Your opinion (ADD/ADHD?)

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10+ Year Member
Oct 6, 2009
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Perhaps this is or isn't the appropriate place for this, if it is the latter perhaps I can be directed to a more appropriate location to post this.

I don't know if my current feelings are as a result of a developing occurrence or rather if it is the acknowledgement of a pre-disposition. I have always been strongly against any form of cognitive-type of medication based on the fact that it creates a dependence on something. I am currently in my senior year of college and I am starting to feel as though I am having significant difficulties setting aside the time required to study. All throughout my educational life I have never studied very much to begin with, however, it had never significantly hindered my advancement. As a result of this 'laziness' I typically had grades in the C, B zone with occasional A's depending on different factors. I had always equated my inept as laziness and that if I developed the mental fortitude to focus that I could continually achieve outstanding grades, but all plans I ever made to undertake this always seemed to be too difficult to fulfill. I think that if I was to summarize my effort in one word, that word would be inconsistent. Sometimes I can sit down and spend hours on only a few problems, consistently getting distracted by other things like surfing the internet. Attempts have been made to reduce these distractions by studying in more studious environments (such as libraries), but typically even in those situations little changes in terms of net accomplishment. The reason why I originally approach the idea of a developing occurrence is because I am wondering if it is as a result of coursework with increased difficulty, or if my ability to compensate for my inability to study is reducing for whatever reason. I never feel as though I have much difficulty understanding my coursework when I do have my moments of focus, the problem is devoting the time to do it in the first place or being consistent enough to be prepared for a test. The most frustrating part about it is that it is something that I know I want, I am just unable to see my way through to the fruition of my plans.

Recently I have met different people who have been described Adderall or Adderall-like substitutes and hail it as a wonder drug, students who had routinely gotten C's and D's now consistently getting A's. I'm not trying to self-diagnose myself, rather I'd be perfectly happy finding a non-drug related alternative. The problem is that I feel as though my time to complete my tasks is running out and if I am not successful soon I will have to divert my attention to more relevant things (such as finding a career of some sort). I am essentially only 3 classes away from having a B.S in Physics, but if I cannot focus well enough to pass the remaining classes (which are of a very high level of difficulty) I will be unable to achieve this goal.

I was hoping that I might get opinions from like individuals, professionals, or possibly even students who might give me their advice based on what I have said. I greatly appreciate any responses, if you have any more specific questions feel free to ask and I will respond.

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