University of Virginia Class of 2012

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Nov 22, 2007
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Hello! I'm very lucky to have been accepted here! Anyone else?

I'd LOVE to hear from UVA med students what they love or hate about the school. Preferably what they love :D but a balanced opinion is good.

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Hello! I'm very lucky to have been accepted here! Anyone else?

I'd LOVE to hear from UVA med students what they love or hate about the school. Preferably what they love :D but a balanced opinion is good.

Congrats on the acceptance! UVA MS1 here :) I'd have to say for the most part I'm very happy with my decision to come here. They completely revamped the anatomy course this year and unfortunately used our class as guinea pigs, but I think next year's course should go smoother. Other than that, med school has actually been a lot more fun than I expected (I think our completely P/F system helps a lot with that!) Feel free to PM me if you have any specific questions!
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anyone want to start a facebook group? who is certain about going here.

No thanks, I'd prefer that my online identity be as anonymous as possible :D

Are you going to UVA for sure? It's a lovely school with wonderful staff, but I hope the student body isn't as preppy as some of the undergrads. Or, at least, hopefully there's a decent percentage of non-prep to cancel out the former.
No thanks, I'd prefer that my online identity be as anonymous as possible :D

Are you going to UVA for sure? It's a lovely school with wonderful staff, but I hope the student body isn't as preppy as some of the undergrads. Or, at least, hopefully there's a decent percentage of non-prep to cancel out the former.

I'm pretty set on UVA given its respectability amongst residency directors and the quality of its graduates. I think many of the undergraduates will be uber prep as well as the matriculants in our class who went to UVA undergrad, but I thnk the majority won't have the pretentious holier than thou attitude.

Are you going for sure?
Actually, I know many UVA undergrads who are accepted to UVA med, and they're not preppy at all. Most of them are typical science majors who stumble caffeine-doped to class in pajamas every morning.

I think the majority of the uber-preps would be found in the humanities or business. At least from my experience sitting in a humanities class, I feel like the nerd in high school surrounded by all the stylish popular kids. Like one of those "Which one doesn't belong?" games ;) I wouldn't say that UVA students have a holier than thou attitude. A lot of them are really nice. It's just the popped collars and Jefferson-tradition thing that gets annoying after a while. Or maybe I'm just horribly unfashionable and don't care for traditions :)

In all likelihood, I'll be going to UVA as it's one of my first choices, but I'd like to at least hear from all my schools before jumping to conclusions.
I turned down Yale to come to UVA, and I have never once regretted my decision. This is an awesome school, with awesome people. We are really nothing like the undergrad population--- you'd be hard pressed to find a really preppy person. Everybody is down to earth and we all help each other and work together. I can't tell you how often a classmate e-mails the class with a chart pre-exams, or forwards a question they asked a professor. The faculty here (both in classroom and residents and attendings) are really great and all are definitely interested in teaching medicine. I've been here for a few years, and have loved my time here!!! Hope that helps!!!
I turned down Yale to come to UVA, and I have never once regretted my decision. This is an awesome school, with awesome people. We are really nothing like the undergrad population--- you'd be hard pressed to find a really preppy person. Everybody is down to earth and we all help each other and work together. I can't tell you how often a classmate e-mails the class with a chart pre-exams, or forwards a question they asked a professor. The faculty here (both in classroom and residents and attendings) are really great and all are definitely interested in teaching medicine. I've been here for a few years, and have loved my time here!!! Hope that helps!!!

i guess my biggest concern for UVA would be it's patient base. can you talk a bit about how being in the suburb/boonies affect the kind of patients you see?
hey guys,

i was wondering if uva has internal ranking for the 1st two years even tho it is p/f? can the uva students or anyone who knows answers?

hey guys,

i was wondering if uva has internal ranking for the 1st two years even tho it is p/f? can the uva students or anyone who knows answers?


Yup. If you're in something like the top 20% you get honors.
Nope, they got rid of that. It is completely pass/fail. They do keep track of class rank, and then the top 20% after 3 years get inducted into AOA (the national medical school honor society), but your transcript for the first 2 year will only say P/F.

Yup. If you're in something like the top 20% you get honors.
Nope, they got rid of that. It is completely pass/fail. They do keep track of class rank, and then the top 20% after 3 years get inducted into AOA (the national medical school honor society), but your transcript for the first 2 year will only say P/F.

Oops, my bad! I either misunderstood my tour guide, or he lied to me. Possibly the former.

So this AOA thing... I don't really know what it is, but I see it a lot. Does it pertain to every school? Like, the top 20% of every med school get into AOA, or do only certain schools participate?
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Different schools have different requirements and I don't think every med school even has AOA (I could be wrong). It's really not a big deal not to be in it except if you want to go into something super super competitive (like derm), so I wouldn't stress. Also, if you're tour guide was a 4th year, he wasn't lieing! They just changed it last year.

I know a couple of you pmed me questions while ago, but I didn't forget about you! I just need find some time to answer them!

Good luck everyone making a decision and congrats on the UVA acceptances!

Oops, my bad! I either misunderstood my tour guide, or he lied to me. Possibly the former.

So this AOA thing... I don't really know what it is, but I see it a lot. Does it pertain to every school? Like, the top 20% of every med school get into AOA, or do only certain schools participate?
Heyyy... I'm in here. I liked the school alot more than I thought I would, but I'm going to wait until 2nd look to make anymore decisions. Anyways, CONGRATS to everyone!
Heyyy... I'm in here. I liked the school alot more than I thought I would, but I'm going to wait until 2nd look to make anymore decisions. Anyways, CONGRATS to everyone!

When is 2nd look?
Hi fellow U.Va acceptees.

Just thought I'd bump this thread, and I have a question for any current U.Va students who may be lurking: how much time per day do you generally spend in class as MS1 and MS2 students? It looks like classes start at 8AM on most days.

Oh, and how religiously do people tend to go to class?

Classes usually go from 8-12 everyday, and one day a week you'll have Principles in Medicine (POM) in the afternoon. First semester you'll also have anatomy lab Monday afternoons.

Some people attend every class, and some only go to mandatory ones (labs, lectures with quizzes, ect.) I go to most classes because I feel like it's the most efficient way to keep up with the material, but the choice is really yours. MP3s and powerpoints of all the lectures are put up online, so you don't really have to go to class if you're not a morning person or it's just not your learning style.

Hi fellow U.Va acceptees.

Just thought I'd bump this thread, and I have a question for any current U.Va students who may be lurking: how much time per day do you generally spend in class as MS1 and MS2 students? It looks like classes start at 8AM on most days.

Oh, and how religiously do people tend to go to class?

Looks like my classmate tch001 is taking good care of y'all, but I just wanted to echo and say that I've really loved my experience here at UVa. I'm an OOS 1st year. All the good rumors are true! Feel free to PM me with any specific questions. You won't regret the decision to come here unless you absolutely love to be in a big metropolis type city or in a cutthroat environment.

Our class here is incredibly friendly, laid-back, and very smart. The faculty treat us well. I was shadowing a fellow up in the Transplant Clinic this afternoon. He went to school at UMass and did his residency at U o Rochester and said that he's noticed that both Rochester and UVa really go out of their way to cater to medical students. Yes, we're at the bottom of the totem pole, but we get treated far better than I would have ever imagined.

Above all, Charlottesville is a pretty sweet college town with a little bit of everything I need: restaurants, free tix to competitive ACC sports games, awesome health science library with great online resources, a ski resort less than an hour away, golfing, hiking, intramurals galore, tons of clubs and free lunches, and a bunch of people who will become friends for life.

For those who join us, come prepared for the adventure of your life, this is a fantastic school, great community, and a relaxed atmosphere. Go Hoos!
wahoo-wa! I'll be going there next year!

Actually, I'm starting to look for housing in the area-- kind of a pain in the ass. Anyone else doing the same? (at least online..)
When is 2nd look?

Sorry... I haven't been on here in awhile. Umm... I don't know. I spoke to someone in the office and she said that theywould send out that information in a few wks/mos. **Shrug**
also wanted to say welcome to everyone, i'm a MS4 here. i've loved UVa, or at least 95% of it. i'd be happy to answer questions/concerns or whatever else you've got. another good housing website for the area is
the honors and AOA question was asked above, and the school's policy can be found at: in short, the first 2 years is strictly pass/fail with no "honors." your class rank is known to the dean's office only, as the top 6 after 2 years automatically get AOA induction. you can read on the website but AOA is medicine's only national honor society and has chapters at most medical schools.
regarding patients, it's a huge patient pop and a giant referral radius. nearly the entire state of virginia (except dc area), some of west virginia, and northern north carolina refer their toughest/most interesting patients to uva. many people travel 2 hours, 4, or even 5+ to come to the hospital. we get most/all of the rare diseases, tough surgeries, high-risk obstetrics, and unknown pathologies within about an hour north, 5 hours west, 2 hours south, and a lot of up to 3 hours east.

lemme know what else is on ppl's mind.... cheers.
What's up everyone? UVA was my top-choice and I was extremely fortunate to have been accepted so early in the cycle back in November. I'm really excited about going there and since I know a few MS4's, I've already been down there 2 times after being accepted just to tour the school and town. I'm also in the process of trying to find housing and its a little harder than I expected. Congrats to everyone and I look forward to meeting you all.
so is anyone already looking for roommates?
I'm really not sure right now. I'm not very familiar with the area but was looking for people looking for a similar living situation as myself and go from there
I'm really not sure right now. I'm not very familiar with the area but was looking for people looking for a similar living situation as myself and go from there
check this:

generally, JPA and rugby/corner areas are closer to the health system.

here's a bus route map:
They happen to be changing the bus schedule next year, but they're still servicing the same stops, so it's not really going to be too different except that the schedules will be easier to follow (hopefully :))

And if anyone wants to know what places are noisy/quiet/safe etc... ask me.
Thanks. What's everyone thinking in terms of rent range?
We seem to have fewer posts than the other allopathic class threads. Where are all the future wahoos at?!
indeed... i'm a uva student and this is my homepage. everything you need or want to know is on this site, some of it restricted to current students.

Where does learning of the individual systems come in? Physio/CTS and/or Path/POM2? It's not listed seperately as it does for many other med schools where there is a class specifically 2nd year called GI or RESP or Hemonc
Where does learning of the individual systems come in? Physio/CTS and/or Path/POM2? It's not listed seperately as it does for many other med schools where there is a class specifically 2nd year called GI or RESP or Hemonc

physio and cts are both generally divided into organ systems as they're taught. during second year, the path and pom (pom is like a dx/rx/clinical practice course) and pharm courses often coordinate and usually discuss "GI" or "pulmonary" pathology/diagnosis/management at the same time.

the cirriculum is not "systems based" in the strict sense, where one course discusses anatomy and histology then pathology then diagnosis etc. i think the organization as it stands is pretty good.
so how do most of you guys plan to spend your time before med school starts? luckily for me im done with school until August !
so how do most of you guys plan to spend your time before med school starts? luckily for me im done with school until August !

As it stands, I'm working in the Pathology Dept. over in MR-5, so its not going to be much of a change of scenery come August...
For any of the lurking med students if you don't mind... what do you like the least about UVA?