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5+ Year Member
May 3, 2017
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Hey everyone,

I messed up with my undergrad GPA (2.9). I was not considering pursuing medical school at that time. My GPA was on an upswing though as my last 60 units have a GPA of 3.5. I completed a post bacc program for Clinical Laboratory Science (CLS), and I obtained an ASCP certified California CLS license. I have been working in a laboratory as a CLS for three years now.

After working in the hospital for three years I really regret not aiming for med school and I'm afraid its too late for me. I am confident in my ability to score very well on the MCAT.

Assuming I score well on the MCAT (>30) what are my chances? What else can I do to help boost my application? Any advice is appreciated. Thank you for your time.


1. cGPA 2.9
2. Hispanic ethnicity
3. Post Bacc Clinical Laboratory Science Degree and ASCP License
4. Three years working in clinical field as a CLS

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I suggest additional science and non science courses to raise your sGPA and cGPA above 3.0. Then if you score above 505 on the MCAT you would have a chance for interviews at some of the newer DO schools. Also accumulate at least 50 hours of physician shadowing in multiple specialties.
I suggest additional science and non science courses to raise your sGPA and cGPA above 3.0. Then if you score above 505 on the MCAT you would have a chance for interviews at some of the newer DO schools. Also accumulate at least 50 hours of physician shadowing in multiple specialties.

Thank you for the reply. That makes me feel much better.

I have already obtained my BS in Biology though. I do not think I can take courses to raise my GPA unless I go for another degree. Should I get a Masters degree then?
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You need to do very well on the MCAT. Toss in some physician shadowing and a DO LOR. Try to avoid another masters and do a DIY post-bacc for upper level science classes.
Thank you for the reply. That makes me feel much better.

I have already obtained my BS in Biology though. I do not think I can take courses to raise my GPA unless I go for another degree. Should I get a Masters degree then?
Just take enough DIY science courses in the next year to raise your sGPA and cGPA above 3.0.
Just take enough DIY science courses in the next year to raise your sGPA and cGPA above 3.0.

You need to do very well on the MCAT. Toss in some physician shadowing and a DO LOR. Try to avoid another masters and do a DIY post-bacc for upper level science classes.

Thank you. It's good knowing I have a chance still as long as I put the work in. Do you recommend retaking pre reqs I did poorly in? I've heard DOs have some kind of grade replacement rule.
Grade replacement does not exist anymore unfortunately.