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Jan 13, 2015
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serious question... is it ok to have a giant beard in med school? like one of those large viking type ones? would it be too unprofessional?
You can probably get away with it during the first two years but come third year, it will be too unprofessional/unpractical for things like surgery or OB/GYN when it comes to being in the OR
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Had a sizeable beard throughout med school and thus far in residency. I had no issues with it. Two words: beard cover (in the OR).

Also, just keep it neat, trimmed and conditioned.
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Had a sizeable beard throughout med school and thus far in residency. I had no issues with it. Two words: beard cover (in the OR).

Also, just keep it neat, trimmed and conditioned.
I always pictured you as a woman for some odd reason with your username.

OP have a long bear, and grow out locks of long flowy hair. No one cares the first two years.

You may or may not want to cut all of it come rotation time.
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I don't think anyone's really going to have a problem with this, seems like a lot of guys at my school have big Jesus-y beards.

Plus beards are sexy.
My favorite part of med school was when the school made all the men shave their faces for the N95 fit test... lol
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My favorite part of med school was when the school made all the men shave their faces for the N95 fit test... lol

This was the worst part of med school, bar none, because I looked too young.

All my classmates would come up to me and be like, "Hi! Are you here to shadow a doctor? Which high school are you from?" ;)

Me (an intellectual): "**** off".
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This was the worst part of med school, bar none, because I looked too young.

All my classmates would come up to me and be like, "Hi! Are you here to shadow a doctor? Which high school are you from?" ;)

Me (an intellectual): "**** off".
Im a female and i live this life regularly lol
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My favorite part of med school was when the school made all the men shave their faces for the N95 fit test... lol
I would have been upset, but in light of current circumstances it was ominous sign. Shave beard = coronavirus plague.
The preclinical years you could walk around in robe and flip flops lebowski-style and probably not incite any response other than a vaguely worded classwide email about professionalism.

Some of your clinical preceptors may not be all in on your look. You might have to wear one of those beard covers in the OR since you won't be high up in the hierarchy to flout stupid non evidence-based protocols.
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Do you bro. I suggest braiding the sides though and getting some ornaments or something in there, just to be a bit fancy.
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Just here to give you props for even asking (I have a half sleeve of norse themed tattoos- serious bias lol).

Seconding what others have said, at my school you could do whatever you want first two years. Third year I had a modest beard and I think it was a plus (I look 35 with a beard and 20 without one) but absolutely positively shave that ish for interviews. Nobody will ever fault you on the interview trail for being clean shaven and that’s not the time to gamble.
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I also had a modest beard, a visible arm tattoo (at least when I'm in scrubs), and shoulder-length hair that I usually pulled back into a bun (I'm male, so not exactly the usual) for all of M3 and M4 year. I absolutely did not shave that ish for residency interviews, not did I really ever consider it. Never heard a negative comment from any attending or resident about it.

I've had longer hair and a beard since college, and I would have felt more uncomfortable on the interview trail had I shaved just to be safe rather than just being myself. I also feel like you're auditioning to be part of a residency community with people who you're going to become extremely close with over the next 3-4+ years, so what's the point of shaving or changing your look just to show up on the first day of PGY1 with a full mane. You do you, and people should see and respect that.
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Just here to give you props for even asking (I have a half sleeve of norse themed tattoos- serious bias lol).

Seconding what others have said, at my school you could do whatever you want first two years. Third year I had a modest beard and I think it was a plus (I look 35 with a beard and 20 without one) but absolutely positively shave that ish for interviews. Nobody will ever fault you on the interview trail for being clean shaven and that’s not the time to gamble.

oh that's sick, I was worried about backlash about arm tattoos.. i've been wanting to get one
oh that's sick, I was worried about backlash about arm tattoos.. i've been wanting to get one

I had a ton of ink going into med school (also have a big chest piece, forearms) and was honestly really worried about it. Assuming the 20th goes well I can pretty confidently say it’s been a nonissue (and I’m going into a surgical sub specialty so haven’t been able to cover them all the time). I usually wear long sleeves under my scrubs if I’m not going into the OR, and of course have them covered in clinic. I’d say try not to flaunt them or anything but definitely don’t feel like you can’t do whatever you want if you get a visible tattoo.
Do it. Didn’t Viking beard in med school but have one in residency. Also have neck tattoo. # Givezerophucks
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