Which is a better path?


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Mar 26, 2011
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Im currently a junior, im just wondering which path is better after high school. I want to go to med school and become a doctor, i know its too early to tell that im going to be one, but it's my passion. I know the risk and the consequences Of becoming a doctor so ya

Anyways i dont know whether I go to a community college and then transfer to a UC school here in california or just go straight to a four year university... Which one is better? Also, if i go to a community college + university, does it affect my admission to a medical school?

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Im currently a junior, im just wondering which path is better after high school. I want to go to med school and become a doctor, i know its too early to tell that im going to be one, but it's my passion. I know the risk and the consequences Of becoming a doctor so ya

Anyways i dont know whether I go to a community college and then transfer to a UC school here in california or just go straight to a four year university... Which one is better? Also, if i go to a community college + university, does it affect my admission to a medical school?

Well, do you have the stats to get into a UC, or good private school right out of high school? If you can do this, with taking out minimal loans, I definitely suggest doing that instead of going to community college. That said, people certainly do get into medical school from community college. The thing is, you have to look harder to find good ECs while at a CC, and some of them, like research, are very near impossible to get. Also, transferring leads to issues with trying to hold down long term commitments, like leadership positions.

Last, as someone in there last semester at CC and will be transferring in the fall, I'd advise you to avoid community college like the plague, most of the students are ******ed, it is extremely hard to meet people and have anything resembling a social life, its really easy to get stuck in one for more than 2 years, and many of the classes are sub-par. That said, I've had some really good professors, mostly in the sciences and math, I go to a highly regarded CC.
My class rank is currently 14 with a gpa of 3.95. I hope to get it above 4.0 by the end of this school year, this makes me on the top 4% of my class, which puts me into safer zone for UC admission. Thanks for the suggestion! Im really considering going to a UC straight after high school
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If there is any doubt in your mind that you may need some "adjustment" time to accilamate to the UC system, go the CC first. The "prestige" of going directly to a UC won't be worth it if you can't maintatin a high GPA there from the get go. I went to a CC before going to UC Davis and never regretted my choice. I just wasn't prepared enough to go directly to the UC system and succeed - and I don't know many who are. I watched 2 sisters flunk out of Davis within a quarter or 2. I probably wouldn't have fared any better had I tried. All 3 of us were top ranked in our high school classes yada yada yada.

The CSU system is much less vigorous, but I wouldn't reccomend someone going there if they have plans for grad school - I believe the UC system prepares students better for grad and professional schools (such as med school).

The bottom line - If you think you are one of the few that will be able to succeed at UCD from the get go - go right ahead. BUT if there is any doubt in your mind, go to the CC first - in the long run it won't hurt you as badly as less than stellar grades at the UC. I must say there were a TON of people at my CC who were returning from the UC system after flunking out and trying to restart their college careers - all of them smart, capable people.

Be very careful. I realized when I was applying to vet school this year that I was very very lucky I didn't screw up as a 17/18 year old in college because every one of those grades count now, 10 years later, even though I wasn't sure what I wanted to do as a college freshman.
Hey, I was in a similar situation 2 years ago (5/408, 4.3 and had elc). If I had to do it again, I would go the UC route, because you learn a lot during those first 2 years besides academics. If you're worried about your gpa, don't pick cal (or ucla). If not, those are great schools.
My suggestion would be to go to a UC school. The admissions process WILL be more difficult if you transfer from a CC. I honestly believe the best thing you can do for yourself to keep all doors open is to attend a 4 yr college from the get-go (and I am saying this as a 3rd year medical student).
Best of luck to you :luck: