Univ of Washington and Oregon Dental school


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Apr 10, 2011
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The first rule of UW is that you DO NOT talk about UW.

The second rule of UW is that you DO NOT talk about UW.
A little late, but OHSU is a great school with a long history of outstanding clinical work and research. Several of my friends go there and I have toured it several times. The only drawback is an aging facility and cramped quarters. They are currently fundraising to build a new school in a couple of years.

I don't see much discussion on these two schools, UofWashington and Oregon Health Dental school.

I am from CA and want to stay in West if I can.
would like to hear first hand experience from students of these two schools.

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I am curious about the future of UW school of dentistry... I have heard that they might be going through some tough times right now (financially?). I am not sure what this means or even if its true. Anyone heard anything?

If there are any current UW dental students on here, care to chime in about your school?

Thanks! :thumbup:
The first rule of UW is that you DO NOT talk about UW.

The second rule of UW is that you DO NOT talk about UW.

Hey Mao,
Remowilson has a sincere question. So if you feel that you can give an honest opinion about the school
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Hey Mao,
Remowilson has a sincere question. So if you feel that you can give an honest opinion about the school, then enter your post. If you can not do that, then don not bother to post your opinions.
I dont mean to enfringe your freedom of speech. But honestly, this is a forum for students and dentist to exchange ideas, so be open minded about it.
I believe Mao was trying to be funny by quoting Fight Club.


UW has been facing budget cuts across the board but the state budget crisis is especially hitting the dental school in the number of patients who are losing/have lost DSHS coverage.

Expect higher tuition rates for sure.
I believe Mao was trying to be funny by quoting Fight Club.


UW has been facing budget cuts across the board but the state budget crisis is especially hitting the dental school in the number of patients who are losing/have lost DSHS coverage.

Expect higher tuition rates for sure.

Thanks for the reply! I am assuming budget cuts will be in place soon enough. This said, I still think it will be cheaper for me to stay in state if I can. I am just hoping that there is not (large) adverse effects to the patient pool. How much more difficult will this make obtaining patients do you think? :(
If you know where to look you can find patients. There are plenty of cash patients in the Seattle area who would love to get it at UW to save 40% off their treatment. I have seen many of them in private practice.

No need to worry.

And yes, in-state tuition is the cheapest, why do you think it's so hard to get into UW?
They do not like to take out-of-staters. I spent 1st grade through college in WA, but am in the same boat as OOS now that I live in another state.

Maybe they'll start taking more non-Washingtonians since they're hurting financially?
Yes, that grammatically made no sense. I meant that's why it's so hard to get into UW. It's tough for in-staters too.
Yes, that grammatically made no sense. I meant that's why it's so hard to get into UW. It's tough for in-staters too.

Gotcha... that makes sense. I read that the wrong way.

Anybody know the secondary app process for UW?
My dentist went to UW and just got a letter saying that University of Washington in all is starting to accept more out of state students in all colleges to help pay for rising costs. So hint hint they will start accepting more out of state students. I live in WA and its my #1 but its the truth.

OHSU is building a new school on the waterfront and to help pay for it they also are going to start accepting close to 50% (estimate from dental students I have talked too at OHSU) out of state. I am at OHSU as I type in the ER volunteering and I guess the med school is doing the same. But OHSU is a pain in the butt for dental students since you have to do almost all your own lab work since it is big in research and lab stuff. So you work much harder.

UW and OHSU need money. Ya out of state, bad for instate.
UW has a smaller class size (low 60's) than other schools to begin with. In addition, the number of out-of-staters accepted per cycle is always less than ten. Unless you have out of this world scores as an outsider and your really love their program, I wouldn't spend the money for the app.
UW has a smaller class size (low 60's) than other schools to begin with. In addition, the number of out-of-staters accepted per cycle is always less than ten. Unless you have out of this world scores as an outsider and your really love their program, I wouldn't spend the money for the app.

Plus its a whichi state, no idea how to spell it. Where people from Idaho, Alaska, blah blah get priority too.. Kind of lame. So If you state has a state school... Best of luck applying to either OHSU or UW
The OHSU Dental School is insular. OHSU itself is the largest organization in the state of Oregon, after the state government. This means they have a lot of political clout. I would argue that this is reflected in an arrogant attitude from the top down. Students are not treated with respect. I'm sure someone will disagree with me here. But at least half the students hate the place because they/we feel/felt disrespected.

If a large number of students are dissatisfied at other schools, then maybe its just DS in general. I don't know what it's like at other schools, but I know that at OHSU there is a general fear amongst the students.

The administration does things like pass students up through the years and then kick them out during their fourth year. This isn't for cheating, this is for general lack of skill. Cheaters can still graduate. The students who get kicked out fourth year are "low performers" but their performance was low for the first three years while the school took the money, allowing the student to pile on debt. They have a history of kicking out the "low-performers" as late as spring of senior year.

Again, I'm sure there is a highly decorated student out there who can discount everything I'm saying, but if you aren't the best, merely average-in-dental-school, then consider what I'm saying before you apply.

All of this said, you do get a lot of hands on experience in being a dentist. If I had it to do over, I would still choose this school, but one should know what one is getting into in advance.

Plus: Lots of hands on experience relative to other schools (we're told at least). You will know how to be a dentist if you make it through this school.

Neg: Arrogance of the administration, many supervising dentists--a culture that reinforces itself.
Do you guys know if UWSOD started interviewing applicants?
Do you guys know if UWSOD started interviewing applicants?
No. They haven't started notifying for interviews yet. Should be any day now. Last year they started emailing people the week after labor day but there have been a lot of budget cuts so admissions is a little behind.
Do you guys know if UWSOD started interviewing applicants?

They started sending out interview invites this morning. The earliest interview date is October 10th. Good luck to everyone!! :thumbup:
If you have strong reasons that you want to attend UWSOD instead of a Ca school, then definitely apply. Offers were made to out-of-state, non WICHE applicants last cycle. Its about how passionate you are about attending the school
Thanks for the reply! I am assuming budget cuts will be in place soon enough. This said, I still think it will be cheaper for me to stay in state if I can. I am just hoping that there is not (large) adverse effects to the patient pool. How much more difficult will this make obtaining patients do you think? :(

I'm seeing a growing impact to 3rd years as the pt pool is negatively impacted. A lot of cases that would have been handed down to them are sticking with the 4th years, as THEY were shorted on pts last year. I was told that there was supposed to be a big screening drive for pts for the 3rd years but it didn't happen.

It's tough at UW, and it is going to get tougher. More cuts announced last week. If you are ambitious you will probably do OK but I feel for the out-of-staters who won't know where to look for pts, or for those that don't have vollie experience who know their way around town.
I'm seeing a growing impact to 3rd years as the pt pool is negatively impacted. A lot of cases that would have been handed down to them are sticking with the 4th years, as THEY were shorted on pts last year. I was told that there was supposed to be a big screening drive for pts for the 3rd years but it didn't happen.

It's tough at UW, and it is going to get tougher. More cuts announced last week. If you are ambitious you will probably do OK but I feel for the out-of-staters who won't know where to look for pts, or for those that don't have vollie experience who know their way around town.

Hmmm. This worries me. :( This makes me lean towards going to a little more expensive school that has a larger patient base. We will see I guess.