Witnessing a colleague infusing pro-life ideas into a patient

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stafford loans max at $38K. My tuition alone is more than that. Plus I have two kiddos to take care of.

Sell one, buy a big TV.

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In a pro-life physician's eyes, the fetus is a patient also. Who's the more "important" patient?
It's not a sin of omission if it's against his/her moral code to mention it. There are a few other things you could try: "Hey, you could always just wait 'til the kid is about 10 and then murder him if he doesn't turn out the way you want." That's not even on the table, because it's against everyone's moral code. We all "omit" things that we consider immoral, ridiculous, inconceivable, etc.

It's only misleading to you and perhaps half of the population. Why does your vote count more than anyone else's?

Thank you. If a person really believes that life starts at conception then I would expect that person to be advocate for the unborn. If you are prolife then you believe elective abortion (in most circumstances) is murder. Can anyone have a quiet conviction about murder? Yes, Many probably had a quiet conviction as they sat by and watched nazis label certain groups as "life unworthy of life".
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thank you. If a person really believes that life starts at conception then i would expect that person to be advocate for the unborn. If you are prolife then you believe elective abortion (in most circumstances) is murder. Can anyone have a quiet conviction about murder? Yes, many probably had a quiet conviction as they sat by and watched nazis label certain groups as "life unworthy of life".

omg nazi arguement forthewin!!!!

Thread over.
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omg nazi arguement forthewin!!!!

Thread over.

Care to actually address the analogy? Its foolish to disregard history and act like we are incapable of such atrocities (sp?).
Care to actually address the analogy? Its foolish to disregard history and act like we are incapable of such atrocities (sp?).

ZOMG! You're not letting him express his views...just like "Teh Nazi's!!!"

/stupidity off

See how easy it is to compare your opponent to some of history's greatest monsters? It doesn't allow intelligent discourse.
Thank you. If a person really believes that life starts at conception then I would expect that person to be advocate for the unborn. If you are prolife then you believe elective abortion (in most circumstances) is murder. Can anyone have a quiet conviction about murder? Yes, Many probably had a quiet conviction as they sat by and watched nazis label certain groups as "life unworthy of life".

Is this really the second invocation of Goodwin's Law in a single thread?

As to the OP, seriously, don't be a tool and grow a pair. If it bothered you to witness this then you should have said something immediately.

As an MS3 you will constantly be giving biased advice to your patients. You will be recommending one drug over another, one surgery over another, one treatment over another. You'll tell your patients to quit smoking and lose weight and start exercising. You'll refuse antibiotics for URIs or you'll cave. It's human nature to be biased and no one expects physicians to be ivory tower bastions of reason above all earthly persuasions.

Also I'd be really careful about advocating the limitation, by law or convention, of free thinking and free discussion in the profession. Popular opinion means very little and has, in the past, been very wrong.

As a social liberal, I refuse to go down this road. If a conservative physician refuses to discuss abortion or refer a patient, that is their right to do so - just as it is my legal right to perform an abortion should I so choose. Worry about your own patients.
I think the OP left a hundred years ago.
ZOMG! You're not letting him express his views...just like "Teh Nazi's!!!"

/stupidity off

See how easy it is to compare your opponent to some of history's greatest monsters? It doesn't allow intelligent discourse.

Come on. I just find the level of flippancy with which we debate abortion interesting. IF person's conclude that all human life deserve certain rights AND human life starts at conception then abortion is a very serious moral tragedy. So no one should be surprised if a person concludes that the previous statement is true and cool-headedly expresses their opinion.
At least they could be original and go with another mass murderer.

Pol Pot?

No, seriously, thread over.

Good lord, I agree with you on something.

Hey, what's the weapon in your avatar? Looks like some kind of varminator, but can't make it out clearly. Sweet lines from an aesthetic standpoint.
I'm pretty liberal in my views, but I'm all about to each his own as long as it's not hurting anyone. The ostrich poster makes all non-conversatives look a bunch of leftist psychos... great...

oh yeah...thread over.
This thread in its entirety makes me die a little inside.
If the patient in question wants an abortion, they will be able to get one...

Ahem... not necessarily. Heard of South Dakota? And in plenty of other places they make it hard enough to get abortions that you might not even be able to until late in the pregnancy.
She said "life began at the time of interception," which is extremely controversial, but I cannot rule that as "scientifically false."

Alright, I'm merely an uneducated pre-med, but was your colleague speaking about a football game? I thought it was the time of "conception". . .
Good lord, I agree with you on something.

Hey, what's the weapon in your avatar? Looks like some kind of varminator, but can't make it out clearly. Sweet lines from an aesthetic standpoint.

It's a Russian VSSK Vychlop silenced sniper rifle. Oh, to be an international small arms dealer...