy of the report the same day to outside docs, with the original mailed to them same day.

Keep in mind, though, that most PCPs refer about 1 EMG/month, and most just let their office staff handle the referral, so many end up going to a local hospital. You need to work on them to break their referring habits.
you'll get the highest volume of referrals from the hand guys. they usually have relationships set up, but if you can find a new group starting out, that would be a good start.

also, neurosurg spine groups tend to send me more EMG patients than their ortho counterparts. maybe because they actually try to use that thing on top of their neck, unlike the orthos....
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