volunteer experience

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2+ Year Member
Jul 26, 2019
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Hey guys, I am going to be applying for this cycle (just need orgo 2 and MCAT) and I have a couple of questions for anyone who'd be kind enough to help me out. I know its kind of a lot, but this crap has been burning on my mind and I cant seem to find definitive answers so far.

1) Is it mandatory/necessary to have a contact for each and every bit of experience on the app, such as volunteering or work? For example, I have volunteer experience, but do not have the contact info for the person who was in charge of it anymore, but its good experience and super different, so I want to use it.

2) When is it realistically the latest time to apply and the latest time to take MCAT (apparently takes 30 days to get results)? I've read June is like optimal, but I've also heard of people applying in like Oct, Nov, Dec, etc and getting in.

3) What is more important to admissions, volunteer or work experience? I have around 1100 scribing hours at a neuro clinic, but only a couple volunteer things (COVID ruined it for me when I was really trying to start volunteering tbh, and I've had no luck finding ANYTHING, which seems like it would just be another excuse to any admin staff)

4) Just any extra advice would be most excellent, if you've already taken the time to read/answer this far lol

Thanks in advance!

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1. Each experience in the portal will require name and contact information of your supervisor for the activities. Whether or not they check is another question

2. Best bet is to have primaries sent before mid to late July, obviously earlier is better, with secondary apps sent out within two weeks of receiving them. You will fight an uphill battle if you apply late.

3. Sounds like your scribe experience is a good one, but committees want to see altruism, and volunteering is super important in demonstrating that. It is possible to volunteer online.

4. I would ask for help for a school list so you don't waste time and money and prewrite secondaries because that was the worst part of the process for me. good luck!