Medical Why does call frequency decrease during residency?

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Apr 28, 2007
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I'm a 3rd year medical student beginning the process of family residency applications with the massive research into all the programs. I wonder if anyone has insight into the reason first year residents have more call hours than the rest of the years in a great number of programs. It seems to me that a first year resident has limited experience, and it seems inappropriate to ask this level of responsibility from a very young physician. Does this type of demand not put patients at risk?
This is the norm. One of the perks as you advance in your PGY years is less call. With that, however comes more responsibility. 2nd and 3rd year residents are supervising the first years during some of these calls. In my program, although a first year was on call more often, we were always supervised by a 2nd or 3rd year resident. They were our back up and our guide through the first year. You will not be alone until at least your second year. At that point in time you will be trusted to be on call yourself or supervise junior residents. If your program feels you have not met the milestones to progress in this manner, they should help you become more comfortable to take on the role.

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