what to expect on match day...

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aka the retina geek
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Jun 5, 2003
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just interested in knowing how/when we will know if matched, or where on this fateful thursday... cell? email? pidgeon delivery system? oh, and someone on another thread said "20/21"... are there some programs that inform those who matched a day later? what time of day do "matchees" typically get "the call"... yeah, i'm nervous. obvious? good luck y'all.


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With the SF match you will not find out before match day whether you matched or not. The it worked last year: SF folks will fax the Dean's office at your medical school VERY early in the morning and then your school distributes the info to you as they see fit (some do it over the phone, others have you come in). Many PD's will also call you and welcome you to their program.
Best of luck to everyone!
It is absolutely correct, jwolfe. I can just add one thing- it does not hurt to make sure that SFmatch has a correct fax number for your school's meded office. Last year, precisely at 8 am, I called my meded office just to learn that they have not received the match results via fax overnight :scared: . With trembling hands I called SF match and was told that the fax in fact was sent. After about 20 min on the phone it turned out that the fax was mistakingly sent to out ophtho department fax. I said: "Could you please re-send the fax asap", clerk: "no problem, it will take about 2 hours", me:"Do you know if I matched or not?", clerk: "yes", me: "can you tell me?", clerk: "no" :mad: :mad: :mad: . To make long story short, I found out around 10 am. These were the most agonizing 2 hours of my life.

Call your department next week!
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so what about someone in my position who goes to a, ahem, a... a caribbean med skool with no "real" dean...
so when do we find out, on the 20th or 21st? ok, thanks
the 20th--the dean's and the programs find out on the 20th. If you don't hear then the SF match people can release the reults to you directly on the 21st.
brendang said:
so what about someone in my position who goes to a, ahem, a... a caribbean med skool with no "real" dean...


You are in a caribbean accredited school, applied to ophthalmology and still your school has no Deans???

Sorry for asking, but in what school do you study?
vanelo said:

You are in a caribbean accredited school, applied to ophthalmology and still your school has no Deans???

Sorry for asking, but in what school do you study?

i wrote "real" dean because i "really" don't have a campus nearby (it's in the caribbean and i'm in NYC), and i "really" don't expect them to contact me like most "real" med schools would...
My med school is in Europe. That means that by 8.00 am in the east coast, it is already 3.00 PM in my school, therefore even if they do receive a fax, which I have no clue where to which department it will go, they will be closed for the day, since secretaries tend to have a very short day. Therefore there is no way for me to know that. Does anyone know if there is a special office they send matches for IMGs (maybe ECFMG) or something like that????

I feel the stress creeping up on me althuopgh I am already rather pessimistic about it...(already looking for the programs that will make my CAS list next year)

JR said:
It is absolutely correct, jwolfe. I can just add one thing- it does not hurt to make sure that SFmatch has a correct fax number for your school's meded office. Last year, precisely at 8 am, I called my meded office just to learn that they have not received the match results via fax overnight :scared: . With trembling hands I called SF match and was told that the fax in fact was sent. After about 20 min on the phone it turned out that the fax was mistakingly sent to out ophtho department fax. I said: "Could you please re-send the fax asap", clerk: "no problem, it will take about 2 hours", me:"Do you know if I matched or not?", clerk: "yes", me: "can you tell me?", clerk: "no" :mad: :mad: :mad: . To make long story short, I found out around 10 am. These were the most agonizing 2 hours of my life.

Call your department next week!

Is this 8 am eastern time or pacific time. I figure they will fax the stuff to our school's at 8 am PST which means on the east coast it will be 11 am. Please let us know if we on the east coast should expect a call at around 8 am or 11 am. Thanks!
I am told that the fax comes sometime at night, not exactly at 8 am or 11 am. I am on the west cost and I know for a fact that last year students on the east cost knew their results by am there ( 4-5 am PST). Basically, east cost students will get it first, then everyone else.

Good luck. This is an exciting time.
so are we going to find out on Thursday (12/20) am or Friday (12/21) am?
chibi said:
so are we going to find out on Thursday (12/20) am or Friday (12/21) am?

1st, thank you JR for clearing up that time issue. As far as the above question, I believe we find out the morning of Thurs. Jan 20.

Just 3 more days - Good luck to all!!!!!!
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It's true... for those of us on the West coast, if you get a call at 6 am, it's likely you're going East. A friend of mine that matched last year got a call at 6:30 am west coast time from Case Western.

Good luck everyone! :)
Eyelet said:
It's true... for those of us on the West coast, if you get a call at 6 am, it's likely you're going East. A friend of mine that matched last year got a call at 6:30 am west coast time from Case Western.

Good luck everyone! :)

This forum is also on fire on Match Day. Remember to PM me your stats and I will post them without your ID if you want to share.

If you send me a PM or post, then please use the template below:

--Board Scores:
--AOA and class rank: if known
--Reputation of medical school: (top 10, top 25, etc)
--Research: (none, some ophtho with no publications, ophtho publications)
--Honors in clerkships: (especially surgery and medicine)
--# and where you did away rotations:
--# of programs you applied to:
--Where invited for interviews:
--Where matched:
--Anything that helped your app: (ie: a phone call from your advisor to another program, big-wig letter of recs, MD/PhD, other degree, SDN forum, etc)
I have to admit it is a bit of a nerve wracking process. I wish everyone luck, and I'm sure you'll all do very well.

Ceremony said:
I have to admit it is a bit of a nerve wracking process. I wish everyone luck, and I'm sure you'll all do very well.


I'm also very scared...
sorry, but in answer to my initial question, what time tomorrow should we anticipate "the" phone call from the programs if one was deemed "acceptable" by the ophtho gods...

brendang said:
sorry, but in answer to my initial question, what time tomorrow should we anticipate "the" phone call from the programs if one was deemed "acceptable" by the ophtho gods...


I didn't get a call. I had to beg the med school secretary to stay by the fax machine until 5:30 pm to find out where I was going.
Last year, I didn't hear anything by 10am so I called my Dean's office to find out. Ten minutes later, I got a call from the program (I tried to sound surprise, but I don't think they were fooled, heh).

Good luck tomorrow. Try to get some sleep. It's probably too late to catch some last minute karma.
Does anyone know which programs call you and which don't and you have to find out?

7.52am... sitting in the clinic alone, staring at my cell phone... waiting. this is waaaaay more stressful than anything so far in med school.
The Chairman gave me a call at almost midnight last night... CPMC, my#1!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
9:40am, still waiting :confused:
9.42am... yup. still waiting...
Got a wake up call (7:30 am) from the program! My third choice but extremely happy nonetheless!!!!

Good luck/congratulations to all!
Got called from Dean's Office at 8:00 PST.

Jules Stein
10.50am... LSU-New Orleans!!! My no.1 pick!!!
7:56 PST.... I got a call from the program director at my #1....

Casey Eye Institute, Portland, OR!!!!!!!!

:D :thumbup:

Good luck and congrats to everyone............. :luck:
7:05am wake up call...my number 1!

:) :) :)
goldfisch said:
Got called from Dean's Office at 8:00 PST.

Jules Stein

See you there, goldfisch!
Congratulations to those who got their #1 pick. At least one of them would have been near the bottom if I had to rank them. However, some of others' #1 would have been at or near my #1 choice.
And the point of belittling someone's #1 match on match day is . . .
5 AM call from my Dean before I left for New Haven from SoCal... Doheny.
Visioncam said:
Congratulations to those who got their #1 pick. At least one of them would have been near the bottom if I had to rank them. However, some of others' #1 would have been at or near my #1 choice.

i assume that you are referring to brendang's being happy about matching at LSU-NO. according to his other posts, he is a canadian citizen. if he EVER even remotely considers in the future practicing ophthalmology in canada, it truly is the number one school for him in the united states, as it's the only american program that is 4 years long. canadian ophtho residency is 4 years (1+4), not the 1+3 as it is here. they will not let anyone practice there who didn't do the 1+4, even if they did a fellowship in whatever. so even though it is not the most spectacular program in the states and also the only one that's 4 years long, it's the only acceptable residency for someone who might want to work in canada.
n_a_t said:
i assume that you are referring to brendang's being happy about matching at LSU-NO. according to his other posts, he is a canadian citizen. if he EVER even remotely considers in the future practicing ophthalmology in canada, it truly is the number one school for him in the united states, as it's the only american program that is 4 years long. canadian ophtho residency is 4 years (1+4), not the 1+3 as it is here. they will not let anyone practice there who didn't do the 1+4, even if they did a fellowship in whatever. so even though it is not the most spectacular program in the states and also the only one that's 4 years long, it's the only acceptable residency for someone who might want to work in canada.

yeah, i noticed that too... pretty sad, hunh?