
New Member
5+ Year Member
Feb 3, 2017
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Hi! I'm new to sdn so bear with me! :)

I am a high school senior at the moment, and I am planning on attending Univeristy of South Florida in Tampa as a pre-med. They have a specific major there that includes all the basic pre-med courses called Biomedical Sciences that I plan on enrolling in. But I am also graduating HS with my AA degree and a lot of my premed courses already taken! So I am left wondering about a dual major, and a minor that I should pursue because I'll have nothing but time for the next four years!

I am currently interested in prison psychiatry, dealing with additions and corrections, so I had originally considered a Psych major, but USF also has a Behavioral Health Sciences major with an Addictions concentration? Is it okay to skip on the psych major and just do BHS if I'm still planning on psychiatry? Should I still do a psych minor? Or something different I'm interested in?

P.S. Don't worry about me handeling a dual major and minor! Both majors are already started and only have about 20 credits left for each! :)

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Psychology and psychiatry are different fields. There certainly is overlap, but you don't need any undergrad psychology to be prepared to be a good psychiatrist. Do a major or minor or whatever if it interests you and/or sets you up for plan B should you not get into med school.
Be wary of jumping into too many upper level classes in college right away. It's a new social and academic situation and sometimes the adjustment is difficult for people. Instead of focusing on a double major right away, I'd take at least the first semester to really nail your first one and get acclimated. You won't be cutting yourself off from any options either.

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honestly just take your gen eds first year. figure out how college works and maybe you'll find something you think is worth studying. you shouldn't major in something thinking you'll be a better doctor because of it. simply wont happen. unless that major is spanish.