WOW Factor

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10+ Year Member
Mar 2, 2012
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Hey guys, just wondering what you thought would be considered a WOW factor...I've heard time and time again about people getting into Dental and Medical school partly because they had some awesome experience or such.
I was wondering what some WOW stories/experiences you guys have that make you stick out.

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your mom probably has so much to talk to her friends about!

Olympic medalist
Nobel Prize Winner
Rhode Scholar

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6 month backpacking trip through 23 countries. Swam with whale sharks in the Indian ocean, full moon party in Thailand, participant in worlds largest water gun fight (Thai new years), watched ending of tour de France, hermitage and louvre museums, and much much more. There are some amazing things out there, if you don't get in your first cycle it can be a great great thing.
I looked at my interviewer and said: "Hey you, my name is Bereno."

That blew 'em away.
It seems that alot of people are bringing up what I've thought... a wow factor is something that you may have done that sets you apart from the pack.

I guess an example could be having a strong military record in a unique job: like being a navy SEAL.

However, I dont think you really need a wow factor to get accepted as long as you have a good academic record and dont come off as an idiot in the interview.

EDIT: Just wanted to point out becoming a seal for dental school would be stupid lol. But I was getting at is that it seems these unique things that people do occur prior to them ever getting involved with predental work.
Well, I'm a seamonkey doctor, specializing in brain surgery....


I've heard of someone who went to Africa and helped out with an irrigation system there and volunteered at hospitals. I guess that shows passion but most people stick with volunteering at clinics or other places.
when i was just a wee lad growing up in the countryside, i would horse ride from dawn 'til dusk and from dusk 'til dawn. Indigo was his name and he was my bff. We would ride anywhere and everywhere, all day and everyday, 'til my glutes were as hard and calloused as his hooves. One day we was snuggling in the niblet fields, when i heard yelps of trepidation. Of course indigo and i raced over to see what was wrong. And there she was, little freckle faced peggy fouler from 2 houses down, louder than a piglet being castrated, and being harassed by a pack of 3, 4 coyotes. Being the thick skulled child that i was i jumped right in and tried to fight the pack off solo (with what was only a pair of premature stubs of these immaculate guns of destruction they would someday develop into). Needless to say i was outmatched, saw my life flash before my eyes, and had all but reconciled to start an afterlife with little peggy when trusty o' indigo broke in, magnificent and tall, like harry potter's patronus, and proceeded to hoof each of the coyotes in the face, saving both our lives.

Unfortunately, in the fray indigo also kicked me in the face, ejecting 3 of 4 quadrants of my teeth and displacing my jaw by many centimetres. Blinded by grief and rage, my mother was preparing to put down indigo despite my objections and good sense. But before the worst could transpire, our local dentist stepped in and masterfully restored all my dentition (and if anything made my mouth prettier than ever in the process). And so it to dentistry i can thank, for saving my mouth, my mother's sanity, and most importantly my best friend.

I bless the rains down in Africa. 8 acceptances. Done and Done.
when i was just a wee lad growing up in the countryside, i would horse ride from dawn 'til dusk and from dusk 'til dawn. indigo was his name and he was my bff. we would ride anywhere and everywhere, all day and everyday, 'til my glutes were as hard and calloused as his hooves. one day we was snuggling in the niblet fields, when i heard yelps of trepidation. of course indigo and i raced over to see what was wrong. and there she was, little freckle faced peggy fouler from 2 houses down, louder than a piglet being castrated, and being harassed by a pack of 3, 4 coyotes. being the thick skulled child that i was i jumped right in and tried to fight the pack off solo (with what was only a pair of premature stubs of these immaculate guns of destruction they would someday develop into). needless to say i was outmatched, saw my life flash before my eyes, and had all but reconciled to start an afterlife with little peggy when trusty o' indigo broke in, magnificent and tall, like harry potter's patronus, and proceeded to hoof each of the coyotes in the face, saving both our lives.

unfortunately, in the fray indigo also kicked ME in the face, ejecting 3 of 4 quadrants of my teeth and displacing my jaw by many centimetres. blinded by grief and rage, my mother was preparing to put down indigo despite my objections and good sense. but before the worst could transpire, our local dentist stepped in and masterfully restored all my dentition (and if anything made my mouth prettier than ever in the process). and so it to dentistry i can thank, for saving my mouth, my mother's sanity, and most importantly my best friend.

There are many things that will make people go wow such as the many examples given above but please do not be mistaken... not all wows are equal. There is a difference between them going wow and wow, he'll make a great dentist. Thus I'll reiterate, passion.
It was mainly my skills.... You know...

Nunchuck skills
Bow Hunting skills
Computer Hacking skills