when to strategically take COMLEX Step II and USMLE Step II

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Jan 25, 2005
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I am trying to determine when I should take step II (both USMLE & COMLEX). I searched the forums, but did not find the appropriate answer.

I have a high USMLE step I, and from what I gather people say that it is best to take USMLE step II in Nov/Dec (to avoid danger of having lower step II score) - i.e. after submitting ERAS and getting interviews.
But my concern is that I will be half-way into my 4th year and information will not be as fresh. So my step II score will likely be lower than step I, no matter when I take it. So is it better to have a lower step II score after you submit ERAS?
I heard some residencies request to have Step II scores in early; where do residenices list this information?

Is the story with COMLEX the same as USMLE. Should I also take it later if I did well on COMLEX Step I? I basically need COMLEX for licensing purposes.

So should I take COMLEX step II in July, and then USMLE Step II in Nov/Dec?

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Some programs will not invite you for an interview unless you have Step 2, while others will interview but not rank, while others still will rank and expect you to pass.
Best thing is to find out what your top 5 choices require and go from there.....although my bias is to take it as early as possible and get it over with.
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i would also be taking step2 sometime in 2011. interviews go from around oct-jan so it is better to not have to stress about tests during that time
Everyone is different, of course, but I HIGHLY SUGGEST NOT taking one test months after the other. I took the COMLEX CE exam on a Monday in August and USMLE CK exam that Saturday and for me, that felt like too long of a time between the two. The material is fresh in your mind from 3rd year if you take it early, and if you take both tests in a row, you don't have to re-study anything.

Honestly, you have so much to worry about 4th year with interviews, audition rotations and whatnot instead of studying for an exam in the meantime. If you have both of your 2nd level exams out of the way before everything begins you won't have to worry about it and will probably do better on both the exams and your interviews.

I also view the COMLEX as more of a licensing hoop to jump through than anything else, and took the USMLE much more seriously. That said, I didn't think either exam was unfairly difficult or insanely easy. The USMLE, in comparison, is a much better written exam, much more straightforward, and errs on giving you more information than you need. COMLEX is the opposite--written by monkeys in kindergarten pretty much. So keep that in mind.
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Take USMLE before COMLEX.

I actually thought the COMLEX and USMLE were written by monkeys in kindergarten, both had me frustrated at certain points but kept cool ..

I did fine on both, but I did make the mistake of taking USMLE 4 months after COMLEX, probably would've done better if I took USMLE back in July ...
Take USMLE before COMLEX.

I actually thought the COMLEX and USMLE were written by monkeys in kindergarten, both had me frustrated at certain points but kept cool ..

I did fine on both, but I did make the mistake of taking USMLE 4 months after COMLEX, probably would've done better if I took USMLE back in July ...

I agree with above. I took USMLE one month before COMLEX, worked out fine.

Oops noticed that thread is old :)