Why aren't you updating the interview feedback site?

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Please be patient. We're all really busy right now with interview season.
Please be patient. We're all really busy right now with interview season.

LOL. I promised myself before the season that I was gonna update after every interview. But things have gotten so busy that I've not been able to live up to that promise.

But thanks to the OP for the reminder tho': it will be done!
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I've been updating after every interview, occasionally after two if they're one after another. I don't really see what the hold up is, it takes maybe 5 minutes. Plus if you wait several weeks or months until you're all done, you'll probably forget or mix up details between programs.
I've been updating after every interview, occasionally after two if they're one after another. I don't really see what the hold up is, it takes maybe 5 minutes. Plus if you wait several weeks or months until you're all done, you'll probably forget or mix up details between programs.

I've been taking notes on my iPad either during or right after the interviews are done, so I'll definitely be able to give input about the program even after I'm done with all my interviews! :)
I would update it, but the site never seems to want to work for me. Different problem every time I try. Will keep at it though.
i'd say that the most frustrating thing about this forum is how idle it is, when it most matters. everyone was updating the interview invitation thread instantly after receiving an interview invite (thanks to everyone who kept adding their name to the list even after the school was listed months ago - we get the point, you have interviews at all the top schools!!). many people also started threads on date changes and despite over 200+ views on multiple threads, not a single individual was willing to swap? now people are on the interview trail and want a little more information about some of the schools and users can't take 5 minutes out of their schedule to provide some input? such a shame. i sure hope we don't end up in the same residency class! god knows how stressed and unwilling to give up 5 minutes of your time you will be when you're on night-float running L&D, GYN, and oncology patients!
i'd say that the most frustrating thing about this forum is how idle it is, when it most matters. everyone was updating the interview invitation thread instantly after receiving an interview invite (thanks to everyone who kept adding their name to the list even after the school was listed months ago - we get the point, you have interviews at all the top schools!!). many people also started threads on date changes and despite over 200+ views on multiple threads, not a single individual was willing to swap? now people are on the interview trail and want a little more information about some of the schools and users can't take 5 minutes out of their schedule to provide some input? such a shame. i sure hope we don't end up in the same residency class! god knows how stressed and unwilling to give up 5 minutes of your time you will be when you're on night-float running L&D, GYN, and oncology patients!

Geez, calm down a bit! We all have different lives and are going through different things, you know? Filling out the interview feedback survey is not high on my list at this point, to be honest. I still have interviews to finish up, and the little bit of free time I have, I'm using to talk or spend with my husband and family, which is, in my humble opinion, A LOT more important right now, since I've barely seen him/them for the last month and a half. On top of that, there are TY notes to write, e-mails to receive/send out, and keeping up with med school work.
I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels the same way about this. I understand that it is frustrating, but your time would be better spent talking to fellow applicants when you go on your interviews - ask if they've been to X or Y place and how they liked it. I have found that to be a lot more useful than reading the feedback surveys; in my experience so far, I have never felt that a fellow applicant is keeping info from me because of competition. In fact, most of the time their opinions about a program have matched almost 100% with how I felt about the place, after I did my interview.
Another thing is, I cannot get that website to work. The times I've tried to submit a survey, it always ends up giving me the wrong program ("Des Moines University College of Osteopathic Medicine - Residency Interview Feedback Database Survey") - there is nothing wrong with this program, but it's not the one I selected or interviewed at. I contacted them about it, but the problem hasn't been fixed.
Another thing is, I cannot get that website to work. The times I've tried to submit a survey, it always ends up giving me the wrong program ("Des Moines University College of Osteopathic Medicine - Residency Interview Feedback Database Survey") - there is nothing wrong with this program, but it's not the one I selected or interviewed at. I contacted them about it, but the problem hasn't been fixed.

I have passed on this info to the SDN administrators to look at. Hopefully the glitches can be identified and worked out quickly.
Thank you! Unfortunately, they haven't yet. I went ahead and filled out a survey, and it got filed under the right program once I submitted. It's a glitch that needs to be fixed, for sure.
I noticed some new posts from this season which is wonderful! There are still many programs in need up updated feedback. Let's keep this going :)
I tried to provide some feedback but the site won't even let me login.
It's still not working quite right. I was able to enter in feedback for two programs but on my attempt to do a third, it pulled up the program someone else mentioned (Des Moine) before even though I had clicked on a different program.