Which of these colleges would be best?


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10+ Year Member
Apr 15, 2012
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In your opinion.

-Knox College
-Centre College
-University of Vermont

If you can rank, that'd be great.

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I hear Devry is a great pre medical institution.
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I went to a school for their bio department's reputation. I liked it overall, but I wish I went to a school that was less competitive. That way, I wouldn't have to stress every time I chose I chose to spend time on one of my involvements rather than compulsively studying. The school was cheap, which is also an important thing to consider.
You really should research this yourself. I can't chose which college you'd like best.
The cheapest one.


For real. As long as you have a plan, any accredited university can get you to your destination. So, choose the cheapest option, your future self will thank you.
In your opinion.

-Knox College
-Centre College
-University of Vermont

If you can rank, that'd be great.

You should not worry about college rank unless you plan to go IVY..
The only reason I could see you justifying paying for an IVY is if you wanted the experience, or if you love love love research and you are gunning for a M.D./ PHD. Besides that your undergraduate school should not matter as long as its a well known four year university

Sent from my iPhone using SDN Mobile app please excuse punctuation and spelling
Generally I agree with the cheapest one. However, I think only UVM and Northwestern are associated with a medical school on your list. If you plan on putting forth the effort to getting into a research lab with an MD then going to either one of those would be smart. Otherwise.. cheapest.