Which college path do I take?


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10+ Year Member
Oct 30, 2009
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Dear SDN community,

I am currently encountering a little dilemma in regards to which college I would like to attend, and I would appreciate some insight from some people who have already been through this process :)

Basically, my situation goes as follows. I am currently accepted to my two top college picks and don't know which one to go to (with the intention of attending medical school down the line). One is considered one of the top colleges in the state, is pretty difficult to get into, and would most likely make me appear about average in my medical school applications (and I know for sure of three doctors that attended this school). The other is still a respected school, much easier to get into, and would probably yield the result of a much higher (class) ranking in my medical school application (and I know of one doctor who graduated from this college).

Will my college pick influence my medical school application that much to be worried about which college I decide to attend? If so, which college should I pick? The prestigious one which would make me look like joeschmoe, or the smaller one which would probably see me in the top 5% of the graduating class?

Thanks in advance!

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And now as I use the search tool I believe I may have found my answer :)
Yes, go where you feel you can do the best, because that is what will matter the most. Also it helps to pick the school in which you feel comfortable with the environment and a place you can see yourself attending.