why pedo, if GP can also treat kids?

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crooked castle

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10+ Year Member
Aug 13, 2010
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I understand some may like to work only on kids. But what if a GP likes a mix of both kids and the adult population?

I may be naive and ignorant, but what exactly would a GP not be as comfortable doing (procedurally) that would need to be referred to a pediatric dentist? I know that pediatric dentists learn a lot more about behavioral management and have more exposure to nitrous, IV, GA cases. But what if I learned Nitrous and minimal to moderate IV sedation to do it on my own? I could be wrong, but it seems common pediatric treatments like SSCs and restorative aren't too difficult to learn (as opposed to other specialties like molar endos, surgery, prosth). I imagine I would do a fair share of oral hygiene education, prophys, and preventive treatment, assuming the patient population is a typical child from a suburban area.

Basically, why specialize in pediatrics when a GP can see kids as well. Many GPs see kids and keep the good ones, so wouldn't the pediatric dentists just get the bad apples referred out to them from the GP? Thanks!

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There are a lot of GPs who treat kids and do great...but

1. Pedo residencies teach speed...a good pediatric dentist sees 40-60 kids in a day!

2. Pedo residencies teach about syndromes and special needs patients

3. I've never heard of a gp who does sedation on kids...maybe oral sedation, but that's junk anyway

4. Clinical knowledge...I work with gp's and pediatric dentists all day and we treat mosstly 2-7year olds...the gp's consistently ask the pediatric dentists for consults because the mixed dentition is trickier than it seems and space maintenance can become complex when yanking out a 3 year olds molars

5. Medicaid...specialists get paid more for the same procedure

6. Advertising...only a pediatric dentist can advetise their office as a pediatric office

So of course a gp can see kids...and should...but just like any other specialty it exists because some individuals want to have a greater scope of knowledge and be able to be more successful financially
A GP can do anything that an endodontist can do. Why specialize in endo? Same goes for perio and ortho.

Treating children, especially challenging children, requires a special set of skills that may not be learned in dental school. You can still learn them after you graduate, and many GPs will not refer out children at all.