When horrible parents don't vaccinate their kids, this is what happens

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Contracting polio or measles is almost always harmful to some degree.

But yes you are correct: stupidity is not illegal.
Polio and measles can actually be a beneficial evolutionary pressure on a population that makes the surviving population stronger. You should know that as a scientist. There is no black and white it's all a shade of gray and medicine is a form of religion as is government. I believe in vaccing but it sure as heck is the not the panacea the manufacturers and sellers of vaccines will have you believe. There are preservatives in vaccines.

Ethylmercury and methylmercury have not been proven to be 100% safe and possible risks were initially downplayed by the industry. There has been more than one death from a vaccination event. Finally the efficacy of Influenza vaccines is way way way overstated due to financial motivations.
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Polio and measles can actually be a beneficial evolutionary pressure on a population that makes the surviving population stronger. You should know that as a scientist. There is no black and white it's all a shade of gray and medicine is a form of religion as is government. I believe in vaccing but it sure as heck is the not the panacea the manufacturers and sellers of vaccines will have you believe. There are preservatives in vaccines. These preservatives have not been proven to be 100% safe. There has been more than one death from a vaccination event.

I’m also a dad. It’s pretty black and white when my own kids are involved.
informed consent should be practiced by all medical professionals. I am pro vaccine but it is important that patients are made aware of the risks. Forced vaccination should not be allowed. Take a look at the former governor of MNs daughter after she got the tdap vaccine. She went into a seizure and has been in a wheelchair ever since. Vaccines are not 100% safe.
informed consent should be practiced by all medical professionals. I am pro vaccine but it is important that patients are made aware of the risks. Forced vaccination should not be allowed. Take a look at the former governor of MNs daughter after she got the tdap vaccine. She went into a seizure and has been in a wheelchair ever since. Vaccines are not 100% safe.
link plz
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informed consent should be practiced by all medical professionals. I am pro vaccine but it is important that patients are made aware of the risks. Forced vaccination should not be allowed. Take a look at the former governor of MNs daughter after she got the tdap vaccine. She went into a seizure and has been in a wheelchair ever since. Vaccines are not 100% safe.
Risk vs societal gain wins out here

Smallpox had a huge counter movement to the vaccine back in the day that we only stopped with forced vaccination. Some strains would kill literally millions per outbreak and antivaxxers at the time made the same arguments they do today
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Risk vs societal gain wins out here

Smallpox had a huge counter movement to the vaccine back in the day that we only stopped with forced vaccination. Some strains would kill literally millions per outbreak and antivaxxers at the time made the same arguments they do today
I agree, if antivaxers were so antivax they would get vaccinated so we can eradicate this goddamn diseases and avoid doing these vaccines in the 1st place.
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I agree, if antivaxers were so antivax they would get vaccinated so we can eradicate this goddamn diseases and avoid doing these vaccines in the 1st place.

That isn't how vaccines work though. Even an imaginary vaccine that was 100% effective still wouldn't neutralize the virus that exists in the wild - the virus will always exist and the population would always have to keep getting vaccinated. At least until we have the technology to build a better immune system (which people will decry is unnatural and harmful same as antivaxers do now) or until we have the power to commit virus-side on a global scale.

EDIT: Are you really a pharmacist?
Polio and measles can actually be a beneficial evolutionary pressure on a population that makes the surviving population stronger. You should know that as a scientist. There is no black and white it's all a shade of gray and medicine is a form of religion as is government. I believe in vaccing but it sure as heck is the not the panacea the manufacturers and sellers of vaccines will have you believe. There are preservatives in vaccines.

Ethylmercury and methylmercury have not been proven to be 100% safe and possible risks were initially downplayed by the industry. There has been more than one death from a vaccination event. Finally the efficacy of Influenza vaccines is way way way overstated due to financial motivations.

You're wrong. Also, it's not methylmercury in the vaccine, so why bring that up? Please educate yourself with the next two links:
WHO | Statement on thiomersal
Vaccine Ingredients | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

The chance of having a serious vaccine reaction (other than arm inj. site soreness/fever/etc) is about 1/1,000,000. That's one in one million for you, since you can't spell Lexapro correctly Anteater.
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Polio and measles can actually be a beneficial evolutionary pressure on a population that makes the surviving population stronger. You should know that as a scientist. There is no black and white it's all a shade of gray and medicine is a form of religion as is government. I believe in vaccing but it sure as heck is the not the panacea the manufacturers and sellers of vaccines will have you believe. There are preservatives in vaccines.

Ethylmercury and methylmercury have not been proven to be 100% safe and possible risks were initially downplayed by the industry. There has been more than one death from a vaccination event. Finally the efficacy of Influenza vaccines is way way way overstated due to financial motivations.

I'm going to assume this was a joke....a very bad joke.
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As a driver, I am required by law to purchase auto insurance, not to protect me but rather to protect others. Protecting me from potential financial ruin is incidental in the law.

The law says I cannot drive drunk. Not to protect me, but to protect others around me. Protecting me is incidental.

Laws routinely take away the rights of individuals to protect others. Vaccinate your darn kids.
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I despise anti-vaxers.

Listen to the most recent Joe Rogan Podcast with Dr. Peter Hotez from the Baylor School of medicine. They talk vaccines and autism. All of they spew is almost always make up crap. The anti-vaxer above just used the common line of if our children get measles it is evolutionary beneficial. Something that is not true at all. This new conspiracy theory on vaccines is fun and cute until actual kids get sick.
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That isn't how vaccines work though. Even an imaginary vaccine that was 100% effective still wouldn't neutralize the virus that exists in the wild - the virus will always exist and the population would always have to keep getting vaccinated. At least until we have the technology to build a better immune system (which people will decry is unnatural and harmful same as antivaxers do now) or until we have the power to commit virus-side on a global scale.

EDIT: Are you really a pharmacist?

Actually, it really depends on the vector and the nature of the virus. It is theoretically possible to eradicate a one-vector virus (why polio and measles are such inviting targets as humans are the only known vectors and their non-host survival is low). Viruses like EBV or varicella probably can never be eliminated because post-infection, even we shed active virii from time to time silently. Rabies cannot due to the animal vectors around. That said, there are imperialist reasons the third world has issues with vaccinations besides money. There are two campaigns in Africa for polio where the government lured out the rebels with vaccines and then either put them to death or put them in internment camps (last one in my memory being the Toyota War). I am also quite professionally aware of vaccine injuries, we just dealt with someone having encephalopathy from the influenza vaccine, the 1 in a billion chance. Going through the Special Master (aka Vaccine Court) process, it was very humane and the compensation and the care were processes that were adjudicated quickly and decisively in the victim's favor. Unless you have definitely evidence that vaccination would be directly harmful to you personally (that guy is definitely not getting another influenza vaccine again), there is no reason to cite the discredited research on not getting the standard vaccines.
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Are you for real? Even the vaccines that had mercury in them had less than the equivalent of a can of tuna fish. Do the math. I already have. And as far as I'm aware essentially all vaccines have preservative free versions available now. You think killing people by not vaccinating them in order to cull the heard and provide natural immunity in the future is a good public health policy? Hitler would be proud. You realize we completely eliminated smallpox with vaccines and polio is currently on the chopping block right? Not vaccinating your kids is actually technically illegal as it is by definition child neglect to put your child at risk of contracting debilitating diseases. The only reason no one would ever be prosecuted is because of the widespread belief that people have the right to be stupid and because of the antivaxxer culture. Not vaccinating your children is legal for the same reason that tobacco companies selling addictive poisons is still legal-you cant make the status quo illegal.

Edit: may have been a troll after reading the above comments. I hope so. Man that triggered me.
Tuna fish doesn't have Methylmercury in it. Methylmercury is a very poisonous form of mercury and much more dangerous the the mercury in fish. Maybe read a book sometime just because the vac has less mercury doesn't mean it's less dangerous. Methylmercury is over 1000x more dangerous than the mercury in tuna.
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You're wrong. Also, it's not methylmercury in the vaccine, so why bring that up? Please educate yourself with the next two links:
WHO | Statement on thiomersal
Vaccine Ingredients | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

The chance of having a serious vaccine reaction (other than arm inj. site soreness/fever/etc) is about 1/1,000,000. That's one in one million for you, since you can't spell Lexapro correctly Anteater.
I'm very educated on the matter. Many many vaccines had methyl mercury as a preservative. Your link just says some vaccines had other forms as mercury, which is true.
Actually, it really depends on the vector and the nature of the virus. It is theoretically possible to eradicate a one-vector virus (why polio and measles are such inviting targets as humans are the only known vectors and their non-host survival is low). Viruses like EBV or varicella probably can never be eliminated because post-infection, even we shed active virii from time to time silently. Rabies cannot due to the animal vectors around. That said, there are imperialist reasons the third world has issues with vaccinations besides money. There are two campaigns in Africa for polio where the government lured out the rebels with vaccines and then either put them to death or put them in internment camps (last one in my memory being the Toyota War). I am also quite professionally aware of vaccine injuries, we just dealt with someone having encephalopathy from the influenza vaccine, the 1 in a billion chance. Going through the Special Master (aka Vaccine Court) process, it was very humane and the compensation and the care were processes that were adjudicated quickly and decisively in the victim's favor. Unless you have definitely evidence that vaccination would be directly harmful to you personally (that guy is definitely not getting another influenza vaccine again), there is no reason to cite the discredited research on not getting the standard vaccines.
vaccine injuries, we just dealt with someone having encephalopathy from the influenza vaccine
I despise anti-vaxers.

Listen to the most recent Joe Rogan Podcast with Dr. Peter Hotez from the Baylor School of medicine. They talk vaccines and autism. All of they spew is almost always make up crap. The anti-vaxer above just used the common line of if our children get measles it is evolutionary beneficial. Something that is not true at all. This new conspiracy theory on vaccines is fun and cute until actual kids get sick.

Some of these fringe non medical podcasts are really cringe worthy when they start to talk about **** they know nothing about. Dr Meg Meeker who is also crazy enough to bring Tucker Carlson on her show even thinks vaccines have their role. Because shes a doctor IRL, not a fringe idiot trying to get on every podcast available.

Anyway, I listened to this podcast which is basically a giant germ theory episode. The hours and hours we spend in a relatively sterile environment (indoors) could be responsible for our behavioral issues and well as auto immune problems. Not vaccines.

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You're actually wrong. Methylmercury is actually the type you find in fish which you're correct in saying is the most toxic. Thimerisol is mainly metabolized to ethyl mercury which has less toxic profile than methylmercury (Toxicity of ethylmercury (and Thimerosal): a comparison with methylmercury. - PubMed - NCBI). But we have preservative free vaccines now regardless (Thimerosal and Vaccines). Preventing death by tetanus for sure outweighs the possibility of mild toxicity from the preservative and it should now be a non issue because we have single use vaccines without mercury.
good find!
You're actually wrong. Methylmercury is actually the type you find in fish which you're correct in saying is the most toxic. Thimerisol is mainly metabolized to ethyl mercury which has less toxic profile than methylmercury (Toxicity of ethylmercury (and Thimerosal): a comparison with methylmercury. - PubMed - NCBI). But we have preservative free vaccines now regardless (Thimerosal and Vaccines). Preventing death by tetanus for sure outweighs the possibility of mild toxicity from the preservative and it should now be a non issue because we have single use vaccines without mercury.
Unless it's dimethyl mercury, it's not a concern to eat a lot of fish. You literally have to eat gobs of fish before exhibiting the symptoms of mercury poisoning...

This story is so sad. What is even more crazy beyond belief, even after all of that pain and suffering the poor child went through, the parents have refused to continue the vaccine series!!!!! What psychopaths. Bottom line, vaccinate your children. And if you are stupid enough not to vaccinate your children, then get a clue after your child spends 57 days in a hospital.

Ethylmercury and methylmercury have not been proven to be 100% safe and possible risks were initially downplayed by the industry. There has been more than one death from a vaccination event. Finally the efficacy of Influenza vaccines is way way way overstated due to financial motivations.

No doubt the flu vaccine has a lot of issues with it, but we aren't talking about the flu vaccine. We are talking about the tetanus vaccine, a vaccine that is close to 100% effective in preventing a horrific, painful disease. I truly do not understand why any parent would refuse this (aside from medical history), such a lifesaving vaccine.

That isn't how vaccines work though. Even an imaginary vaccine that was 100% effective still wouldn't neutralize the virus that exists in the wild - the virus will always exist and the population would always have to keep getting vaccinated. At least until we have the technology to build a better immune system (which people will decry is unnatural and harmful same as antivaxers do now) or until we have the power to commit virus-side on a global scale.
EDIT: Are you really a pharmacist?

Eh, we eliminated small pox, so yes, we should be able to eliminate some other viruses as well.
Polio and measles can actually be a beneficial evolutionary pressure on a population that makes the surviving population stronger. You should know that as a scientist. There is no black and white it's all a shade of gray and medicine is a form of religion as is government. I believe in vaccing but it sure as heck is the not the panacea the manufacturers and sellers of vaccines will have you believe. There are preservatives in vaccines.

Ethylmercury and methylmercury have not been proven to be 100% safe and possible risks were initially downplayed by the industry. There has been more than one death from a vaccination event. Finally the efficacy of Influenza vaccines is way way way overstated due to financial motivations.

I think this earns a solid 6.5/10 on the standard troll rating scale. Definitely amusing, but you have to work a little bit on the subtlety. You can't just lead with the pro-eugenics stuff.
Eh, we eliminated small pox, so yes, we should be able to eliminate some other viruses as well.

I stand corrected. Still smallpox is one of only two viruses we have managed to eliminate and I wonder how many viruses are single vector? My bet is not many (or else we would have eliminated them already).
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Not saying you shouldn't eat fish. I'm saying vaccines have even less mercury than fish and eating fish is beneficial. Ergo mercury toxicity in vaccines at most is negligible.

Let's just stop calling them vaccines and
call them immunity boosters instead. Inject them into a different muscle and the public wouldn't know the difference.
Hell, that sounds downright holistic. Show me a prototype syringe that looks like an energy crystal and we can make some serious cash.
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I think this earns a solid 6.5/10 on the standard troll rating scale. Definitely amusing, but you have to work a little bit on the subtlety. You can't just lead with the pro-eugenics stuff.

You would think that, but several people took the bait so...

The sad thing is he isn't trolling; he's just very dense.
Polio and measles can actually be a beneficial evolutionary pressure on a population that makes the surviving population stronger. You should know that as a scientist. There is no black and white it's all a shade of gray and medicine is a form of religion as is government. I believe in vaccing but it sure as heck is the not the panacea the manufacturers and sellers of vaccines will have you believe. There are preservatives in vaccines.

Ethylmercury and methylmercury have not been proven to be 100% safe and possible risks were initially downplayed by the industry. There has been more than one death from a vaccination event. Finally the efficacy of Influenza vaccines is way way way overstated due to financial motivations.

WTH???? Evolution or not, these are people’s lives—not some science experiment. If we can prevent polio or measles, why not try? Yeah vaccines aren’t perfect but we should find a solution to that and not resort to “survival of the fittest” or “it’s just part of evolution”.

And I agree with the user about how this is black and white when it comes to your own child.
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